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사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:i [2024/05/02 19:34]
clayeryan@gmail.com 만듦
사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:i [2024/05/10 11:51] (현재) ↷ 링크가 이동 작업으로 인해 적응했습니다
줄 3: 줄 3:
 ^  알파벳 목차  |||||||||||| ^  알파벳 목차  ||||||||||||
 |[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:A|A]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:B|B]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:C|C]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:D|D]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:E|E]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:F|F]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:G|G]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:H|H]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:I|I]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:J|J]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:K|K]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:L|L]]| |[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:A|A]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:B|B]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:C|C]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:D|D]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:E|E]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:F|F]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:G|G]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:H|H]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:I|I]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:J|J]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:K|K]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:L|L]]|
 ^ [[en>ill at ease]] | (=uncomfortable) | 불안한 , 불편한 | ^ [[en>ill at ease]] | (=uncomfortable) | 불안한 , 불편한 |
줄 49: 줄 49:
 ^ [[en>inside out]] | (=with the inner surface turned out) | (안과 밖이 ) 뒤집어진 | ^ [[en>inside out]] | (=with the inner surface turned out) | (안과 밖이 ) 뒤집어진 |
 | He had one his socks on inside out. ||| | He had one his socks on inside out. |||
 +^ [[en>upside down]] | (=in a position with the bottom being above the top | 거꾸로 |
 +| The picture was hung upside down on the wall, so I got it down to turn it right side up. |||
 +^ [[en>in sight]] | (=able to be seen, within view) | 보이는 |
 +^ [[en>out of sight]] | (=unable to be seen, out of view) | 안 보이는 |
 +| The land is still in sightThe plane is out of sight behind a cloud. |||
 +^ [[en>in terms of]] | (=from the standpoint of) | ~의 관점[견지]에서 |
 +| In terms of money, how much do you think you are worth to our company? |||
 +| If computed in terms of tonnage, it will aggregate 100 tons. |||
 +^ [[en>in the absence of]] | (=for lack of) | ~이 없어서, ~이 없을 경우 |
 +| He was set free in the absence of definite evidence. |||
 +^ [[en>in[into] the bargain]] | (=as well, in addition) | 게다가, 그 위에 |
 +| He looked after a house, his sick wife, and 4 children into the bargain. |||
 +^ [[en>in the face of]] | (=despite, in spite of) | ~에도 불구하고 |
 +| In the face of great hardship, she managed to keep her sense of humor. |||
 +^ [[en>in the flesh]] | (=in real life, in person) | 실물로 , 직접 |
 +| I saw my favorite movie star in the flesh. |||
 +| I've seen him perform on TV, but never in the flesh. |||
 +^ [[en>in (the) light of]] | (=in view of) | ~의 견지에서, ~에 비추어(서) |
 +| Capital punishment should be done away with in the light of the dignity of life. |||
 +^ [[en>in the name of]] | (=with the authority of) | ~의 이름으로 |
 +| I really hate any cruel animal experiments that are conducted in the name of science. |||
 +^ [[en>in the nick of time]] | (=just in time) | 꼭 알맞은 때에, 때마침 |
 +| The police arrived at the crime scene in the nick of time. |||
 +^ [[en>in the presence of]] | (=in front of) | ~의 면전에서 , ~의 앞에서 |
 +| At every opportunity Tom made fun of him in the presence of Mary. |||
 +^ [[en>in truth]] | (=in fact, really) | 사실은 |
 +| In truth, the doctor feared rejection with the transplant surgery. |||
 +^ [[en>in turn]] | (=one after the other) | 차례로 |
 +| We watched over our sick mother in turn during the night. |||
 +^ [[en>in vain]] | (=without success) | 헛되이 , 성과없이 |
 +| The criminal tried in vain to bribe the policeman. |||
 +^ [[en>in view of]] | (=considering) | ~의 견지에서, ~을 고려하여 |
 +| In view of rising labor costs, many companies have turned to computerization. |||
 +^ [[en>in vogue]] | (=fashionable or popular) | 유행하는 |
 +| Blue jeans are still in great vogue among teenagers. |||