영단어 | 라틴어 표현 |
St. Eligius | Sanctus Eleutherius |
St. Gilles | Sanctus Egidius |
st. james | Santiago |
St. Ouen | Sanctus Rodoenus |
St. Riquier | St. Richarius |
stab /touch | pungo pupugi punctum |
stabbing | ictus |
stability | stabilitas |
stable | inconcussus, stabilis |
stag. deer | cervus |
stage | status, aetas, pulpitum, tempus temporis |
stain | macula, inficio infeci infectum, labes labis |
stain with blood | cruento |
stake | talea |
stake /swamp | palus |
stammer /speak obscurely | balbutio |
stammering | balbus |
stammeringly | singultim |
stand firm | consto, sto |
stand in need of | indigeo |
stand still | consisto, sto |
standard /troop | vexillum |
standing out /a projection | prominens |
star | stella, astrum, sidus |
start | initium, incoho, origo, satus, orsa |
start (esp. of speaking) | ordior |
start upon | incoho |
started | coepi |
state | civitas, res publica |
station | constituo, constituo, pono posui positum |
statue | statua |
statute /covenant | lex legis |
staunch | obstinatus |
Stavelot | Stabulaus |
stay | commoror, remaneo, maneo, remaneo |
stay the night | maneo |
steadfast | stabilis, fortis |
steadfastly | statim |
steadily | constanter |
steady | constans |
steal | abigo, latrocinor, corripio |
steal in | influo influi influxum |
stealthily | furtim |
steam | fumo |
steed | equus |
steep | imbuo |
steeped | perfusus |
stenographer (class.) | notarius |
step.daughter | privigna |
sterile | infecundus |
sterility | infecunditas |
stern | austerus |
stern of a ship | puppis |
sterness | rigor |
sternness | severitas |
steward | vilicus; villicus, prepositus, promus |
stick | talea, virga |
stick to | adhaero |
stick together | cohaero cohero cohesi cohesum |
sticky /to weaken | lentesco |
stiffness | rigor |
still | atqui, etiamnun, tamen, placidus, adhuc, silens |
still / even | etiam |
stillness | silentium |
stimulate | instigo |
sting | fodio, spiculum, morsus |
stinginess | sordes |
stingy | tenax |
stink | feteo |
stinking | foetidus |
stipulated | pactus |
stir up | permoveo, concito |
stitch | consuo consui consutum, vieo |
stolen goods | prenda |
stone | calculus |
stone quarry | lautumiae |
stong | valens |
stool | scamnum |
stop | desino (desiit), consisto, confuto, consto, desino |
store | recondo |
store.room | cella |
store / requite | repono |
store of cash | crumens |
store/strip | exuo |
storehouse | spensa |
storm | tempestas, procella |
story | fabula |
stow /embark /cheat | impono |
straight ahead | prorsus |
straightforward | directus |
strain | intendo, nixor, nixus |
strained | contentus |
strait | angustus |
strange | insolitus, alienus |
strange/ a foreigner | extraneus |
strangeness | novitas |
stranger | hospes |
stranger / pilgrim | peregrinus |
strawberries | fraga |
stray | erro, palor |
stray off | evagor |
straying | erratus, erratio |
streak | virga |
stream | profundo frofui profusum, fluo |
stream over | redundo |
street | platea, via |
strength | vis vires (pl.) |
strengthen | augeo, fulcio |
stretch | tendo |
stretched /eager | contentus |
stretching | prolix |
strew | spargo sparsi sparsum |
strict | austerus, intentus, districtus (f. distringo) |
strictness | severitas |
strike | impingo, laedo ledo |
strike /shock | offendo |
strike against / attack | incurso |
strike down | praemo, premo pressi pressum, premo |
strike upon | impello |
striking | offensio, praeclarus |
string | ligamen, funiculus |
stripping | spoliatio |
strive | contendo |
strive after | peto, expeto |
striving | consectatio |
stroke | ictus, plaga |
stroke /coax | palpo |
strong | infragilis, durus, fortis, validus, potens, firmus |
stronghold | arx |
strongly | vehementer, fortiter, valde |
structure | edificium, aedificium |
struggle | nixor, contendo |
stubborn | pertinax, pugnax |
stubborness | pertinacia |
stubbornly | pertinaciter |
student | alumno, discipulus |
stuff | farci; farci; fartum, effercio |
stuffed | effertus, refertus |
stuffed full | differtus |
stuffing | fartim |
stump | stipes |
stunned | attonbitus |
stupid | bardus, plumbeus |
stupidly | stolide |
stuttering | balbus |
stylus | penicullus |