토익에 자주 출제되는 영어 회화 숙어 - W

알파벳 목차
wait on ~ hand and foot (=serve ~ extremely well) ~을 극진히 시중들다
She waited on her sick husband hand and foot.
walk out (=go on strike) 파업하다
They threatened to walk out if their demands were not met.
wash up (=do the dishes) 설거지하다
He helped himself to my dinner and then, to add insult to injury, asked me to wash up.
waste one's breath (on) (=gain nothing by talking (to) 소용없는 말을 헛되어 지껄이다
He was wasting his breath on her; she would not listen to him.
wear out (=fatigue; make ~ useless) 지치게 하다; 닳아 해어지게 하다
She wore him out with her naggingThose shoes are already worn out.
while away (=spend time idly or pleasantly) 한가[느긋]하게 보내다
I'm now whiling away the hours sunbathing in the garden.
wipe out (=destroy) 파괴하다; 망하게 하다
The bombing completely wiped out the small city.
The large chains are wiping out the independent bookstores.
without fail (=for certain, without exception) 꼭, 반드시
Each morning, without fail, he sits in the park and reads a paper.
word for word (=in exactly the same words) 토씨하나 안 틀리게 그대로
Tell me what she said, word for word.
work out (=accomplish; exercise) (계획 등을) 완수하다; 운동하다
I've drawn up the main outlines and he'll work out the details later.
The famous actor keeps fit by working out for an hour every morning.