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Constructor With Factory Method �����丵 ��ɿ� ���� �������� overview�� how
�� �����丵�� IntelliJ IDEA���� ���� �� �ִ°��� �����մϴ�.
Replace Constructor With Factory Method �������� ����� ����� ���� �� Ŭ������ �ν��Ͻ��� �����ϴ� ������ �޼ҵ���� �� ���� �����ڷ� ��ü�� �ʿ䰡 �ִ� ��쿡 �����մϴ�.
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public class Connection {
public Connection(String URL){
//some code here
public class ConnectionPool {
public Connection getConnection(String name){
Connection conn = new Connection(name);
//some code here
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private class Connection {
private Connection(String URL){
//some code here
public static Connection createConnection(String URL) {
return new Connection(URL);
public class ConnectionPool {
public Connection getConnection(String name){
Connection conn = Connection.createConnection(name);
//some code here
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Replace Constructor With Factory Method...�� Ŭ���Ͻʽÿ�
3. ����� Replace Constructor With Factory Method ������������ ���� �� ���Դϴ�.

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Refactor�� Ŭ���մϴ�, �׷��� �ʴٸ� Cancel �� Ŭ���մϴ�. ���� ���� ������ Refactoring
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