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이 문서는 읽기 전용입니다. 원본을 볼 수는 있지만 바꿀 수는 없습니다. 문제가 있다고 생각하면 관리자에게 문의하세요.
====== 영어 실용회화 사전 ====== ===== 실생활에서 자주 쓰이는 회화문구 100개 ===== ^ 영어 문장 ^^ 문장 표현 ^ 영한사전 ^ 영영사전 ^ | 1 | **<color #ed1c24> After you </color>** | 먼저가세요. | [[en> After you ]] | [[een> After you ]] | | 2 | **<color #ed1c24> Are you serious? </color>** | 그거 진짜에요? | [[en> Are you serious? ]] | [[een> Are you serious? ]] | | 3 | **<color #ed1c24> At last </color>** | 드디어 | [[en> At last ]] | [[een> At last ]] | | 4 | **<color #ed1c24> Anything else? </color>** | 그 외에 또 뭐요? | [[en> Anything else? ]] | [[een> Anything else? ]] | | 5 | **<color #ed1c24> Are you kidding? </color>** | 놀리는 거 아니죠? | [[en> Are you kidding? ]] | [[een> Are you kidding? ]] | | 6 | **<color #ed1c24> And then? </color>** | 그리고 나서는요? | [[en> And then? ]] | [[een> And then? ]] | | 7 | **<color #ed1c24> A piece of cake </color>** | 식은 죽먹기지. | [[en> A piece of cake ]] | [[een> A piece of cake ]] | | 8 | **<color #ed1c24> Back me up </color>** | 뒤 좀 봐줘~ (지원의미) | [[en> Back me up ]] | [[een> Back me up ]] | | 9 | **<color #ed1c24> Be my guest </color>** | 사양하지 마세요. | [[en> Be my guest ]] | [[een> Be my guest ]] | | 10 | **<color #ed1c24> Be patient </color>** | 좀 참아보세요. | [[en> Be patient ]] | [[een> Be patient ]] | | 11 | **<color #ed1c24> Be puctual! </color>** | 시간 좀 맞춰봐! | [[en> Be puctual! ]] | [[een> Be puctual! ]] | | 12 | **<color #ed1c24> Be right back with you </color>** | 잠깐만요. | [[en> Be right back with you ]] | [[een> Be right back with you ]] | | 13 | **<color #ed1c24> Beat it </color>** | 꺼져. | [[en> Beat it ]] | [[een> Beat it ]] | | 14 | **<color #ed1c24> Behave yourself </color>** | 예의를 갖추시죠! | [[en> Behave yourself ]] | [[een> Behave yourself ]] | | 15 | **<color #ed1c24> Better late than never </color>** | 안하느니 느린게 나. | [[en> Better late than never ]] | [[een> Better late than never ]] | | 16 | **<color #ed1c24> Break it up! </color>** | 그만 좀 싸워! | [[en> Break it up! ]] | [[een> Break it up! ]] | | 17 | **<color #ed1c24> Can I get a ride? </color>** | 나를 태워다 줄 수 있어요? | [[en> Can I get a ride? ]] | [[een> Can I get a ride? ]] | | 18 | **<color #ed1c24> Can't argue with that </color>** | 논란의 여지가 없지. | [[en> Can't argue with that ]] | [[een> Can't argue with that ]] | | 19 | **<color #ed1c24> Catch you later! </color>** | 나중에 보자구요! | [[en> Catch you later! ]] | [[een> Catch you later! ]] | | 20 | **<color #ed1c24> Certainly </color>** | 확실히 그렇죠. | [[en> Certainly ]] | [[een> Certainly ]] | | 21 | **<color #ed1c24> Check, please </color>** | 계산서 좀 주세요 | [[en> Check, please ]] | [[een> Check, please ]] | | 22 | **<color #ed1c24> Come and get it </color>** | 와서 좀 먹어요. | [[en> Come and get it ]] | [[een> Come and get it ]] | | 23 | **<color #ed1c24> Come on~ </color>** | 설마~, 에이 | [[en> Come on~ ]] | [[een> Come on~ ]] | | 24 | **<color #ed1c24> Could be! </color>** | 그럴 수 있죠! | [[en> Could be! ]] | [[een> Could be! ]] | | 25 | **<color #ed1c24> Definitely! </color>** | 당연하죠! | [[en> Definitely! ]] | [[een> Definitely! ]] | | 26 | **<color #ed1c24> Did you get it? </color>** | 알아 들었어요? | [[en> Did you get it? ]] | [[een> Did you get it? ]] | | 27 | **<color #ed1c24> Didn't I make myself clear? </color>** | 내 입장 말했잖음? | [[en> Didn't I make myself clear? ]] | [[een> Didn't I make myself clear? ]] | | 28 | **<color #ed1c24> Disgusting! </color>** | 기분 나빠, 재수없어! | [[en> Disgusting! ]] | [[een> Disgusting! ]] | | 29 | **<color #ed1c24> Do I know it? </color>** | 누가 아니래요? | [[en> Do I know it? ]] | [[een> Do I know it? ]] | | 30 | **<color #ed1c24> Don't miss the boat </color>** | 기회 놓치지 마요. | [[en> Don't miss the boat ]] | [[een> Don't miss the boat ]] | | 31 | **<color #ed1c24> Don't press your luck </color>** | 너무 날뛰지 마세요. | [[en> Don't press your luck ]] | [[een> Don't press your luck ]] | | 32 | **<color #ed1c24> Don't be a chicken </color>** | 겁먹을 것 없어요. | [[en> Don't be a chicken ]] | [[een> Don't be a chicken ]] | | 33 | **<color #ed1c24> Don't bother </color>** | 신경쓰지 마세요. | [[en> Don't bother ]] | [[een> Don't bother ]] | | 34 | **<color #ed1c24> Don't get into trouble! </color>** | 괜히 끼지 마세요! | [[en> Don't get into trouble! ]] | [[een> Don't get into trouble! ]] | | 35 | **<color #ed1c24> Don't mess with me </color>** | 나랑 해보자는 거죠? | [[en> Don't mess with me ]] | [[een> Don't mess with me ]] | | 36 | **<color #ed1c24> Don't let me down </color>** | 날 실망시키지 마요 | [[en> Don't let me down ]] | [[een> Don't let me down ]] | | 37 | **<color #ed1c24> Don't push me! </color>** | 강요하지 마요! | [[en> Don't push me! ]] | [[een> Don't push me! ]] | | 38 | **<color #ed1c24> Easy does it </color>** | 천천히 해요. | [[en> Easy does it ]] | [[een> Easy does it ]] | | 39 | **<color #ed1c24> Either will do </color>** | 둘 중 어떤 거든 돼요. | [[en> Either will do ]] | [[een> Either will do ]] | | 40 | **<color #ed1c24> Enough is enough </color>** | 충분하니 그만해요 | [[en> Enough is enough ]] | [[een> Enough is enough ]] | | 41 | **<color #ed1c24> Far from it </color>** | 아직 멀었죠. | [[en> Far from it ]] | [[een> Far from it ]] | | 42 | **<color #ed1c24> Fifty-fifty </color>** | 50 : 50 이죠. | [[en> Fifty-fifty ]] | [[een> Fifty-fifty ]] | | 43 | **<color #ed1c24> For good? </color>** | 영원히? | [[en> For good? ]] | [[een> For good? ]] | | 44 | **<color #ed1c24> For what? </color>** | 왜? 뭐 때문에? | [[en> For what? ]] | [[een> For what? ]] | | 45 | **<color #ed1c24> Get in the line </color>** | 줄을 서세요. | [[en> Get in the line ]] | [[een> Get in the line ]] | | 46 | **<color #ed1c24> Get off my back </color>** | 날 좀 그만 괴롭혀요. | [[en> Get off my back ]] | [[een> Get off my back ]] | | 47 | **<color #ed1c24> Get the picture? </color>** | 완전히 이해 되세요? | [[en> Get the picture? ]] | [[een> Get the picture? ]] | | 48 | **<color #ed1c24> Give it a rest </color>** | 내버려 두세요. | [[en> Give it a rest ]] | [[een> Give it a rest ]] | | 49 | **<color #ed1c24> Gladly </color>** | 기꺼이 하죠. | [[en> Gladly ]] | [[een> Gladly ]] | | 50 | **<color #ed1c24> Grow up! </color>** | 철 좀 들어라! | [[en> Grow up! ]] | [[een> Grow up! ]] | | 51 | **<color #ed1c24> Hang in there </color>** | 잘 견디고 있어요. | [[en> Hang in there ]] | [[een> Hang in there ]] | | 52 | **<color #ed1c24> Hang loose </color>** | 좀 편히 쉬고 있어요. | [[en> Hang loose ]] | [[een> Hang loose ]] | | 53 | **<color #ed1c24> He is history to me </color>** | 걘 나에게 이미 지난 일 | [[en> He is history to me ]] | [[een> He is history to me ]] | | 54 | **<color #ed1c24> Help yourself! </color>** | 맘껏 드세요! | [[en> Help yourself! ]] | [[een> Help yourself! ]] | | 55 | **<color #ed1c24> How's everything? </color>** | 요즘 어때요?(안부) | [[en> How's everything? ]] | [[een> How's everything? ]] | | 56 | **<color #ed1c24> I'm deeply touched </color>** | 진짜 감동했어요. | [[en> I'm deeply touched ]] | [[een> I'm deeply touched ]] | | 57 | **<color #ed1c24> I'm aware of that </color>** | 그 점은 잘 알고 있어요. | [[en> I'm aware of that ]] | [[een> I'm aware of that ]] | | 58 | **<color #ed1c24> I am all set </color>** | 난 다 준비 됐어. | [[en> I am all set ]] | [[een> I am all set ]] | | 59 | **<color #ed1c24> I am break </color>** | 나 완전 거지야. (파산야.) | [[en> I am break ]] | [[een> I am break ]] | | 60 | **<color #ed1c24> I'm fed up with this </color>** | 아주 진절머리가 나 | [[en> I'm fed up with this ]] | [[een> I'm fed up with this ]] | | 61 | **<color #ed1c24> I am in need </color>** | 궁색합니다. | [[en> I am in need ]] | [[een> I am in need ]] | | 62 | **<color #ed1c24> I bet, </color>** | 내가 장담컨대, | [[en> I bet, ]] | [[een> I bet, ]] | | 63 | **<color #ed1c24> I can't handle anymore </color>** | 더이상 감당불가야. | [[en> I can't handle anymore ]] | [[een> I can't handle anymore ]] | | 64 | **<color #ed1c24> I doubt it </color>** | 아닌 것 같은데 | [[en> I doubt it ]] | [[een> I doubt it ]] | | 65 | **<color #ed1c24> I have no appetite </color>** | 입맛이 없네요. | [[en> I have no appetite ]] | [[een> I have no appetite ]] | | 66 | **<color #ed1c24> I haven't got all day </color>** | 좀 서둘러 줄래요? | [[en> I haven't got all day ]] | [[een> I haven't got all day ]] | | 67 | **<color #ed1c24> I owe you one </color>** | 제가 신세를 지네요. | [[en> I owe you one ]] | [[een> I owe you one ]] | | 68 | **<color #ed1c24> I was told that, </color>** | 제가 듣기로는, | [[en> I was told that, ]] | [[een> I was told that, ]] | | 69 | **<color #ed1c24> I will drink to that </color>** | 그것에 동감입니다. | [[en> I will drink to that ]] | [[een> I will drink to that ]] | | 70 | **<color #ed1c24> It's now or never </color>** | 절호의 기회에요. | [[en> It's now or never ]] | [[een> It's now or never ]] | | 71 | **<color #ed1c24> Just about </color>** | 거의 | [[en> Just about ]] | [[een> Just about ]] | | 72 | **<color #ed1c24> Just looking, </color>** | 그냥 돌아 보는 거에요. | [[en> Just looking, ]] | [[een> Just looking, ]] | | 73 | **<color #ed1c24> Keep an eye on this </color>** | 이것 좀 봐주세요. | [[en> Keep an eye on this ]] | [[een> Keep an eye on this ]] | | 74 | **<color #ed1c24> Keep it confidential </color>** | 대외비밀로 해주세요. | [[en> Keep it confidential ]] | [[een> Keep it confidential ]] | | 75 | **<color #ed1c24> Keep it to yourself </color>** | 당신만 알고 있어요. | [[en> Keep it to yourself ]] | [[een> Keep it to yourself ]] | | 76 | **<color #ed1c24> Keep your chin up </color>** | 고개드세요, 낙담마요 | [[en> Keep your chin up ]] | [[een> Keep your chin up ]] | | 77 | **<color #ed1c24> Knock it off~ </color>** | 그만해~ | [[en> Knock it off~ ]] | [[een> Knock it off~ ]] | | 78 | **<color #ed1c24> Let's call it a day, </color>** | 오늘은 여기까지 하죠. | [[en> Let's call it a day, ]] | [[een> Let's call it a day, ]] | | 79 | **<color #ed1c24> Let's split the bill </color>** | 나눠서 내요. | [[en> Let's split the bill ]] | [[een> Let's split the bill ]] | | 80 | **<color #ed1c24> Look who's here </color>** | 아니 이게 누구야. | [[en> Look who's here ]] | [[een> Look who's here ]] | | 81 | **<color #ed1c24> Make a way! </color>** | 길을 비켜주세요! | [[en> Make a way! ]] | [[een> Make a way! ]] | | 82 | **<color #ed1c24> Make yourself at home </color>** | 내집같이 편히 있어요. | [[en> Make yourself at home ]] | [[een> Make yourself at home ]] | | 83 | **<color #ed1c24> Maybe some other time </color>** | 다른 때 보자구요. | [[en> Maybe some other time ]] | [[een> Maybe some other time ]] | | 84 | **<color #ed1c24> Money talks </color>** | 결국 돈이지 뭐. | [[en> Money talks ]] | [[een> Money talks ]] | | 85 | **<color #ed1c24> Never better </color>** | 아주 좋아요. | [[en> Never better ]] | [[een> Never better ]] | | 86 | **<color #ed1c24> No Sweat </color>** | 껌이죠~ | [[en> No Sweat ]] | [[een> No Sweat ]] | | 87 | **<color #ed1c24> Occupied </color>** | 사용중 | [[en> Occupied ]] | [[een> Occupied ]] | | 88 | **<color #ed1c24> Once in a blue moon </color>** | 아주 가끔요. | [[en> Once in a blue moon ]] | [[een> Once in a blue moon ]] | | 89 | **<color #ed1c24> Poor thing </color>** | 저런, 안쓰러워라. | [[en> Poor thing ]] | [[een> Poor thing ]] | | 90 | **<color #ed1c24> So much for that </color>** | 이제 그 일은 그만 하자. | [[en> So much for that ]] | [[een> So much for that ]] | | 91 | **<color #ed1c24> Take my word for it! </color>** | 내 말만 믿어봐! | [[en> Take my word for it! ]] | [[een> Take my word for it! ]] | | 92 | **<color #ed1c24> Time will tell </color>** | 시간이 해결해줄 거야. | [[en> Time will tell ]] | [[een> Time will tell ]] | | 93 | **<color #ed1c24> What brings you here? </color>** | 어떻게 오셨죠? | [[en> What brings you here? ]] | [[een> What brings you here? ]] | | 94 | **<color #ed1c24> What makes you say that </color>** | 무슨 근거로 말함? | [[en> What makes you say that ]] | [[een> What makes you say that ]] | | 95 | **<color #ed1c24> You went too far </color>** | 좀 과하셨어요. | [[en> You went too far ]] | [[een> You went too far ]] | | 96 | **<color #ed1c24> Thanks for the history lesson </color>** | 뒷북ㄴ~ | [[en> Thanks for the history lesson ]] | [[een> Thanks for the history lesson ]] | | 97 | **<color #ed1c24> I feel heavy </color>** | 몸이 찌뿌둥혀 | [[en> I feel heavy ]] | [[een> I feel heavy ]] | | 98 | **<color #ed1c24> Don't take it personally </color>** | 너 들으라 한 소리 X. | [[en> Don't take it personally ]] | [[een> Don't take it personally ]] | | 99 | **<color #ed1c24> Suit yourself </color>** | 니 맘대로 하세요. | [[en> Suit yourself ]] | [[een> Suit yourself ]] | | 100 | **<color #ed1c24> Stop acting like you're all that </color>** | 잘난척 그만해 | [[en> Stop acting like you're all that ]] | [[een> Stop acting like you're all that ]] | 출처 : https://blog.naver.com/k5808151/223340362098 ===== 신체부위별 영어표현 ===== {{:회화:생활회화_상용구:img_0986.jpg?400| }} {{youtube>hNMsO8Vxz9o?}}\\ ^ 영어단어 ^ 한글표현 ^ 영한사전 ^ 영영사전 ^ | **<color #ed1c24> Head </color>** | 머리 | [[en> Head ]] | [[een> Head ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Mouth </color>** | 입 | [[en> Mouth ]] | [[een> Mouth ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Arm </color>** | 팔 | [[en> Arm ]] | [[een> Arm ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Hair </color>** | 머리 | [[en> Hair ]] | [[een> Hair ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Finger </color>** | 손가락 | [[en> Finger ]] | [[een> Finger ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Nose </color>** | 코 | [[en> Nose ]] | [[een> Nose ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Eye </color>** | 눈 | [[en> Eye ]] | [[een> Eye ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Cheek </color>** | 볼,뺨 | [[en> Cheek ]] | [[een> Cheek ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Foot </color>** | 발 | [[en> Foot ]] | [[een> Foot ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Leg </color>** | 다리 | [[en> Leg ]] | [[een> Leg ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Teeth </color>** | 치아,이빨 | [[en> Teeth ]] | [[een> Teeth ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Face </color>** | 얼굴 | [[en> Face ]] | [[een> Face ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Knee </color>** | 무릎 | [[en> Knee ]] | [[een> Knee ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Waist </color>** | 허리 | [[en> Waist ]] | [[een> Waist ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Chest </color>** | 가슴 | [[en> Chest ]] | [[een> Chest ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Neck </color>** | 목 | [[en> Neck ]] | [[een> Neck ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Armpit </color>** | 겨드랑이 | [[en> Armpit ]] | [[een> Armpit ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Chin </color>** | 턱 | [[en> Chin ]] | [[een> Chin ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Thumb </color>** | 엄지손가락 | [[en> Thumb ]] | [[een> Thumb ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Forehead </color>** | 이마 | [[en> Forehead ]] | [[een> Forehead ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Hip </color>** | 엉덩이 | [[en> Hip ]] | [[een> Hip ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Belly </color>** | 배 | [[en> Belly ]] | [[een> Belly ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Navel </color>** | 배꼽 | [[en> Navel ]] | [[een> Navel ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Nostrils </color>** | 콧쿠멍 | [[en> Nostrils ]] | [[een> Nostrils ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Palm </color>** | 손바닥 | [[en> Palm ]] | [[een> Palm ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Shoulder </color>** | 어깨 | [[en> Shoulder ]] | [[een> Shoulder ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Lip </color>** | 입술 | [[en> Lip ]] | [[een> Lip ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Eyebrow </color>** | 눈썹 | [[en> Eyebrow ]] | [[een> Eyebrow ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Pulse </color>** | 맥박 | [[en> Pulse ]] | [[een> Pulse ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Ear </color>** | 귀 | [[en> Ear ]] | [[een> Ear ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Lungs </color>** | 폐,허파 | [[en> Lungs ]] | [[een> Lungs ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Stomach </color>** | 위 | [[en> Stomach ]] | [[een> Stomach ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Tongue </color>** | 혀 | [[en> Tongue ]] | [[een> Tongue ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Jaw </color>** | 턱 | [[en> Jaw ]] | [[een> Jaw ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Liver </color>** | 간 | [[en> Liver ]] | [[een> Liver ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Pupil </color>** | 동공,눈동자 | [[en> Pupil ]] | [[een> Pupil ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Elbow </color>** | 팔꿉치 | [[en> Elbow ]] | [[een> Elbow ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Heel </color>** | 발뒤끔치 | [[en> Heel ]] | [[een> Heel ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Ankle </color>** | 발목 | [[en> Ankle ]] | [[een> Ankle ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Nail </color>** | 손톱,발톱 | [[en> Nail ]] | [[een> Nail ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Wrist </color>** | 손목,발목 | [[en> Wrist ]] | [[een> Wrist ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Throat </color>** | 목 | [[en> Throat ]] | [[een> Throat ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Ribs </color>** | 갈비(뼈),늑골 | [[en> Ribs ]] | [[een> Ribs ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Gums </color>** | 잇몸 | [[en> Gums ]] | [[een> Gums ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Eye-lash </color>** | 속눈썹 | [[en> Eye-lash ]] | [[een> Eye-lash ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Eyelid </color>** | 눈꺼풀 | [[en> Eyelid ]] | [[een> Eyelid ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Ear-drum </color>** | 고막 | [[en> Ear-drum ]] | [[een> Ear-drum ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Joint </color>** | 관절 | [[en> Joint ]] | [[een> Joint ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Sole </color>** | 발바닥 | [[en> Sole ]] | [[een> Sole ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Parting </color>** | 가르마 | [[en> Parting ]] | [[een> Parting ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Backbone </color>** | 등뼈, 척추 | [[en> Backbone ]] | [[een> Backbone ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Vein </color>** | 정맥 | [[en> Vein ]] | [[een> Vein ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Kidney </color>** | 신장,콩팥 | [[en> Kidney ]] | [[een> Kidney ]] | | **<color #ed1c24> Toe </color>** | 발가락 | [[en> Toe ]] | [[een> Toe ]] | 출처 : https://blog.naver.com/k5808151/222855641448