영단어 | 라틴어 표현 |
to | tenus, procul, gratia |
to a greater extent | magis |
to abuse | abutor |
to accompany | comito |
to accuse | accuso |
to accuse / complain of | criminor |
to accuse falsely | calumnior |
to accustom | consuesco, assuesco, consuefacio |
to acquire | acquiro |
to act a part | personam gero |
to act as a support | furcillo |
to act foolishly | desipio |
to add | adjicio |
to add something | appono |
to add together | consummo |
to adhere | cohaero cohero cohesi cohesum |
to adhere to | inhaeresco inheresco |
to adjust | accommodo |
to admit | admitto |
to affect | adficio |
to aggravate | exulcero |
to agree | consentio, condico |
to aid | adservio |
to allow | annuo, permitto permissi permissum |
to allure | lacto |
to amend | emendo |
to announce | nuntio, edico |
to announce officially | denuntio |
to answer | respondeo respondi responsum |
to answer for | praesto presto |
to anticipate | precipio, praesumo presumo |
to appear | ebullio |
to apply marl to the soil | maro |
to apply oneself | incumbo |
to appoint a person | appono |
to appoint ahead of time | praefinio |
to approach | adeo, accedo, succedo |
to approve | approbo |
to approve fully/ to confirm | comprobo |
to arise | proficiscor, emergo |
to arise in succession | suborior |
to arrange | dispono, constituo |
to arrive | supervenio |
to ascend | escendo, conscendo |
to ask | rogo, postulo |
to ask for | requiro, peto |
to ask for / to pay out | erogo |
to ask someone to do something | rogo eum ut +subjunctive |
to ask the advice of | consulto |
to assail | invado |
to assemble | concilio |
to assert | contendo, firmo |
to assist | adsum |
to assume it shall be | oportet |
to attack | infesto, impugno, prosequor (prosecutus), impeto |
to attend | ministro |
to attract | delecto |
to authorize | licentio |
to avenge | vindico |
to avoid | vito, devito |
to awake | incedo |
to awaken /be alert | evigilo |
to bark | latro |
to be | sum fui futurus |
to be a public crier | praeconor |
to be a servant | famulor |
to be a slave | inservio |
to be a slave to | servio |
to be able | queo, possum posse potum |
to be able to | ualeo |
to be above | supero |
to be absent | absum |
to be accustomed | soleo, solito |
to be afraid | vereor |
to be after | continuo |
to be an informant | quadruplor |
to be angry | irascor iratus |
to be appropriate | competo |
to be ashamed | pudeo |
to be at the head of | praesum presum |
to be awake | vigilo |
to be away | absum |
to be before | praesum |
to be boiling hot | ferveo |
to be born | generasco, nascor nasci natus |
to be bound by | debeo |
to be clear | pateo, promptu |
to be deceived | frustra esse |
to be diifferent | discrepo |
to be dirty | sordeo |
to be easy | promptu |
to be established | consto |
to be failed by | fefello |
to be formed of | consisto |
to be free from work | vaco |
to be hard | obduro |
to be horrified | exhorresco |
to be hungry | esurio |
to be ignorant | nescio |
to be ignorant of | ignoro |
to be impossible | nequeo |
to be in heat | subo |
to be in or on | insum |
to be in want | deficio, deficio |
To be inclined to do | faveo |
to be laid open | patesco |
to be like | exaequo exequo |
to be missing | absum |
to be mistaken | frustra esse |
to be morally bound to | debeo |
to be moved | cito |
to be near | subsum subesse |
to be obedient to | pareo |
to be of the opinion of | opinor |
to be open | pateo |
to be pained | doleo |
to be produced | generasco |
to be punished | plector |
to be ready | promptu |
to be reduced to | redeo |
to be revealed | patesco, pateo |
to be ruined | concido |
to be seen | videor |
to be silent | taceo tacuitacitum, taceo |
to be sluggish | torpeo |
to be sold | venalis |
to be still | sileo |
to be strong | polleo, valeo |
to be subject to | subservio |
to be sufficient | sufficio |
to be superfluous | supersum |
to be sure | videlicet, quippe, sane |
to be sure /however | vero |
to be terrified | formido |
to be thirsty | sitio |
to be told | didico |
to be troublesome | incommodo |
to be unlike one's kind | degenero |
to be unsure | hesito (haesito) |
to be unwilling | nolo |
to be useful | prosum, prosum (profuturus) |
to be valued at | liceo |
to be very abundant | superabundo.avi |
to be well | salveo |
to be without hope | despero |
to be wrathful | irascor iratus |
to beak | infringo infregi infractum |
to bear | perfero, defero |
to become acquainted with | nosco |
to become bright again | relucesco |
to become dirty | sordesco |
to become dry | exaresco |
to become heavy | ingravesco |
to become hot | fervesco |
to become know | innotesco |
to become lean | macresco |
to become soft | lentesco |
to become tired | lasesco |
to become very much afraid | pertimesco |
to become violent | crudesco |
to become visible | appareo |
to beg by entreaty | deprecor |
to beget | genero |
to begin | incoho, ordior, coepto |
to begin to bristle | inhorresco |
to begin to shine | nitesco |
to behead | decollo |
to believe /trust | credo |
to bellow | rudo |
to bend | curvo, incurvo, inclino, vergo, lento |
to beset | circumvenio |
to bewail | defleo |
to bewitch | fascino |
to bind | ligo |
to bind below | subligo |
to bind on beneath | subnecto |
to bind together | iugo, constrictio |
to blame | reprehendo, culpo, arguo |
to bleat | balo |
to bleed (someone) | minuo |
to bless | fortuno |
to blossom | effloresco |
to blow | inflo |
to blush to | erubesco |
to boil down | decoquo |
to boil up | ebullio, effervo |
to bore | foro |
to bore through | terebro |
to both sides | utroque |
to break | rumpo, effringo |
to break in pieces | frango |
to break off | abrumpo |
to break open | erumpo |
to break out | erumpo |
to break through | perfringo |
to break up | to distraho, dimitto, corrumpo, discedo |
to breathe out | efflo |
to breathe upon | inhalo |
to bridle | infreno |
to bring | arcesso; accerso, induco, defero, affero |
to bring again | refero |
to bring as expected | refero |
to bring back a message | refero retuli relatum |
to bring forth | gigno (genuit) |
to bring forward | offero |
to bring to naught | casso |
to bring together | cogo, confero |
to bring up | suggero |
to bristle | inhorreo |
to build | molior |
to build beneath | substruo |
to built in | instruo |
to burn | ustilo ustulo |
to burn up | peruro perussi perustum, comburo |
to bury | tumulo |
to buy | emo emi emptum |
to buy up | emercor |
to calculate | duco |
to call | voco, appello, nuncupo, clamo |
to call away | devoco, avoco |
to call back | revoco |
to call into question | voco in dubium |
to call out to | increpito |
to call together | convoco |
to call upon | posco |
to cancel | oblittero |
to capture | expugno |
to care for | curo |
to carry | gero, gesto, fero tuli latum, veho vexi vectum |
to carry away | aveho, aufero |
to carry back | refero |
to carry in | infero |
to carry in front | praefero |
to carry off | asporto, deporto |
to carry on | proveho |
to carry out | profero, effero |
to carry through | peracto |
to catch sight of | conspicio |
to cause | adfero affero |
to cause to degenerate | degenero |
to cause to stand | statuo |
to change | muto |
to charm | duco |
to chatter | garrio |
to check | confuto |
to cheer | laeto leto |
to cherish / to warm | foveo |
to chew the cud | rumino |
to chide | increpo |
to chirp | pipio |
to choke | praefoco |
to choose | malo mallui malus, malo |
to choose out | diligo |
to clean | mundo, purgo |
to cleanse | defaeco |
to clear | puto |
to cling to | cohaereo |
to close | occludo |
to clothe | vestio vestivi vestitum |
to collect | colligo |
to collide with | incurso |
to color | coloro |
to comb | pecto |
to comb back | repecto |
to come | advenio |
to come /happen | venio |
to come around | circumvenio |
to come back | revenio |
to come before | praevenio; prevenio |
to come near | propinquo |
to come often | ventito |
to come to | prevenire, devenio |
to come to a boil | infervesco |
to come to pass | evenio |
to come to the aid | subvenio |
to come up to | adipiscor |
to come up to aid | subvenio |
to come upon | invenio |
to commit | mando |
to commit oneself to | se astringo |
to compare | contendo, comparo |
to compel | cogo |
to complain | queror |
to complain /contain | postulo |
to complain excessively | queritor |
to complain loudly | conqueror |
to complete | perpetro |
to compress /to press around | stipo |
to conceal | dissimulo |
to concede | concedo |
to concur | concurro |
to condemn | damno, judico |
to condescend | summitto |
to conduct oneself | se gero |
to confess | fateor, confiteor confessus |
to confine | claudo (clausus) |
to confirm | confirmo |
to confuse | conturbo |
to confute /restrain | confuto |
to congeal | congelo |
to conquer | evinco |
to consecrate | devoveo |
to consider | delibero, reputo |
to consider carefully | consulto |
to consider oneself indebted | accipio |
to contend | decerto, contendo, certo |
to contian | contineo |
to continue | pergo |
to continue eating | esito |
to convert | converto |
to cool | tepesco |
to cough | tussio |
to count | deputo, enumero |
to cover | tego texi tectum, contego |
to covet | concupisco |
to cram | effercio |
to crawl | repere |
to create | creo |
to creep | repo repsi reptum |
to creep out | erepo |
to crouch down | subsido |
to crowd | frequento |
to crowd in | inculco |
to crown | redimio |
to cry | flere |
to cry aloud | vociferor |
to cultivate | recolo |
to cut | seco, scindo |
to cut away | subseco |
to cut back | reseco |
to cut down | decido |
to cut into | infindo infidi infissum |
to cut off | abscido |
to cut short | praecido |
to cut the throat | iuguolo |
to cut through | perseco |
to dare. (part. ausus ) | audeo |
to deceive | frustro |
to decide | decerno |
to declaim | declamo |
to declare | renuntio |
to declare in public | protestor; protesto |
to decrease | decresco |
to dedicate | dedico, consecro |
to defend | defendo |
to define | designo |
to delay | differo, cunctor |
to deliver together | contrado |
to demand | deposco depoposci, desposco, expeto |
to demolish | diruo |
to demonstrate | convinco |
to deny | abnego, infitias ire, nego, renuo |
to deny /deny a debt | infitior |
to deny by oath | abiuro |
to depart | digredior digredi digressus, proficiscor |
to depart from | discedo |
to depend on | consisto |
to deposit | repono |
to deprive | privo, viduo |
to deserve | promereo |
to desire | opto, cupio |
to destroy | subvertio, diruo, deleo, everto, aboleo, perdo |
to die | abolesco, morior |
to differ | discrepo |
to dig in | infodio infodi infossum |
to dig out | effodio |
to dig up | eruo |
to digress | abeo |
to dine | ceno |
to direct | adicio, tendo |
to discharge one's duties | defungo |
to disclose | patefacio |
to disclose fully | comperio |
to disembowel | eviscero |
to disgrace | inhonesto |
to disinherit | exheredo |
to dislike | fastidio |
to dismember | discerpo, conseco |
to dismiss | amitto |
to distinguish | dignosco dignosco |
to distribute | distribuo |
to disturb | turbo, perturbo |
to dive | urino |
to do | efficio, praesto presto |
to do harm to | noceo |
to do penance | penitio |
to do thoroughly | perficio |
to do wrong | pecco |
to do/contrive evil | maligo.are |
to double | gemino |
to doubt | dubito |
to drag | pertraho, traho, tracto |
to draw | duco |
to draw back | retraho, removeo |
to draw blood | minuo |
to draw out | educo, evoco, protraho (protractus) |
to draw over | obduco |
to draw to an end | vergo |
to draw together | substringo, adstringo |
to dream /(+ acc.) to dream of | somnio |
to drink | bibo |
to drink up | combibo |
to drive against | impello |
to drive away | exturbo |
to drive back | repello |
to drive before one | propello |
to drive off | abigo |
to drive out | expello (expuli expulsum ) |
to drive together | compello |
to dry up | sicco |
to eat | edo edi essum, pappo, vesco; vescor |
to eat breakfast | iento |
to eat greedily | voro |
to eat up | comedo comedi comesum |
to embrace | amplector, comprehendo |
to emerge | exsisto |
to encourage | cohortor |
to endure | perfero pertulit |
to engender | progigno progenui progenitum |
to enjoy | fruor |
to enlarge | profero, amplio, prolato |
to enrich | locupleto, dito, dito |
to entangle | impedo |
to enter | ineo |
to enter upon | ingredior |
to entice | prolecto |
to entreat for | deprecor |
to entrust | comitto |
to envy | invideo |
to equip | orno |
to erect | erigo ; erexi |
to escape | subterfugio |
to establish | instituo, indo (past indidi), statuo |
to examine | cognosco, dissero |
to exceed | excedo |
to excite | incito, permoveo |
to excuse oneself / curse | deprecor |
to execute | exsequor |
to execute completely | perfruor |
to exempt from blame | excuso |
to exhibit | ostendo |
to explain | declaro |
to extend | intendo |
to exult | exulto |
to fabricate | confingo |
to fail | delinquo, desum, deficio |
to fall | cado, occido, decumbo, caedo, occumbo |
to fall asleep | obdormio |
to fall back upon | redeo |
to fall down | concido, accido |
to fall down / fall dead | decido |
to fall ill | aegresco egresco |
to fall in love with | adamo |
to fall in or on | incido |
to fall into | venio |
to fall to the ground | corruo |
to fall upon | expeto, ingruo |
to fan /to wave something | ventilo |
to fasten down | destino |
to fasten together | compescor |
to fear | metuo, timeo |
to feast | epulor, epulor |
to feed | vesco; vescor |
to fertilize /cheer | laetifico letifico |
to fight | pugno |
to fight against | oppugno |
to fighten | territo |
to fill | saturo, expleo explevi expletum |
to fill up | farci; farci; fartum, impleo, compleo |
to finish | compleo |
to fish out | expiscor |
to fit | apto |
to fix | pango, infigo, constituo |
to fix the limits of | determino |
to flash | fulgeo (fulsi ) |
to flatter | blandior |
to flee | terga dare, fugio, confugo, evolo |
to flee/ interpret | verto |
to flow | mano, fluo |
to flow away | defluo |
to flow down | defluo |
to flow in /to rush in | influo influi influxum |
to flow out | emanio |
to fly | volo |
to fold | plico |
to fold together | complico |
to follow | insequor, sequor sequi secutus |
to follow after | subsequor |
to follow to the grave | exsequor exequor |
to forbid | interdico |
to force | coacto |
to foresee | provideo |
to foretell | praenuntio |
to form | effingo |
to form again | reformo |
to forsake | desolo, derelinquo |
to fortify | munio |
to foster | foveo |
to free | eximo |
to free from a snare | expedio |
to freeze | gelo |
to frighten | terreo |
to fulfill | adimpleo |
to furnish | suborno, exorno, commodo |
to gab | effutio |
to gain | lucror, percipio percepi perceptum |
to gape /yearn for | inhio |
to gather | lego |
to gather strength | invalesco |
to gather together | contraho, congrego |
to get | impetro |
to get again | reperio |
to get into a certain state | venio |
to get up | surgo surrexi surrectum |
to get wet | madesco |
to give | munero/munerior, addo, do dare dedi datum |
to give a nod to | innuo |
to give a ruling | statuo |
to give again | retribuo |
to give back | reddo, redono |
to give duration | invetero |
to give orders | impero |
to give out | tribuo |
to give way | labasco |
to gleam faintly | subluceo |
to glide away | subterlabor |
to glorify | glorifico |
to glory | glorior |
to glut oneself | ingurgito |
to gnash one's teeth | frendo |
to gnash the teetch | infrendeo |
to go | eo ire itum, cedo, praecedo |
to go ahead | procedo |
to go apart | secedo |
to go away | absisto, abeo |
to go back | reverto, redeo, recipio recepi receptum, recedo |
to go before | praeire, praeeo |
to go by | pretereo |
to go forth | progredior |
to go inland | escendo |
to go off to | ingero |
to go out | procedo, egredior, evado |
to go over | transeo |
to go to | aggredior |
to go to bed | cubitum ire |
to go to meet | obviam ire |
to go to see | inviso |
To go up and down | commeo |
to goad | instigo |
to grab | capto |
to grant | cedo cessi cessum |
to grasp | comprehendo, teneo |
to graze | pasco |
to grieve | mador maero |
to groan | ingemisco, ingemo, mugio |
to grow | cresco |
to grow accustomed to | adsuesco assuesco |
to grow fat | pinguesco |
to grow in | incresco |
to grow in or on | inolesco |
to grow mild | mitesco |
to grow old | consenesco |
to grow out of | subnascor |
to grow strong | increbresco |
to grow thickly | exubero |
to grow tired | defetiscor (defessus) |
to grow up | subolesco |
to growl | infremo |
to grumble | mussito |
to guide | rego rexi rectum |
to hack | accido |
to halter | capistro |
to hand over | defero |
to handle | tractare |
to hang | pendeo |
to hang over | impendeo, incubo, immineo |
to hang to | adhaero |
to happen | evello, accido, contigo |
to happen to mention | incido in mentionem |
to harass | lacesso, peragito, perago |
to harden | duro |
to hasten | festino, propero |
to hasten / accelerate | propero |
to hate | odio |
to have | habeo habui habitum, gero |
to have a bad odor | feteo |
to have been | abeo |
to have frequently /dwell | habito |
to have no hope | despero |
to have read | promptu |
to have the benefit of | fruor |
to have the habit of | solito |
to heal | medicor, sano |
to hear | audio |
to heat | fervefacio |
to help | iuvo, adiuvo |
to herald | praeconor |
to hide | abscondo, occulto, celo |
to hint at | innuo |
to hit | pello pepulli pulsum |
to hit hard | everbero |
to hobble | claudeo |
to hold | teneo, statuo, obtineo, contineo |
to hold back | retineo, contineo |
to hold in | inhibeo |
to hold up | sustineo |
to hollow out | concavo |
to honor (a deity) | excolo |
to hope for | spero |
to howl loudly | exululo |
to hunger / long for | esurio |
to hunt | venor |
to hurl | conicio |
to hurl against | impingo |
to ignore | dissimulo |
to imitate | imitor |
to impede | retardo |
to implore | obtestor |
to impress upon one. to remind | commoneo |
to increase | augeo |
to indicate | demonstro |
to infer | infero |
to inform fully | edoceo |
to inhabit | incolo, inhabito |
to injure | adflicto affligo |
to insinuate | insinuo |
to instruct | praecipio, doceo docui doctum |
to intermingle | commisceo |
to invite | invito |
to irritate | irrito |
to join | iungo iunxi iunctum, subjungo |
to join (together) | continuo |
to join connect | adjungo |
to joke | ioco iocor |
to judge | sentio, probatur, iudico |
to keep from | tempero |
to keep in | contineo |
to keep on | teneo |
to keep oneself | se habere |
to keep togethere | contineo |
to kill | neco, leto, evito |
to kill cruelly | trucido |
to kindle | accendo, succendo |
to knock | offendo |
to knock down | prosterno |
to know | scio |
to know again | agnosco |
to lad out colonists | deduco |
to lamen | ploro |
to land | appello |
to last endure | eduro |
to laugh at | inrideo, derideo, rideo risi risum |
to lay | pono posui positum |
to lay aside | exuo |
to lay out | impendo |
to lay to a charge | imputo |
to lay waste | evasto, depopulo |
to lead | induco.are, duco, adduco, abduco |
to lead back | reduco |
to lead in | induco indux inductum, introduco |
to lead on the march | duco |
to lead through | perduco |
to lean against /strive | nixor |
to leap | tripudio |
to leap at or on /revile | insulto |
to learn | disco, comperio |
to leave | desero |
to leave behind | relinquo |
to leave desolate | desolo |
to leave off | cesso, desino (desiit) |
to less | minuo minui minutum |
to let down | summitto, demitto |
to let go | promitto |
to let go forward | promitto |
to let go without reins | effreno |
to let slip | omitto |
to liberate | vindico |
to lick /(of rivers) to wash | lambo |
to lie | iaceo |
to lie down | cubo |
to lie down often | cubito |
to lie hidden | latito |
to lie or lean upon | incumbo |
to lift (an obstacle) | libero |
to lift again | relevo |
to lift up | tollo sustuli sublatum, extollo |
to limp | claudeo |
to listen to | exaudio |
to live | vivo vixi victum |
to load | onero |
to loiter | demoror |
to long for | desidero |
to look at | considero, aspicio, specto |
to look at attentively | intueor |
to look back | respicio |
to look down | despicio |
to look for | exspecto |
to look into the distance | prospicio |
to look over | pervideo pervidi pervisum |
to look to the interests of | consulo |
to look upward at | suspicio |
to loosen | solvo, relaxo |
to lose | perdo |
to love | amo |
to lure forth | prolicio prolixi |
to lure out | expalpo |
to magnify | macto |
to maintain | exsequor, sustento |
to make | facio |
to make a bargain or agreement | paciscor |
to make a face | subringor |
to make a mound | aggero |
to make an agreement | paciscor |
to make an oath | iuro |
to make anew | novo |
to make bloody | cruento |
to make bright or clear | claro |
to make cheerful | exhilaro |
to make clear | promptu |
to make dark | infusco |
to make dizzy | caligo |
to make fit | commodo |
to make for | peto |
to make full use of | abutor |
to make greater | adaugeo |
to make happy | fortuno |
to make known | narro |
to make losses good/ fulfil | expleo |
to make mild or ripe | mitigo |
to make progress | proficio |
to make sad | tristifico |
to make sad or gloomy | contristo |
to mark beneath | subnoto |
to mark out | contemplor |
to marvel at | miror |
to mean | volo (sibi velle) |
to melt | tabesco |
to miss | desidero, quaero quero |
to mitigate | lenio |
to mix | misceo miscui mixtum |
to mix properly | tempero |
to mock | deludo, illudo.si.sum, illudo illusi illusum |
to mourn | lugeo |
to move | moveo moti motum |
to move away | emoveo, amoveo |
to move to | admoveo |
to move violently | commoveo, concito |
to multiply by five | quinquiplico |
to near | appropinquo |
to need | egeo |
to nod | annuo |
to nod assent | adnuo |
to notice secretly | subsentio |
to obliterate | annullo |
to obtain | adepto, usurpo |
to obtain by service | emerio |
to occupy oneself | fungor; fungi; functus |
to occur | occuro |
to occur / run to meet | occurro |
to offer | praebeo, obicio obieci obiectum |
to offer a price | liceor |
to offer to buy | liceor |
to omit | omitto |
to oppose | adversor |
to oppress | gravo |
to order | iubeo iussi iussum |
to overcome | convinco |
to overflow | redundo, exundo |
to overwhelm | obruo |
to owe | debeo |
to paint | pingo |
to pander | lenocinor |
to pass | abeo |
to pass away | pereo |
to pass betond | praetorgredior |
to pass over | praetereo |
to pass through | permeo, perlustro |
to pass time | degero |
to pay a creditor | satago |
to penetrate /sting | pungo pupugi punctum |
to perish | intereo, depereo |
to persecute | persequor |
to persist | persisto, persevero, persto |
to persuade | persuadeo persuasi persuasum |
to pertain to | pertineo |
to pick out | eligo |
to pity | misereo |
to placate | placo |
to place | loco, impono, colloco |
to place /leave in the lurch | destituo |
to place an interdict | interdico |
to place between | interpono |
to place near | appono |
to plan | incogito |
to plant | ingenero |
to play | ludo |
to play the fool | ineptio |
to plead urgently | efflagito |
to please | placeo |
to plow | aro |
to plow up | exaro |
to pluck | velico, carpo |
to pluck off / to gather | decerpo |
to plunder | depraedor depredor |
to poison | inficio infeci infectum |
to polish | erudio |
to pollute | contamino |
to pollute with guilt | sceleratus |
to possess | potior |
to pour | fundo |
to pour forth | profundo frofui profusum |
to pour out | effundo |
to pour together | confundo |
to praise | laudo |
to praise exaggerate /decorate | extollo |
to pray | precor |
to preach | praedicare |
to precede | praecedo |
to prepare | praeparo, paro |
to preserve | conservo |
to press down | praemo, deprimo (depressus) |
to press heavily upon | praegravo |
to press together | arto |
to press upon | conitor |
to prevail upon a person | exoro |
to prevent | prohibeo |
to prick | fodio, pungo pupugi punctum |
to pride oneself | glorior |
to proclaim | indico, pronuntio |
to produce | promo prompsi promptum, progenero, exhibeo exibeo |
to promise | polliceor |
to promise to God | voveo vovi votum |
to prosecute to the end | perago |
to prosper | fortuno |
to protect | patrocinor |
to provide arms | armo |
to publish | evulgo |
to puff up | tumeo |
to pull | vello |
to pull apart | distraho distraxi distractum |
to punish | plecto, punio |
to pursue eagerly | insto |
to put a mark upon | insignio |
to put after | postpono, posthabeo |
to put down | depono, subiecto, refero |
to put in motion | agito |
to put in place of | suppono subpono |
to put into | penetro |
to put next | sustituo |
to put off | prodico |
to put to flight | fugo |
to put to shame | infamo |
to put together | compono |
to put under | suppono subpono, subiecto |
to putrefy | putesco |
to quarrel | litigo |
to quicken | accelero |
to rage | saevio |
to rain | pluo |
to raise | levo, attollo |
to raise up | suscipio, subrigo; subrexi subrectum |
to ransom | rependo |
to rattle | crepito |
to ravish | constupro |
to reach | pervenio |
to reach the prime of life | iuvenesco |
to read again | relego relegi relectum |
to read aloud | recito |
to rebuke | increpito |
to recall | recolo |
to receive | ascisco |
to recognize | agnosco, recognosco |
to recommend | suadeo |
to recreate | recro |
to redeem | redimo |
to redouble | ingemino |
to reflect | consulo |
to reflect upon | meditor |
to refuse | recuso, denego, recuso |
to regain | recupero |
to reject | repuo |
to rejoice | laetor letor, gaudeo |
to release | expedio |
to relieve / release | laxo |
to remain | remaneo, supersum, maneo |
to remain behind | remaneo |
to remember | memini meminisse, commoneo, recordor |
to remind | commemoro |
to remove | diluo |
to render old | invetero |
to renew | resumo (resumpsi; resumptum) |
to renounce | abdico |
to rent | capio |
to repair | redintegro, resarcio |
to repay | remuneror |
to repeal | abrogo |
to repeat | reddo, itero |
to replenish | repleo |
to require | indigeo |
to resist | resisto |
to respect | vereor |
to rest | nitor, requietum, quiesco |
to restore | reparo, reconcilio |
to return | revertor reverti reversus |
to return to | repeto |
to revive | renovo |
to revoke | infectum reddere |
to ride on horseback | equito |
to rise | exorior |
to rise up | insurgo insurgi insurrectum |
to root out | eradico |
to rout | fundo |
to rub | tero trivi tritum |
to ruin | sepelio, accido, comburo |
to rule | rego rexi rectum |
to run back and forth | curso |
to run into | incurro |
to run riot | lascivio |
to run up and down | cursito |
to run up under /aid | succurro |
to rush | ruo |
to rush back and forth | volito |
to rush in | inruo irruo |
to rush into | irruo |
to sacrifice | facio |
to sadden | contristo |
to sail | navigo, veho |
to sail downstream | decurro |
to sanctify | sanctifico |
to satisfy | satio |
to say | loquor, dico |
to say back | refero |
to say often | dicto, dictito |
to scare | territo |
to scatter | comminuo |
to scorn | illudo.si.sum, sperno sprevi spretum |
to scratch out | erado |
to scream | quirito |
to see | video vidi visum |
to seek | quaero, quaero quero |
to seek again | repeto |
to seek for | quaeso queso |
to seize | rapio rapui ratum, comprehendo, executio, prehendo |
to select | desumo |
to sell | vendo |
to sell formally | mancipo mancepo |
to send | transmitto, mitto |
to send away | abiego |
to send back word | remando |
to send forward | praemitto |
to separate | dido dididi didtum, secerno secrevi secretum |
to serve | ministro, famulor |
to serve /quiver | mico |
to set (as in "the sun sets") | aborior |
to set against | oppono opposui oppositum |
to set down | consido |
to set fire to | aduro (adustum) |
to set forth | expono (exposui expositum ) |
to set free | libero |
to set in mortion | impello impuli impulsum |
to set in order | ordino |
to set on fire | inflammo |
to set over | praepono |
to set straight | derigo |
to set up | constituo |
to settle | sedo |
to settle by combat | certo |
to sew together | consuo consui consutum |
to shake | labefacio labefeci labefactum, exhorresco |
to shake together | concutio |
to shake violently | quasso |
to shape | formo |
to shave | pilo |
to shave /scalp | excorio |
to shine | candeo, niteo |
to shorten | curto |
to shout | exclamo |
to show | probo, monstro, arguo, ostendo |
to show oneself | praebeo |
to shut in | includo |
to shut out | excludo |
to shut up | arceo |
to shuun | evito |
to sift | cribro |
to sigh | gemo, suspiro |
to sing | canto |
to sink | demergo, pessum ire |
to sit | sedeo sedi sessum |
to sit before | praesieo.sedi.ere |
to sit near /haunt | obsideo |
to slacken | retendo |
to sleep | dormio |
to slide forward | prolabor |
to slip | labor lapsus |
to smear | lino |
to smell | fragro |
to smell bad | foeteo |
to smile | subrideo subrisi subrisum |
to smoke | fumo |
to smooth | levo |
to snatch away | eripio |
to soak | imbuo |
to soften | mollio, macero |
to sow | sero, sato |
to spare | parco, susicivus |
to speak | effor, oro |
to speak against | contradico |
to speak of | tango.tetigi.tactum |
to speak out | profor profari profatus, eloquor, proloquor |
to spend | consumo |
to spend the night out | abnocto |
to spend time | ago (egi actum ) |
to spin | neo |
to spread | propago.are, vulgo |
to spread about | differo |
to spread news / delay | differo |
to spread out | dilato |
to spread out beneath | substerno |
to spring up | subsulto |
to sprinkle | conspergo, respergo |
to squeeze | premo pressi pressum |
to stain | maculo |
to stand | subsisto, sto |
to stand before | praesto |
to stand form | substo |
to stand forth | exsisto existo |
to stand open | pateo |
to stand out | exsto, emineo, promineo |
to stand up | consurgo |
to start forward | proficiscor, proficuus |
to stay away all night | abnocto |
to step in | ingredior ingredi ingressus |
to stick in | inhaero inhero |
to stink | puteo |
to stir up | suscito, sollicito |
to stoll | spatior |
to strangle | suffoco |
to strengthen | corroboro |
to strengthen much | conforto |
to stretch | intendo |
to stretch out | pando, pertingo |
to strike | infligo inflixi inflictum, plango planxi planctum |
to strike (the hours) | pulso |
to strike hard | percutio (percussum) |
to strike violently | everbero |
to strip | spolio |
to strive | nitor |
to stroke down | demulceo |
to struggle against | reluctor |
to struggle to reach | conitor |
to study | studio |
to stuff | refercio |
to stutter | balbutio |
to subject to | subdo |
to such a degree | tam, tam |
to such a point | adeo |
to suckle | nutrio |
to suffer | patior |
to suffer pain | doleo |
to suffer with one | compatior |
to sum up | prorsus |
to summon | advoco |
to support | fulcio |
to suppress | opprimo oppressi oppressum, compescor |
to surge | undo |
to suspend | suspendo suspendi suspensum |
to swallow | gluttio, absorbeo |
to swear | iuro |
to swear an oath | iureiuro |
to sweep out | everro |
to swell up | intumesco |
to swell up with anger /swell | tumesco |
to swim | no |
to take | sumo |
to take an oath together | coniuro |
to take away | abstulo, demo, deporto |
to take care of | procuro |
to take delight in | gaudeo |
to take down | depromo |
to take for oneself | usurpo |
to take in hand | incipio |
to take one's stand | consisto |
to take or lay hold of | concipio |
to take out | excipio |
to take possession | occupo |
to take to oneself | adsumo (assumo) |
to take up | ascio |
to take vengeance for | ulciscor |
to tame | domito |
to taste | degusto, gusto |
to tear down | deripio |
to tear in pieces | diripio, conscindo |
to tear out | evello |
to tear to pieces | lacero |
to terrify | perterreo |
to test make a trial | periclitor |
to thank | gratia agere |
to that matter | illuc |
to that place | illuc |
to the bottom | pessum |
to the ground | pessum |
to the highest degree | maxime |
to them themselves | sibimet |
to thin out | runco |
to think | cogito, reor |
to think meanly of | contemno |
to threaten | eminor, comminor |
to throw | iacio |
to throw forth | proicio |
to throw on | inicio inieci iniectum |
to throw oneself down | provolvere se |
to throw out | eicio |
to throw to | adicio |
to throw together | coniecto |
to thrown down | abicio |
to tie | subnecto |
to tie up | necto, evincio |
to tinge | inficio infeci infectum |
to tolerate | tolero |
to torch | inflammo |
to torment | excrucio |
to torture | crucio |
to totter | labo |
to touch | contineo, tabgo tetigi tactum, tango.tetigi.tactum |
to touch closely | contingo |
to track down | investigo |
to train | exerceo |
to trample (down) | occulco |
to transfer | delego |
to tread | calco |
to tread under foot | conculco |
to tremble | contremisco, tremo, contremo |
to trickle away | decolo |
to trifle | ineptio |
to trip up | supplanto |
to try | experior (experiri; expertus ) |
to turn | verto |
to turn around | converto |
to turn aside | declino |
to turn away | averto |
to turn out | everto |
to turn sideways | obliquo |
to turn the mind to | animadverto |
to turn towards | adverto, adjicio |
to turn upside down | perverto perverti perversum |
to twist | torqueo, extorqueo, pertorqueo |
to uncover | detego, aperio |
to undermine | subruo subruti subrutum |
to undertake | conor, invado |
to unfold | explico |
to unharnass | abiungo |
to unloose | persolvo |
to unroll a book | revolvo |
to untangle | evolvo |
to use | utor uti usus |
to use abusive language | abutor |
to vanish | evanesco |
to vex | vexo |
to visit frequently | ventito |
to vomit | vomito, eructo |
to vomit forth | evomo |
to walk | ambulo |
to walk into | intro |
to wander | erro, aberro, palor |
to wander out | evagor |
to wander through | peragro |
to warn | moneo, paecipio, praedico |
to warp /change | inflecto |
to wash | lavo |
to wash away | proluo prolu prolutum |
to wash clean | abluo |
to wash out | eluo |
to waste / become bankrupt | decoquo |
to waste slowly away | contabesco |
to watch over | servo |
to weaken | attero, debilito, deficio, labefacto |
to weaken /shake /invalidate | infirmo |
to weave | texo |
to weave together | vieo |
to weep | lamentor, fleo, lacrimo |
to weigh | pendo, pondero |
to weigh carefully | pensito |
to weigh out / estimate | penso |
to weight down | ingravo |
to what extent | quatenus/quatinus |
to what place | quo |
to whatever place you will | quovis |
to which place | quo |
to wipe | tergeo tergo tersi tersum |
to wipe off | abstergo |
to wipe out | effligo |
to wish | volo |
to wish a person joy | gratulor |
to wish for oneself | adopto |
to wish well | saluto |
to witness | arbitro arbitror |
to wonder | miro |
to wonder at | admiror |
to wonder at exceedingly | emiror |
to work | operor, laboro |
to work zealously | facesso |
to wound | vulnero |
to wrap up | obvolvo |
to write | scribo; scripsi scriptum |
to write beneath | subcribo |
to write out | perscribo |
to yoke beneath | subiungo |
today | hodie |
together | simul, simul, pariter, una |
toil | molior, operor, labor laboris, laboro |
toilsome | laboriosus |
token | nota, praenuntius, pignus |
toleap up | subsilio |
tomb | tumbus, sepulchrum |
tomorrow | cras |
Tongres | Tungris |
tongs | forceps |
tongue | lingua |
too | quoque |
too few | parum |
too little | parum, parum minus minime |
too long (a period of time) | diutius |
too much | nimium, nimis |
tools made of iron | ferramenta |
tooth | dens |
top | superficies |
topic | thema |
topple | occumbo, cado |
torment | torqueo, cruciamentum, cruciatus, crucio, macero |
torn | lacer |
torture | cruciamentum, cruciatus, torqueo, excrucio |
toss | vexo |
total | numerus, universitas |
totally | funditus |
totter | labasco |
touch | tactus |
touch upon | tango.tetigi.tactum |
touching | contactus |
tough | durus, lentus |
Tournai | Tornacense |
toward | erga, adversus (prep. + acc.), in, obviam |
town square | forum |
townsman | civis |