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토익에 자주 출제되는 영어 회화 숙어 - K

알파벳 목차
keep on eye on (=have one's eye on, watch, guard) 지키다, 감시하다
Keep away from the edge of the cliff.
Keep your children away from the stove.
keep after (=constantly, remind, nag) (계속해서) 잔소리하다
He won't get anything done unless you keep after him.
keep company with (=associate with, be friendly with) ~와 사귀다
They had kept company with each other for ages before they married.
keep from (=refrain from) ~을 삼가다
I can't keep from laughingKeep your dog from running here.
keep[bear] ~ in mind (=remember) 명심하다, 기억하다
Keep[Bear] your votes in mind when you deliver your speech.
Keep[Bear] in mind that I can't walk as fast as you.
keep in touch with (=continue in communication with) 접촉을 유지하다
He promised to keep in touch with us while he was abroad.
keep late hours (=stay awake until late at night) 늦게까지 자지 않다
Keeping early hours is better than keeping late hours for health.
keep[ward] off (=avert) 가까이 오지 못하게 하다, 막다
She used a bug spray to keep[ward] off the mosquitoes.
keep one's cool (=retain one's composure) 침착하다, 냉정을 유지하다
You have to keep your cool, no matter what the boss says.
keep up with (=keep abreast with of) ~에 뒤떨어지지 않다
You walk so fast that I cannot keep up with you.
I tried to keep up with the times.
know ~ by sight[name] (=know one's face[name]) ~얼굴[이름]을 알다
I know the man who died of lung cancer by sight, but not by name.
know[tell] ~ from (=distinguish) 구별하다
I've met her several times, but she says she still doesn't know[tell] me from my brother.
know the ropes (=know one's job very well) (요령․사정 등을) 잘 알다
Never argue with him!; he's worked here for 25 years, so he really knows the ropes.