
English - Latin Word (단어, 표현)



영단어 라틴어 표현
habit adsuetudo
habit /intimacy consuetudo
habitual solitus
habituate consuesco
hailstorm grano; onis
hair capillus, saeta, crinis
hair of the head coma
hairy pilosus
half dimidium
halt subsisto, claudeo, confuto
halter laqueum, capistrum
Hames Heniis Harniis
hammer in pango
hand manus manus
hand over prodo
hand to hand comminus
handle contrecto
handle /treat tracto
handsome pulcher pulchra pulchrum, bellus, speciosus
handsomely puchre
handwriting manus manus
hang suspendo suspendi suspensum
hanging pensilis
hanging around /chair sessio
happen occuro, evenio
happen to contingo
happen/go away cedo
happily feliciter, grate, fortunate
happiness gaudium
happy gauisus, fortunatus, felix felicis
harass fatigo
harbinger praenuntius
hard durus, edurus, difficilis
hard.working industrius
hard stone silex silicis (med. cilicis)
harden congelo
hardened by age inveteratus
hardip labor
hardly aegre egre (adv.), vix
hardness rigor
hare lepus
harlot meretrix meretricis
harm vulnero
harmonious consonum
harmony consensio
harness capistrum
harness /to mate iungo iunxi iunctum
harrass pungo pupugi punctum
harrowing occatio
harsh durus, asper
harshness acerbitas
harvester messor
hashness atrocitas
Hasnon Hasnonium
haste festinatio
hasten vado, accelero, contendo
hastening festinus
hastily cursim
hasty festinus
hatchet securis
hate contemno
hated invisus
hateful invisus
hatred odium
hatred /censure invidia
hauberk [a coat of chain mail] lorica
haughtiness fastosus
haughty celsus, superbus
have an aversion to fastidio
have compassion compatior
have confidence in confido
have enough to do satago
have influence possum posse potum
have on show promptu
have one's hands full satago
have power valeo
have recourse to confugo
have the upper hand supero
having a set or standard form formalis
having been brought allatus (=adfero)
having inherited relictus
having large lips labiosus
hay faenum
haye saepe
hazardous periculosus



