
토익에 자주 출제되는 영어 회화 숙어 - D

알파벳 목차
deal[trade] in (=buy and sell things) 판매하다, 장사하다
deal with (=treat) 다루다, 취급하다
The police said he was dealing[trading] in stolen goods.
The manager tried to deal politely with the angry customers.
depend on (=rely on) ~에 달려 있다 ; 의지하다
It depends on your experienceI have no one but you to depend on.
distinguish A from B (=distinguish between A and B) A와 B를 구별하다
I something have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.
distinguish oneself (=make oneself noticeable) 두각을 나타내다
She has already distinguished herself as an athlete.
do away with (=get rid of, abolish) 제거[폐지]하다
These ridiculous regulations should have been done away with years ago.
do justice to = do one justice (=treat one fairly) 공정히 평가하다
His remarks do justice to the author.
She's boring teacher, but to do her justice, a very thorough teacher.
do[manage] without (=continue to live or do something without having a particular thing) ~없이 지내다
He always says he couldn't do[manage] without his cellular phone.
draw on (=make use of) ~을 이용하다
The chairman was good at drawing on the member's expertise.
drop in (=visit unexpectedly) (예고없이) 들르다, 방문하다
Let's drop in on him while we're in the neighborhood.
Please, drop in at my office anytime this week.
dwell on (=think a lot about) 곰곰이 생각하다
He tends to dwell too much on unimportant issues.