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회화:생활회화_상용구:영어_실용회화사전 [2024/11/22 10:21]
clayeryan@gmail.com [신체부위별 영어표현]
회화:생활회화_상용구:영어_실용회화사전 [2024/11/22 10:22] (현재)
clayeryan@gmail.com [실생활에서 자주 쓰이는 회화문구 100개]
줄 104: 줄 104:
 | 99 | **<color #ed1c24>  Suit yourself </color>** | 니 맘대로 하세요. | [[en>  Suit yourself ]] | [[een>  Suit yourself ]] | | 99 | **<color #ed1c24>  Suit yourself </color>** | 니 맘대로 하세요. | [[en>  Suit yourself ]] | [[een>  Suit yourself ]] |
 | 100 | **<color #ed1c24>  Stop acting like you're all that </color>** | 잘난척 그만해 | [[en>  Stop acting like you're all that ]] | [[een>  Stop acting like you're all that ]] | | 100 | **<color #ed1c24>  Stop acting like you're all that </color>** | 잘난척 그만해 | [[en>  Stop acting like you're all that ]] | [[een>  Stop acting like you're all that ]] |
-원문 : https://blog.naver.com/k5808151/223340362098+ 
 +출처 : https://blog.naver.com/k5808151/223340362098
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