Editor Shortcuts

General Editing

New Project... Create a new project
Open Project... Open an existing project
Open File... Open a file in the editor
Close Project Close a project
Close Active Editor Ctrl + F4 Close an active editor tab
Close All Editors Close all open editor tabs
Close All Editors But Current Close all open editor tabs except for the current one
Project Properties Configure current project properties
Default Project Properties Configure default setting for all new projects
Save All Ctrl + S Save all files and settings
Synchronize Ctrl + Alt + Y Detect all externally changed files and reload them from disk
Reload from Disk Reload a current file from disk and lose all changes
Export to HTML... Save file content in an HTML format with syntax coloring
Print... Print current file
Full Screen Ctrl + Alt + F11 Maximize window to full screen

Standard Text Operations

Choose Lookup Item/Enter Enter
Choose Lookup Item Replace/Tab Tab
Backspace Backspace/Shift + Backspace Deletes a character at the caret left
Escape Escape
Up Up Moves the caret one line up
Up with Selection Shift + Up Moves the caret one line up selecting the text
Down Down Moves the caret one line down
Down with Selection Shift + Down Moves the caret one line down selecting the text
Left Left Moves the caret one character to the left
Left with Selection Shift + Left Moves the caret one character to the left selecting the text
Right Right Moves the caret one character to the right
Right with Selection Shift + Right Moves the caret one character to the right selecting the text
Move Down and Scroll Moves the caret down and scrolls the page
Move Down and Scroll with Selection Moves the caret down selecting the text and scrolls the page
Move Up and Scroll Moves the caret up and scrolls the page
Move Up and Scroll with Selection Moves the caret up selecting the text and scrolls the page
Go to Page Bottom Ctrl + Page Down Moves the caret down to the page bottom
Go to Page Bottom with Selection Ctrl + Shift + Page Down Moves the caret down to the page bottom selecting the text
Go to Page Top Ctrl + Page Up Moves the caret up to the page bottom
Go to Page Top with Selection Ctrl + Shift + Page Up Moves the caret up to the page bottom selecting the text
Page Down Page Down Moves the caret one page down
Page Down with Selection Shift + Page Down Moves the caret one page down selecting the text
Page Up Page Up Moves the caret one page down
Page Up with Selection Shift + Page Up Moves the caret one page up selecting the text
Scroll Down Ctrl + Down/Ctrl + Shift + Down Scroll the text one line down while moving the caret to the previous line
Scroll to Center Ctrl + M Scrolls a line with a caret to the screen center
Scroll Up Ctrl + Up/Ctrl + Shift + Up Scroll the text one line up while moving the caret to the next line
Toggle Insert/Override Insert Toggles insert/override modes
Undo Ctrl + Z/Alt + Backspace Undo last operation
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z/Alt + Shift + Backspace Redo last undone operation
Cut Ctrl + X/Shift + Delete Cut to clipboard
Copy Ctrl + C/Ctrl + Insert Copy to clipboard
Paste Ctrl + V/Shift + Insert Paste from clipboard
Paste... Ctrl + Shift + V/Ctrl + Shift + Insert Paste from recent clipboards
Delete Delete Delete selected item
Move to Line End End Moves the caret to a line end
Move to Line End with Selection Shift + End Moves the caret to a line end selecting the text
Move to Line Start Home Moves the caret to a line start
Move to Line Start with Selection Shift + Home Moves the caret to a line start selecting the text
Move to Next Word Ctrl + Right Moves the caret to a next word
Move to Next Word with Selection Shift + Ctrl + Right Moves the caret to a next word selecting it
Move to Previous Word Ctrl + Left Moves the caret to a previous word
Move to Previous Word with Selection Shift + Ctrl + Left Moves the caret to a previous word selecting it
Move to Text End Ctrl + End Moves the caret to a text end
Move to Text End with Selection Ctrl + Shift + End Moves the caret to a text end selecting it
Move to Text Start Ctrl + Home Moves the caret to a text start
Move to Text Start with Selection Ctrl + Shift + Home Moves the caret to a text start selecting it
Select Line at Caret Selects a line where the caret is currently located
Select Word at Caret Ctrl + W Selects a word at which the caret is currently located
Unselect Word at Caret Ctrl + Shift + W Unselects a word at which the caret is currently located
Select All Ctrl + A Selects an entire text opened in the editor
Delete Line at Caret Ctrl + Y Deletes a line at which the caret is currently located
Delete to Word End Ctrl + Delete Deletes a word starting from the current caret location up to the word end
Delete to Word Start Ctrl + Backspace Deletes a word starting from the current caret location up to the word start
Shortcuts with standard navigation keys
Keyboard shortcut With no selected text With selected text
Move the caret one character to the right. Deselect the text and move the caret one character to the right.
Move the caret one character to the left. Deselect the text and move the caret one character to the left.
Move the caret to the next line. Deselect the text and move the caret to the next line.
Move the caret to the previous line. Deselect the text and move the caret to the previous line.
Select the character to the right of the caret. Extend the selection one character to the right.
Select the character to the left of the caret. Extend the selection one character to the left.
Create a text selection and extend it to the next line. Extend the selection to the next line.
Create a text selection and extend it to the previous line. Extend the selection to the previous line.
Move the caret one word to the right. Deselect the text and move the caret one word to the right.
Move the caret one word to the left. Deselect the text and move the caret one word to the left.
Create a text selection and extend it one word to the right. Extend the selection one word to the right.
Create a text selection and extend it one word to the left. Extend the selection one word to the left.
Move the caret one page down. Deselect the text and move the caret one page down.
Move the caret one page up. Deselect the text and move the caret one page up.
Create a text selection and extend it one page down. Extend the selection one page down.
Create a text selection and extend it one page up. Extend the selection one page up.
Move the caret to the beginning of the line. Deselect the text and move the caret to the beginning of the line.
Move the caret to the end of the line. Deselect the text and move the caret to the end of the line.
Create a text selection and extend it to the beginning of the line. Extend the selection to the beginning of the line.
Create a text selection and extend it to the end of the line. Extend the selection to the end of the line.
Move the caret to the beginning of the document. Deselect the text and move the caret to the beginning of the document.
Move the caret to the end of the document. Deselect the text and move the caret to the end of the document.
Create a text selection and extend it to the beginning of the document. Extend the selection to the beginning of the document.
Create a text selection and extend it to the end of the document. Extend the selection to the end of the document.

Code-aware Editing

Basic Editing

Move to Code Block End Ctrl + ] Moves the caret to the current code block end highlighting the block limits
Move to Code Block End with Selection Ctrl + Shift + ] Moves the caret to the current code block end selecting the code beginning from the initial caret location
Move to Code Block Start Ctrl + [ Moves the caret to the current code block start highlighting the block limits
Move to Code Block Start with Selection Ctrl + Shift + [ Moves the caret to the current code block start selecting the code beginning from the initial caret location
Start New Line Shift + Enter Starts a new line after the current one positioning the caret in accordance with the current indentation level
Join Lines Ctrl + Shift + J
Split Line Ctrl + Enter
Duplicate Line or Block Ctrl + D Duplicates a selected block or a line at which the caret is currently located
Indent Selection Tab Moves a selected block to the next indent level
Unindent Selection Shift + Tab Moves a selected block to the previous indent level
Toggle Case Ctrl + Shift + U Toggles case of the word at which the caret is currently located
Edit Source F4 Open an editor for the selected item and give focus to it. Includes GUI forms as well as source files.
View Source Ctrl + Enter Open an editor for the selected item
Expand Ctrl + Numpad+/Ctrl + = Expand folding region at the caret
Collapse Ctrl + Numpad-/Ctrl + Minus Collapse folding region at the caret
Expand All Ctrl + Shift + Numpad+/Ctrl + Shift + = Expand all folding regions
Collapse All Ctrl + Shift + Numpad-/Ctrl + Shift + Minus Collapse all folding regions
Comment with Line Comment Ctrl + / / Ctrl + Numpad/ Comment/uncomment current line or selected block with line comments
Comment with Block Comment Ctrl + Shift + / / Ctrl + Shift + Numpad/ Comment/uncomment code with block comments
Auto-indent Lines Ctrl + Alt + I Indent current line or selected block according to the Code Style Settings

Advanced Editing

New... Alt + Insert Create a new class, interface, file or directory
File Structure Popup Ctrl + F12 Popup the current file structure for quick navigation
Select in... Alt + F1 Select the current class or method in any view
Quick Javadoc Ctrl + Q/Alt + Button2 Click Show a popup window with Javadoc for the symbol at the caret
Parameter Info Ctrl + P Show parameters of the method call at the caret
Context Info Alt + Q Show the current method or class declaration when it is not visible
Error Description Ctrl + F1 Show an error or warning description at the caret
Change Left View Alt + F1 Change the left panel contents
Change Right View Alt + F2 Change the right panel contents
Synchronize Views Alt + F6 Synchronize both panels
Swap Panels Ctrl + U Swap the panels
Change View Alt + F1 Choose Project, Sourecepath or Classpath tree in the Project View tool window
External Javadoc Shift + F1 Open browser with Javadoc for the selected item
Recent Files... Ctrl + E Show recently edited file list
Editor List... Show list of all open files
Type Hierarchy Ctrl + H Browse hierarchy for the selected class
Method Hierarchy Ctrl + Shift + H Browse method hierarchy for the selected method
Call Hierarchy Ctrl + Alt + H Browse call hierarchy for the selected method
Override Methods... Ctrl + O Override base class methods in the current class
Implement Methods... Ctrl + I Override base interface/class methods in the current class
Delegate Methods... Generate delegate method to a field/getter
Surround with... Ctrl + Alt + T Surround selected code fragment with if, while, try/catch or other construct
Generate Alt + Insert Generate constructor, getter or setter method, or EJB components
Basic Code Completion Ctrl + Space Code completion for any class, method or variable
SmartType Code Completion Ctrl + Shift + Space Code Completion filtering the lookup list basing on expected type
Class Name Code Completion Ctrl + Alt + Space Complete class name and an import statement for it
Insert Live Template... Ctrl + J Show a popup list of Live Templates starting with a specified prefix
Surround with Live Template... Ctrl + Alt + J Surround the selection with one of the templates
Next Template Variable Tab/Enter In templates: moves the caret to the next template variable
Previous Template Variable Shift + Tab In templates: moves the caret to the previous template variable