The EJB Errors and Warnings inspection points out code that is
inconsistent with the EJB Specification. Such
errors/warnings will be highlighted in the editor as well.
EJB Errors and Warnings �˻�� EJB
���� ��ġ���� ���� �ڵ带 �����մϴ�. �׷� ����/����� �����Ϳ����� ���� ������ ���Դϴ�.
EJB errors and warnings �˻�� ������ �ɼ��� �����ϴ�.
Report errors
���� �� üũ �ڽ��� ���õǸ� �˻�� EJB-related�� ������ ã�� ���Դϴ�.
Report warnings
���� �� üũ �ڽ��� ���õǸ� �˻�� EJB-related�� ����� ã�� ���Դϴ�.
���� EJB errors and warnings üũ �ڽ��� ���õǰ� Inspection �� � ������ ã�´ٸ� Inspection �� �������EJB ����� ���� �Ǿ��� EJB ��Ҹ� �����ϴ� EJB errors &
warnings ���� ǥ���մϴ�.
�˻翡 ���� �߰ߵ� ������ ���� � ���� ������ �ַ�ǵ� ���� �ʽ��ϴ�.

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import javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome;
import javax.ejb.FinderException;
public interface LocalEntityNewHome extends EJBLocalHome {
void findByPrimaryKey(String key) throws FinderException;
Inspection�� LocalEntityNewHome �� ����ǰ� �� �Ŀ�, ���� �� �����찡 ��Ÿ�� ���Դϴ�.

Inspection�� ����� �޼ҵ尡 Ʋ�� ��ȯ ���¸� ������ ��� �����մϴ�.