영단어 | 라틴어 표현 |
wicked | pravus, improbus, malus peior pessimus, scelestus |
wickedness | scelus sceleris, nequitia nequities |
wide | latus, prolixus, laxus, fusus |
widely | laxe, penitus, late |
wideness | laxitas |
widowed | viduata |
widowhood | viduatus |
wife | uxor |
wild | effrenus, ferus, indomitus, efferus |
wild goat | oryx |
wild grape vine | labrusca |
wildly | truculenter |
wildness | feritas |
will | volo, nutus, animus, voluntas |
will / gravitation | nutus |
willing | volens |
willingly | libenter, sponte, grate |
win | lucror, vinco vici victum |
wind | ventus |
window | fenestra |
window shutter | luminare |
windy | ventosus |
wine | vinum |
wine.drinking | crapula |
wing | penna |
wing.footed | pennipes |
winged | pennatus, penniger, volaticus |
winner | victor |
winnowing | ventagium |
winnowing fan | ventorium |
wipe out | deleo |
wisdom | sapientia, consilium, prudentia |
wise | sapiens, prudens |
wisely | sapienter, prudenter |
wish | votum, desiderium, cupio, voluntas |
wish for | opto |
wish for greatly | desidero |
wish not to | nolo |
wit | sal, lepor lepos |
witch | lamia |
with | per, cum |
with difficulty | vix, aegre egre (adv.) |
with feathers | pennatus, penniger |
with few means | pauper |
with great effort | laboriose |
with pleasure | libenter |
with security | caute |
with spirit | ferociter |
with the understanding that | per sic quod |
with trepidation | trepide |
with which | quicum |
with whom | quicum |
withdraw | secedo, concedo, abduco, abstulo, recedo |
withdrawal / departure | decessio |
wither away | morior |
withered | vietus |
within | intus |
within bounds | modestus, modicus, modica |
without | foras, sine, absque (+ ablative) |
without a bridle | infrenatus |
without a lord | incommendatus |
without a protector | incommendatus |
without asking advise | inconsultus |
without blame | inculpatus |
without bloodshed | incruente |
without bounds | infinitus |
without color | decolor |
without compare | incomparabilis |
without consideration | inconsiderate |
without delay | confestim |
without difficulty | facile |
without end | intemporaliter, aeternus eternus |
without fame | inglorius |
without fear | fidens |
without flaw | perfectus |
without followers | incomitatus |
without merit | immerito |
without reason | frustra |
without remission | adsidue assidue |
without respect | impius |
without stain | purus |
without thought | inconsideratus |
withstand /stop | subsisto |
witness | testimonium, testis |
wittily | lepide |
witty | lepidus, salsus |
wizard | veneficus |