====== Latin-English Dictionary ====== | [[어학:라틴어|라틴어 문법]] | [[어학:라틴어:라틴어-영어_사전|라틴어-영어 사전]] ||| ^ [[어학:라틴어:사전|영어-라틴어 사전]] | [[어학:라틴어:영어-라틴어_표현_a|단어,표현]] | [[어학:라틴어:영어-라틴어_보통명사|보통명사]] | [[어학:라틴어:영어-라틴어_고유명사|고유명사]] | ===== A ===== | a orab,prep. + abl., **from, away from, by.** | | abdo, -ere, -didi, -ditus, 3, **hide, conceal.** | | abstineo, -ere, -ui, -tentus, 2, restrain, refrain, abstain. | | absum, -esse, afui, afuturus, irreg., be away, | | be absent, be distant. ac, see atque. | | accedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessurus, 3, approach. | | accido, -ere, -cidi, -, 3, befall, happen. | | accipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptus,3, receive, accept. | | accuso, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, blame, accuse. | | acer, acris, acre, m/f/n., 3, sharp, keen, active, fierce. | | acies, aciei, f., 5, edge, line of battle, battle line. | | acrimonia, -ae, f., 1, sharpness, acrimony. | | acriter,adv., sharply, fiercely. | | actio, -onis, f., 3, action. | | ad, prep. + acc., to, toward, near, about. | | adduco, -ere, -duxi, -ductus, 3, lead to, influence. | | adjuvo, -are, juvi, jutus,1, irreg., aid, help. | | administro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, manage, direct, administer. | | admirabilis, -e, mf/n., 3, admirable. | | admiror, -ari, -atus,1, dep., wonder at, admire. | | adopto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, adopt. | | adorno, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, furnish, adorn. | | adorno, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, worship, adore. | | adsum, -esse, -fui, -futurus, irreg., be | | present, be near, be at hand. | | adulescens, -entis, m., 3 (-ium), youth, young man. | | adulescentia, -ae, f., 1, youth. | | adultus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, grown up, adult. | | advena, -ae, m/f., 1, stranger. | | adventus, -us,m., 4, coming, arrival, advent. | | adverbium, -i, n., 2, adverb. | | adversus, adv./prep. + acc., opposed to, against. | | aedificium, -i, n., 2, building, house. | | aedifico, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, build, construct. | | aedilis, -is, m., 3 (-ium), aedile. | | aeger, -gra, -grum, m/f/n., 1, 2, sick, ill. | | aegre,adv., hardly, with difficulty. | | aequalis, -e, mf/n., 3, equal. | | aequo, -are, -avi, -atus,1, make equal, equalize. | | aequus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, equal, just, even, fair. | | aestas, -tatis, f., 3, summer. | | aetas, -tatis, f., 3, age. | | aeternus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, perpetual, | | eternal; in aeternum, forever. | | ager, agri,m., 2, field, territory, land. | | agito, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, drive, stir up. | | agmen, -inis,n., 3, column of march, line of march. | | ago, -ere, egi, actus, 3, drive, lead, do, act; | | gratias agere, give thanks; vitam agere, | | spend or lead a life; negotium agere, | | transact business; causam agere, plead a cause. | | agricola, -ae, m., 1, farmer. | | agricultura, -ae,f., 1, agriculture. | | ala, -ae, f., 1, wing. | | alacer, -cris, -ere, m/f/n., 3, eager, lively, alert. | | alacriter, adv., eagerly. | | albus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, white. | | alienus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, another’s, foreign. | | alius, -a, -ud, m/f/n., 1, 2, gen., -ius, dat., -i, | | another, other; alii . . . alii, some . . . others; | | alius (-a, -ud) post alium (-am, -ud), one after the other. | | alligo,-are,-avi,-atus, 1, tie to, bind to. | | alter, -era, -erum,m/f/n., 1, 2, gen., -ius,dat., | | -i, the other (of two), the second; alter . . . | | alter, the one . . . the other. | | altitudo, -inis,f., 3, height, depth. | | altus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, high, tall, deep. | | amantissimus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, most (very) loving. | | ambo, -ae, -o, m/f/n., declined likeduo,both. | | ambulo, -are, -avi, -aturus, 1, walk, march. | | amicitia, -ae, f., 1, friendship. | | amicus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, friendly; amicus, | | -i, m., 2, friend; amica, -ae, f., 1, friend. | | amitto, -ere, -misi -missus, 3, send away, let go, lose. | | amo, -are, -avi, -atus,1, love, like. | | amor, -oris, m., 3, love. | | amphitheatrum, -i,n., 2, amphitheater. | | angelus, -i,m., 2, angel. | | angustus, -a, -um,m/f/n., 1, 2, narrow, difficult; | | angustiae, -arum, f. pl., 1, narrow pass, difficulties. | | anima, -ae,f., 1, soul, breath of life. | | animadverto, -ere, -verti, -versus, 3, notice, observe, perceive. | | animal, -alis, n., 3(-ium), animal. | | animus, -i, m., 2, spirit, mind, courage; in | | animo habere, to have in mind, intend. | | annus, -i, m., 2, year. | | ante, prep. d- acc., before, in front of; adv., | | before, formerly, ago. | | antea, adv., before, formerly. | | antiquus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, ancient, old. | | anxius, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, anxious, troubled. | | appello, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, name, call upon, address. | | apprehendo, -ere, -prehendi, -prehensus, 3, seize, lay hold of. | | appropinquo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, approach. | | apud,prep. + acc., near, at, among. | | aqua, -ae, f., 1, water. | | aquaeductus, -us, m., 4, aqueduct. | | aquila, -ae,f., 1, eagle. | | ara, -ae, f., 1, altar. | | arbitror, -ari, -atus, 1, dep., think, judge. | | area, -ae, f., 1, box. | | arena, -ae, f., 1, arena, sand. | | arma, -orum, n. pl., 2, arms, weapons. | | armatus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, armed. | | armo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, arm. | | aro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, plow. | | ars, artis, f., 3 (-ium), skill, art. | | arx, arcis,f., 3 (-ium), citadel, fortress. | | ascendo, -ere, -scendi, -scensus, 3, mount, climb, ascend. | | ascensus, -us, m., 4, ascent. | | aspectus, -us, m., 4, appearance, sight, aspect. | | asylum, -i, n., 2, asylum. | | atque (ac), conj., and, and also. | | atrium,-1, n., 2, atrium, principal room of a Roman house. | | auctoritas, -tatis, f., 3, influence, authority. | | audacia, -ae, f., 1, daring, boldness. | | audacter, adv., boldly. | | audax, -dacis, mfn., 3, daring, bold. | | audio, -ire, -ivi, -itus, 4, hear, hear of. | | augeo, -ere, auxi, auctus, 2, increase. | | augur, -uris, m., 3, augur, soothsayer. | | augurium, -i, n., 2, augury, soothsaying. | | aureus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, golden. | | auriga, -ae, m., 1, driver, charioteer. | | aurum, -i,n., 2, gold. | | auspicium, -i, n., 2, divination by the flight | | of birds, auspices. | | aut, conj., or; aut . . . aut, either . . . or. | | autem, conj., always postpositive, however, | | but, moreover. | | auxilium, -i,n., 2, help, aid. | | avis, -is,f., 3(-ium),bird. | ===== B ===== barbarus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, barbarous, uncivilized. basilica, -ae, f., 1, building, meeting place,basilica. beatus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, happy, blessed. bellicosus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, warlike, bellicose. bellum, -i, n., 2, war; bellum gerere, wage war; bellum conficere, end a war successfully; bellum inferre, make war upon. bene, adv., well; comp., melius; superl., optimus. beneficentia, -ae, f., 1, kindness. beneficium, -i, n., 2, kindness, service. benigne, adv., kindly. benignus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, kind, kindly, friendly. bestia, -ae, f., 1, beast. bonus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, good; comp., melior; superl., optimus; bonum, -i,n., 2, a good thing; bona, -orum, n. pl., 2, goods, property. brevis, -e, mf/n., 3, short, brief. ===== C ===== cado, -ere, cecidi, casurus, 3, fall. caduceus, -i, m., herald’s staff, Mercury’s staff, caduceus. caecus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, blind. caedes, -is, f., 3 (-ium), slaughter, carnage. caelum, -i, n., 2, heavens, sky. calamitas, -tatis, f., 3, disaster, calamity. camera, -ae, f., 1, vaulted chamber, room. capio, -ere, cepi, captus, 3 (-io), take, seize; consilium capere, form a plan. captivus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, captive; captivus, -i, m., 2, prisoner, captive. caput, capitis, n., 3, head. care, adv., dearly, at a high price. carrus, -i, m., 2, cart, wagon. carus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, dear. casa, -ae, f., 1, cottage, hut, house. castra, -orum, n. pl., 2, camp. casus, -us, m., 4, chance, happening, fall. causa, -ae, f., 1, cause, reason. cavea, -ae, f., 1, hollow place, cave. caverna, -ae, f., 1, cavern. cedo, -ere, cessi, cessurus, 3, yield, go away. celer, celeris, celere, m/f/n., 3, swift, quick. celeritas, -tatis, f., 3, speed, swiftness, celerity. celeriter, adv., quickly, speedily;quam celerrime, as quickly as possible. census, -us, m., 4, registration, census; censum habere, take a census. centum, num. adj., indecl., one hundred. certamen, -inis, n., 3, contest, match. certe, adv., at least, certainly. certus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, fixed, certain, sure; certiorem facere, make more sure, inform; certior fieri, to be informed. cervus, -i, m., 2, stag, deer. ceteri, -ae, -a, m/f/n., pl., 1, 2, the rest of, the others, all the rest. Christianus, -i, m., 2, Christian. Christus, -i, m., 2, Christ. cibus, -i, m., 2, food. circum, prep. + acc., around, about. circumdo, -are, -dedi, -datus, 1, irreg., place around, surround. citra, prep. + acc., on this side of. civilis, -e, mf/n., 3, civil, civic. civis, -is, mf., 3 (-ium), citizen. civitas, -tatis, f., 3, citizenship, state. clam, adv., secretly. clamo, -are, -avi, -aturus, 1, call out, shout. clamor, -oris, m., 3, shouting, noise, clamor. clare, adv., clearly, famously. clarus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, clear, bright, famous. classis, -is, f., 3 (-ium), division, fleet. claudo, -ere, clausi, clausus, 3, close, shut, shut in. clementia, -ae, f., 1, clemency, mercy. cogito, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, think, think about, ponder. cognosco, -ere, -novi, -nitus, 3, begin to know, find out, learn; perf. tense, know. cogo, -ere, coegi, coactus, 3, collect, drive together; with inf., compel, force. cohors, cohortis, f., 3 (-ium), cohort (the tenth part of a legion). collis, -is, m., 3 (-ium), hill;ab summo colle, from the top of the hill; (in) medio colle, halfway up the hill. colloquium, -i, n., 2, conversation. colo, -ere, colui, cultus, 3, till, cultivate, worship. colonia, -ae, f., 1, colony. color, -oris, m., 3, color. columna, -ae, f., 1, column, pillar. committo, -ere, -misi, -missus, 3, send together, commit (a crime), entrust;proelium committere, begin a battle. commoveo, -ere, -movi, -motus, 2, alarm, startle. comparo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, prepare, make ready. competitor, -oris, m., 3, competitor. complures, -a, mf/n. pl., 3, very many, several. comprehendo, -ere, -hendi, -prehensus, 3, seize, catch, grasp, comprehend. concedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessurus, 3, yield, grant, permit. concordia, -ae, f., 1, concord. condemno, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, condemn. condicio, -onis, f., 3, terms, agreement, condition. confero, -ferre, -tuli, collatus, irreg., bring together, collect. conficio, -ere, -feci, -fectus, 3 (-io), accomplish, complete, finish. confidentia, -ae, f., 1, confidence. confirmo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, make firm, confirm, declare, establish. congrego, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, gather, congregate. conjicio, -ere, jeci, jectus, 3 (-io), throw, hurl. conjunx, jugis, mf., 3, husband wife. conjuratio, -onis, f., 3, conspiracy. conjuro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, swear together, conspire. conor, -ari, -atus sum, 1, dep., try, attempt (used with inf.). conscribo, -ere, -scripsi, -scriptus, 3, enroll, enlist. consequor, -sequi, -secutus sum, 3, dep., pursue, overtake, gain, consido, -ere, -sedi, -, 3, sit down, settle. consilium, -i, n., 2, plan, advice; c6nsilium capere, to form a plan, adopt a plan. conspectus, -us, m., 4, sight, view, presence. conspicio, -ere, -spexi, -spectus, 3 (-io), catch sight of, perceive. constituo, -ere, -stitui, -stitutus, 3, decide, determine. consul, -sulis, m., 3, consul. consulatus, -us, m., 4, consulship, consulate. consultum, -i, n., 2, decree, order. contendo, -ere, -tendi, -tentus, 3, struggle, hasten, contend. continenter, adv., continually. contineo, -ere, -ui, -tentus, 2, hold together, hem in contra, prep. + ace., opposite, against. controversia, -ae, f., 1, dispute, controversy. convenio, -ire, -veni, -venturus, 4, come together, assemble. converto, -ere, -verti, -versus, 3, turn about, change, convert. convoco, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, call together, summon, convoke. copia, -ae, f., 1, abundance, supply; pl., forces, troops. cor, cordis, n., 3, heart. cornu, -us, n., 4, horn, wing (of an army). corpus, -oris, n., 3, body. cotidie, adv., daily, every day. cras, adv., tomorrow. creator, -oris, m., 3, creator, maker, founder. creatura, -ae, f., 1, creature. credo, -ere, -didi, -diturus, 3, with dat., trust, believe. creo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, make, create, elect, choose. crucifixit, he crucified. crudelis, -e, mf/n., 3, cruel. crudeliter, adv., cruelly. culpa, -ae, f., 1, fault, blame. cum, prep. + abl., with, along with. cunctus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, all, the whole. cupiditas, -tatis, f., 3, with gen., desire for, eagerness for, greed for. cupidus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, with gen., desirous of, eager for. cupio, -ere, -ivi, -itus, 3 (-io), desire, wish, long for, be eager. cur, adv., why? wherefore? cura, -ae, f., 1, care, anxiety. curiositas, -tatis, f., 3, curiosity. curo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, take care of, care for, cure. curro, -ere, cucurri, cursurus, 3, run. currus, -us, m., 4, chariot. cursus, -us, m., 4, running, course. custodia, -ae, f., 1, guard, custody. custodio, -ire, -ivi, -itus, 4, watch, guard. custos, custodis, m., 3, guard. =====D===== de, prep. + abl., down from, from, about, concerning. dea, -ae, f., 1, dat./abl. pl.,deabus, goddesses debeo, -ere, -ui, -itus, 2, owe; with infin., ought., must. decem, num. adj., indecl., ten. decemviri, -orum, m. pl., 2, board of ten commissioners at Rome. decimus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, tenth. deditio, -onis, f., 3, surrender. dedo, -ere, -didi, -ditus, 3, give over, surrender. defendo, -ere, -fendi, fensus, 3, defend, protect, strike off. defessus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, tired out, exhausted. deinde, adv., thence, from there, then, next. dejicio, -ere, -jeci, -jectus, 3 (-io), throw down, disappoint. delecto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, delight. deleo, -ere, -evi, -etus, 2, destroy, wipe out, delete. delibero, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, think about, consider. deligo, -ere, -legi, -lectus, 3, choose, select. demonstro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, show, point out, demonstrate. denique, adv., finally, at last. dens, dentis, m., 3 (-ium), tooth. depono, -ere, -posui, -positus, 3, lay aside, put down, resign. deporto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, carry off, carry dowr_, banish. derideo, -ere, -risi, -risus, 2, mock, deride. descendo, -ere, -scendi, -scensus, 3, descend, climb down. desertus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, deserted. desidero, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, desire, long for, want, wish. destino, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, determine, destine. desum, deesse, defui, -, irreg., be lacking, fail. detraho, -ere, -traxi, -tractus, 3, draw off, remove. Deus, -i, m., 2, God. deus, -i, m., 2, god. dexter, -tra, -trum, m/f/n., 1, 2, right. dextra, -ae, f., right hand. dico, -ere, dixi, dictus, 3, say, tell, speak; diem dicere, appoint a day. dictator, -oris, m., 3, dictator. dies, -ei, m., sometimes fem. in sing., 5, day; multo die, late in the day;diem ex die, day after day;ad diem, on time, promptly. difficilis, -e, mf/n., 3, difficult, hard; superl., difficillimus. diligens, -entis, mfn., 3, careful, diligent. diligenter, adv., carefully, diligently. diligentia, -ae, f., 1, care, industry, diligence. dimitto, -ere, -misi, -missus, 3, send away, dismiss, lose. discedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessurus, 3, go away, depart. discipulus, -i, m., 2, pupil, disciple. discipula, -ae, f., 1, pupil. discordia, -ae, f., 1, discord. dissimilis, -e, mf/n., 3, unlike, unlike to; superl., dissimillimus. diu, adv., for a long time, quam diu, as long as; quam diu? how long? divido, -ere, -visi, -visus, 3, divide. divinus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, divine, sacred. divitiae, -arum, f., pl., 1, riches. do, dare, dedi, datus, 1, irreg., give;inter se dare, exchange; in fugam dare, put to flight; poenas dare, pay the penalty. doceo, -ere, -ui, doctus, 2, with two accusatives, teach, explain. doctrina, -ae, f., 1, teaching, instruction, doctrine. doctus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, learned. dolor, -oris, m., 3, grief, pain, sorrow. dolus, -i, m., 2, device, trickery, deceit. domicilium, -i, n., 2, dwelling, house, home. domina, -ae, f., 1, mistress (of slaves), lady. dominus, -i, m., 2, master (of slaves), lord. domus, -us, f., 4, house, home; domi, loc., at home; domum, acc., homeward, home; domo, abl., from home, out of the house. donum, -i, n., 2, gift, present. dubito, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, doubt; with. infin., hesitate. duco, -ere, duxi, ductus, 3, lead, guide; in matrimonium ducere, marry. dum, conj., usually with pres. indic., while. duo, duae, duo, m/f/n., two. duodecim, num. adj., inded., twelve. dux, ducis, m., 3, leader, general, guide. =====E===== e or ex, prep. + abl., out of, out, from, out from. educo, -ere, -duxi, -ductus, 3, lead out. efficio, -ere, -feci, -fectus, 3 (-io), bring about, accomplish. ego, mei, mf., pers. pron., I. egredior, -gredi, -gressus, 3 (-io), dep., step forth, go out, leave. elephantus, -i, m., 2, elephant. emitto, -ere, -misi, -missus, 3, emit, let out. emo, -ere, emi, emptus, 3, buy. eo, adv., there, thither, to that place. eo, ire, ii (ivi), iturus, irreg., go. epistula, -ae, f., 1, letter, epistle. eques, -itis, m., 3, horseman, knight; pl., cavalry; Equites, the knights (one of the three orders of Roman society). equitatus, -us, m., 4, riders, body of horsemen, cavalry. equus, -i, m., 2, horse. eripio, -ere, -ripui, -reptus, 3 (-io), snatch away, rescue. et, conj., and; et . . . et, both . . . and. etiam, adv., also, even, still. etsi, conj., even if, although. evenio, -ire, -veni, -venturus, 4, come out, result; evenit, impers., the outcome is. eventus, -us, m., 4, outcome, result. excedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessurus, 3, go out, withdraw, depart. excipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptus, 3 (-io), receive, welcome. excito, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, excite, rouse up. exclamo, -are, -avi, -aturus, 1, shout out, exclaim. exemplum, -i, n., 2, example. exeo, -ire, -ii (-ivi), -iturus, irreg., go forth. exercitus, -us, m., 4, army. existimo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, think, suppose, reckon. expello, -ere, -puli, -pulsus, 3, drive out, expel. explano, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, smooth out, explain. explorator, -oris, m., 3, scout. expugno, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, take by storm, capture by assault. exspecto, -ire, -avi, -atus, 1, wait, wait for, expect. exspiro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, exhale, expire. extendo, -ere, -tendi, -tentus, 3, extend. exterior, -ius, mf/n., 3, exterior, outer. extra, prep. + acc., outside, beyond. extraho, -ere, -traxi, -tractus, 3, draw out, extract. extremus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, outermost, end of, extreme. =====F===== fabula, -ae, f., 1, story, conversation, play. facile, adv., easily; superl., facillime. facilis, -e, mf/n., 3, easy; superl., facillimus. facio, -ere, feci, factus, 3 (-io), make, do; certiorem facere, inform; iter facere, march, make a march; vim facere, use force. factio, -onis, f., 3, a making, doing, political party, faction. factum, -i, n., 2, deed, act. falsus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, mistaken, false. fama, -ae, f., 1, report, rumor, fame. familia, -ae, f., 1, household, family. fatalis, -e, mf/n., 3, fated, deadly, fatal. fatum, -i, n., 2, fate, destiny. felix, -icis, mfn., 3, happy, successful. femina, -ae, f., 1, woman. fenestra, -ae, f., 1, window. fere, adv., almost. fero, ferre, tuli, latus, irreg., bear, carry, bring. fide, adv., faithfully. fides, -ei, f., 5, faith, pledge. fidus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, faithful. filia, -ae, f., 1, dat./abl. pl.,filiabus, daughters filius,-i, m., 2, son. finio, -ire, -ivi, -itus, 4, end, finish. finis, -is, m., 3 (-ium), end, limit; pl., territory, boundary. finitimus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, neighboring; m. pl., neighbors. fio, -fieri, factus sum, irreg., become, be made, be done, happen. firmus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, firm, strong. flamma, -ae, f., 1, flame. flumen, -inis, n., 3, river. fluo, -ere, fluxi, fluxurus, 3, flow. focus, -i, m., 2, hearth. forma, -ae, f., 1, form. formo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, form. fortasse, adv., perhaps. forte, adv., by chance. fortis, -e, mf/n., 3, brave, strong. fortiter, adv., bravely. fortitudo, -inis, f., 3, bravery, courage, fortitude. fortuna, -ae, f., 1, fortune, chance, luck. fortunatus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, fortunate. forum, -i, n., 2, forum, market place. fossa, -ae, f., 1, ditch. frater, -tris, m., 3, brother. frumentum, -i, n., 2, grain. frustra, adv., in vain. fuga, -ae, f., 1, flight; se in fugam dare, flee; in fugam dare, put to flight. fugio, -ere, fugi, -, 3 (-io), escape, flee. fugitivus,, -i, m., 2, fugitive. fulmen, -inis, n., 3, thunderbolt. furtim, adv., by stealth. =====G===== gaudium, -i, n., 2, joy, gladness. gens, gentis, f., 3 (-ium), tribe, clan, nation, race. genus, -eris, n., 3, race, kind, class. gero, -ere, gessi, gestus, 3, bear, carry carry on, conduct, direct; bellum gerere, wage war. gladiator, -oris, m., 3, gladiator. gladius, -i, m., 2, sword. gloria, -ae, f., 1, glory. gratia, -ae, f., 1, favor, grace;gratias agere, give thanks. gratus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, pleasing, pleasant, acceptable. gravis, -e, m/f/n., 3, heavy, serious, grave. graviter, adv., heavily, severely, seriously. grex, gregis, m., 3, herd, flock. =====H===== habeo, -ere, -ui, -itus, 2, have, hold, consider; censum habere, take a census; orationem habere, deliver a speech. habito, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, live, dwell, inhabit. heri, adv., yesterday. hiberna, -orum, n. pl., winter quarters. hic, adv., here, in this place. hic, haec, hoc, m/f/n., dem. prop./adj.; as pronoun: he, she, it, pl., they; as adjective: this, pl., these; the latter. hiems, hiemis, f., 3, winter. hinc, adv., from this place, hence. historia, -ae, f., 1, story, history. hodie, adv., today. homo, -inis, m., 3, human being, man. honor, -oris, m., 3, distinction, esteem, honor. hora, -ae, f., 1, hour. horribilis, -e, mf/n., 3, dreadful, horrible. hostilis, -e, mf/n., 3, hostile. hostis, -is, m., 3 (-ium), enemy, public enemy; pl., the enemy. huc, adv., hither, to this place, here. humanus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, human. humerus (umerus), -i, m., 2, shoulder. humilis, -e, mf/n., 3, low, humble. =====I===== ibi, adv., there, in that place. ibidem, adv., in the same place, in the same matter. idem, eadem, idem, m/f/n., dem. pron./ adj., the same. idoneus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, suitable, fit. Idus, -uum, f. pl., the Ides (the 15th of March, May, July, October, and the 13th of the other months. igitur, conj., postpositive, therefore. ignis, -is, m., 3 (-ium), fire. ignominia, -ae, f., 1, disgrace, ignominy. ignotus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, unknown, strange. ille, illa, illud, m/f/n., dem. prop./adj.; as pronoun: he, she, it, pl., they; as adjective: that, pl., those; the former. imago, -inis, f., 3, image, likeness. immolo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, sacrifice. immortalis, -e, mf/n., 3, undying, immortal. impedimentum, -i, n., 2, hindrance, impediment; pl., heavy baggage. impedio, -ire, -ivi, -itus, 4, hinder, entangle, impede. imperator, -oris, m., 3, commander-inchief, general, emperor. imperium, -i, n., 2, command, military power, empire, power, rule. impero, -are, -avi, -atus, l , with dat., order, command; levy (soldiers). impetus, -us, m., 4, attack. imploro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, beseech, implore. impono, -ere, -posui, -positus, 3, put upon, lay upon. in, prep.; with abl., in, on; with acc., into, against, upon. incendo, -ere, -cendi, -census, 3, set on fire, kindle. incipio, -ere, -cepi, -cepturus, 3 (-io), used only in pres. system, begin, undertake. incito, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, urge on, arouse, spur on, incite. incola, -ae, m/f., 1, inhabitant. inde, adv., from that place, thence, from there. indivisibilis, -e, mf/n., 3, indivisible. induco, -ere, -duxi, -ductus, 3, lean on, influence, induce. industrie, adv., industriously. industrius, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, industrious. ineo, -ire, -ii (-ivi), -itus, irreg., go into, enter, begin. infans, -antis, mfn., 3, not talking. infans, -antis, mf., 3, infant. infantia, -ae, f., 1, infancy. infero, -ferre, -tuli, illatus, irreg., bring in, inflict; bellum inferre, wage war on. inferus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, below, lower; superl., infimus. infesto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, make dangerous, infest. infidelitas, -tatis, f., 3, faithlessness, infidelity. inflammo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, set fire to, inflame. ingens, ingentis, mfn., 3, huge, enormous, ingredior, -gredi, -gressus sum, 3, dep., enter, step into. inimicus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, with dat., unfriendly, hostile. inimicus, -i, m., 2, a personal enemy. iniquus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, unequal, unjust. initium, -i, n., 2, beginning. injuria, -ae, f., 1, wrong, harm, injury. injustitia, -ae, f., 1, injustice. inopia, -ae, f., 1, lack, need. inquam, inquis, inquit, defective, say, insidiae, -arum, f. pl. 1, treachery, plot, ambush. insignis, -e, mf/n., 3, marked, distinguished. instruo, -ere, -struxi, -structus, 3, arrange, build, construct, draw up (a battle line). insula, -ae, f., 1, island. integer, -gra, -grum, m/f/n., 1, 2, whole, untouched, honest. integritas, -tatis, f., 3, soundness, integrity. intellego, -ere, -lexi, -lectus, 3, understand, find out, learn. inter, prep. -I- acc., between, among; inter se, with one another. interdum, adv., sometimes. interea, adv., in the meantime, meanwhile. interficio, -ere, -feci, -fectus, 3 (-io), kill. interim, adv., meanwhile, in the meantime. intermitto, -ere, .misi, -missus, 3, interrupt. interregnum, -i, n., 2, interregnum, an interval between two reigns. intervallum, -i, n., 2, distance, interval. intra, adv., prep. -I- act., within. intro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, enter. invenio, -ire, -veni, -ventus, 4, come upon, find. invidia, -ae, f., 1, envy, jealousy. invidus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, envious, jealous. invito, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, invite. invitus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, unwilling. ipse, ipsa, ipsum, m/f/n., dem. pron./ adj., self, himself, herself, itself, very; pl., themselves. ira, -ae, f., 1, anger. iratus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, angered, angry, irate. is, ea, id, m/f/n., dem. pron./adj.; as pronoun: he, she, it, pl., they; as adj.: this, that, pl., these, those. iste, ista, istud, m/f/n., dem. prop./adj., that, that of yours; pl., those, those of yours. ita, adv., so (manner), thus, in such a way. itaque, adv., and so, therefore. item, adv., likewise, in like manner. iter, itineris, n., 3, journey, route;iter facere, march;magnum (maximum) iter, forced march. iterum, adv., a second time, again. =====J===== jacio, -ere, jeci, jactus, 3 (-io), throw, hurl. jam, adv., now, already; non jam, no longer. janua, -ae, f., 1, front door, door, gate. jubeo, -ere, jussi, jussus, 2, with acc. and inf., order, command. judex, -icis, m., 3, judge, juryman. judicium, -i,n., 2, trial (in court), decision. judico, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, judge. jugum, -i, n., 2, yoke, ridge; sub jugum mittere, send under the yoke. jungo, -ere, junxi, junctus, 3, join, unite. juro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, swear, take an oath. jus, juris, n., 3, right, law, justice. justitia, -ae, f., 1, justice. justus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, just. juvenis, -e, mf/n., 3, young. juvenis, -is, m., 3 (-ium), young man, a youth. juventus, -tutis, f., 3, youth, young men. juvo, -are, juvi, jutus, 1, irreg., help, aid. =====L===== labor, -oris, m., 3, labor, work. laboro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, labor, work, suffer. labyrintbus, -i, m., 2, labyrinth. lacus, -us, m., 4, lake. laetitia, -ae, f., 1, joy, merriment. laetus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, happy, glad, joyful. largior, -iri, -itus sum, 4, dep., bestow. late, adv., widely. latitudo, -inis, f., 3, width, latitude. latro, -onis, m., 3, robber. latus, -eris, n., 3, side, flank, wing of an army. latus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, wide, broad. laudo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, praise. laus, laudis, 3, praise. lavo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, wash. legatio, -onis, f., 3, legation, embassy. legatus, -i, m., 2, lieutenant (second in command to a general), envoy, ambassador. legio, -onis, f., 3, legion. lego, -ere, legi, lectus, 3, read, choose. leo, -onis, m., 3, lion. levis, -e, mf/n., 3, light (weight). levo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, raise, lift. lex, legis, f., 3, law. liber, libri, m., 2, book. liber, -era, -erum, m/f/n., 1, 2, free. liberi, -orum, m. pl., 2, children. libero, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, set free, free. libertas, -tatis, f., 3, liberty, freedom. ligneus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, wooden. ligo, -are, ,-avi, -atus, 1, bind, tie; alligo. lingua, -ae, f., 1, tongue, language. littera, -ae, f., 1, letter (of the alphabet); pl., letter, epistle. loco, -are, -avi, -atus,1, place, put. locus, -i, m., 2, place, region, location; pl., loca, -orum, n. longe, adv., by far, far; quam longe, how far? longitudo, -inis, f., 3, longitude. longus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, long, tall. loquor, loqui, locutus sum, 3, dap., speak, say, talk. ludo, -ere, lusi, lusus, 3, play, frolic, mock. ludus, -i, m., 2, game, play, school. lumen, -inis, n., 3, light. luna, -ae, f., 1, moon. lupa, -ae, f., 1, she-wolf. lux, lucis, f., 3, light;prima luce, at daybreak. =====M===== magis, adv., more. magister, -stri, m., 2, teacher. magistra, -ae, f., 1, teacher. magistratus, -us, m., 4, public office, magistrate, magistracy. magnitudo, -inis, f., 3, magnitude. magnopere, adv., greatly, very much; comp., magis; superl., maxima. magnus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, large, great, much (money); comp.,major; superl., maximus. major, majus, mf/n., 3, comp. ofmagnus, greater, larger. male, adv., badly. maleficium, -i, n., 2, evil-doing, evil, harm. malus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1.2, bad; comp., pejor; superl., pessimus. mandatum, -i, n., 2, order, command; pl., instructions, directions. mane, adv., in the morning. maneo, -ere, mansi, mansurus, 2, remain, stay. manus, -us, f., 4, hand, arm, band (of men). mare, -is, n., 3 (-ium), sea. marinus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, of the sea, marine. maritimus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, pertaining to the sea; maritime. martyr, -yris, m., 3, martyr. mater, -tris, f., 3, mother. matrimonium, -i, n., 2, marriage;in matrimonium ducere, marry;in matrimonium dare, give in marriage. maxima, adv., superl. ofmagnopere, very greatly, very much, especially. maximus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, superl. of magnus, greatest, very large. medius, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, middle, the middle of; (in)medio colle(monte), halfway up the hill (mountain);media nocte, midnight. melior, melius, mf/n., 3, comp. ofbonus, better. memoria, -ae, f., 1, memory;memoria tenere, remember. mens, mentis, f., 3, mind. mensa, -ae, f., 1, table. mensis, -is, m., 3 (-ium), month. mereo, -ere, -ui, -itus, 2, deserve, merit. metus, -us, m., 4, fear, dread. meus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, poss. adj./ pron., my, mine. migro, -are, avi, -atus, 1, migrate. miles, -itis, m., 3, soldier. militaris, -e, mf/n., 3, military;res militaris, art of war, warfare. mille, num. adj., indecl., one thousand; milia, -ium, n. pl., 3, with gen., thousands. minima, adv., superl. of parum, least of all, not at all, no. minimus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, superl. of parvus, smallest, least. minor, minus, mf/n., 3, comp. ofparvus, smaller, less. miser, -era, -erum, m/f/n., 1, 2, wretched, unhappy, unfortunate. mitto, -ere, misi, missus, 3, send. modus, -i, m., 2, manner, measure, mode. moneo, -ere, -ui, -itus, 2, warn, advise. mons, montis, m., 3 (-ium), mountain; (in) medio monte, halfway up the mountain; sub monte, at the foot of the mountain. monstrum, -i, n., 2, monster. monumentum, -i, n., 2, monument. mora, -ae, f., 1, delay. mors, mortis, f., 3 (-ium), death. mortalis, -e, mf/n., 3, mortal, deadly, mortuus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, dead. mos, moris, m., 3, custom, habit; pl., manners. moveo, -ere, movi, motus, 2, move;castra movere, break camp. mox, adv., soon, presently. multitudo, -inis, f., 3, large number, multitude. multo, adv., much, greatly. multum, adv., much. multus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, much; pl, many. mundus, -i, m., 2, universe, world. munio, -ire, -ivi, -itus, 4, fortify. munitio, -onis, f., 3, fortification. munus, -eris, n., 3, duty, service, task, gift. murus, -i, m., 2, wall. musica, -ae, f., 1, music. muto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, change. mysteria, -orum, n. pl., 2, mysteries. =====N===== nam, conj., for, because. narratio, -onis, f., 3, narration. narro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, tell, narrate. natio, -onis, f., 3, nation, tribe, people. natura, -ae, f., 1, nature, character. nauta, -ae, m., 1, sailor. navalis, -e, rn f/n., 3, naval. navigatio, -onis, f., 3, voyage, navigation. navigo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, sail, set sail. navis, -is, f., 3 (-ium), ship; navis longa, war galley, warship. ne, conj., in order that not, that not, lest. ne, adv., not. -ne, interrog. particle, enclitic. nec-, conj., see neque. necessarius, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, necessary. necesse, indecl. adj., necessary; necesse est, impers., with inf., it is necessary, must. neco, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, put to death, kill. nego, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, say no, deny, say that . . . not. negotium, -i, n., 2, business, difficulty. nemo, -, mf., dat., nemini, acc., neminem, no gen. or abl., no one, nobody. neque (nec), conj., and . . . not, nor, neither; neque(nec) . . . neque (nec), neither . . . nor. neuter, -tra, -trum, m/f/n., 1, 2, gen., -ius, dat., -i, neither (of two). niger, -gra, -grum, m/f/n., 1, 2, black. nihil, indecl. noun, n., nothing; as adv., not at all. nisi, conj., if not, unless. nobilis, -e, mf/n., 3, famous, noble; m. pl., nobles. noceo, -ere, -ui, -, 2, with dat., do harm, injure. nomen, -inis, n., 3, name. nomino, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, name, call by name, appoint. non, adv., not. nondum, adv., not yet. nonne, interrog. particle, in questions expecting the answer "Yes." nonus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, ninth. nos, nostrum, mf., pron., pl. of ego, we. nosco, -ere, novi, notus, 3, begin to know, learn; in perf., know. noster, -tra, -trum, m/f/n., 1, 2, poss. adj./ pron., our, ours. nostri, -orum, m. pl., 2, our men, our troops. notus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, well-known, familiar. novem, num. adj., indecl., nine. novus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, new, strange. nox, noctis, f., 3 (-ium), night;media nocte, at midnight. nudus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, bare, naked, unprotected. nullus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, gen., -ius, dat., -i, no, not any, none; as noun, no one. num, interrog. particle, in questions expecting the answer "No." numerus, -i, m., 2, number, account, amount. numquam, adv., never. nunc, adv., now, at this present moment. nuntio, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, announce, report. nuntius, -i, m., 2, messenger, message, news. nuptiae, -arum, f. pl., 1, marriage. nympha, -ae, f., 1, nymph. =====O===== O, interj., O!, Oh! ob, prep. -f- ace., on account of, against. objicio, -ere, jeci, -jectus, 3 (-io), throw against, oppose, object. oblongus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, oblong. obses, -idis, mf., 3, hostage, pledge. observo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, watch, observe, keep. obtineo, -ere, -ui, -tentus, 2, hold fast, get a hold on, occupy, obtain, acquire. occido, -ere, -cidi, -cisus, 3, cut down, kill, put to death. occupo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, seize, capture, occupy. octavus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, eighth. octo, num. adj., indecl., eight. oculus, -i, m., 2, eye. offero, -ferre, obtuli, oblatus, irreg., offer. officium, -i, n., 2, service, duty, employment. olim, adv., once on a time, formerly, once. omen, -inis, n., 3, omen. omnino, adv., in all, altogether. omnis, -e, mf/n., 3, every; pl., all. opinio, -onis, f., 3, opinion, idea. oportet, -ere, -uit, 2, impers., with acc. and inf., it is fitting, ought. oppidum, -i, n., 2, town. opprimo, -ere, -pressi, -pressus, 3, overwhelm, crush. oppngno, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, attack, assault. optime, adv., superl. of bene, best. optimus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, superl. of bonus, best, very good, excellent. opus, -eris, n., 3, work, task, labor. ora, -ae, f., 1, coast, shore;ora maritima, sea coast. oraculum, -i, n., 2, oracle. oratio, -onis, f., 3, speech, oration; orationem habere, deliver a speech. orator, -oris, m., 3, speaker, orator. ordo, -inis, m., 3, row, order, rank. orior, -iri, ortus sum, 4, rise. ornamentum, -i, n., 2, ornament. oro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, beg, plead, pray, ask. os, oris, n., 3, mouth, face. ostendo, -ere, -tendi, -tentus, 3, point out, show. otium, -i, n., 2, free time, leisure. ovis, -is, f., 3 (-ium), sheep. =====P===== paene, adv., almost. paeninsula, -ae, f., 1, peninsula. pagus, -i, m., 2, district. par, paris, mfn., 3, equal, equal to. parco, -ere, peperci, parsurus, 3, with dat., spare. parens, -entis, mf., 3, parent, father, mother. paro, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, prepare, get ready, make ready. pars, partis, f., 3 (-ium), part, side; ex omnibus partibus, from all sides. parvus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, small, little; comp., minor; superl.,minimus. passus, -us, m., 4, step, stride, pace; mille passus, mile; milia passuum, miles. pastor, -oris, m., 3, shepherd. pater -tris, m., 3, father; pl., forefathers, senators. patientia, -ae, f., 1, patience. patior, pati, passus sum, 3, dep., suffer, permit. patria, -ae, f., 1, fatherland, native country, native land. patricius, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, noble, patrician. patricii, -orum, m. pl., 2, the patricians. pauci, -ae, -a, m/f/n., pl., 1, 2, few. paulo, adv., by a little, a little; paulo ante, a little while before, a short time ago; paulo postea, a little while afterward (later). paulum, adv., a little. pauper, -eris, mfn., 3, poor; as noun, the poor (person, people). pax, pacis, f., 3, peace. peccatum, -i, n., 2, sin, crime, offense. pecunia, -ae, f., 1, money, wealth, property. pedes, -itis, m., 3, footsoldier; pl., infantrymen, infantry. pejor, pejus, mf/n., 3, comp. of malus, worse. pello, -ere, pepuli, pulsus, 3, drive out, expel, strike. per, prep. -1- ace., through, by. percutio, -ere, -cussi, -cussus, 3 (-io), strike, strike through, pierce. perficio, -ere, -feci, -fectus, 3 (-io), accomplish, finish, do thoroughly. perfidia, -ae, 1, treachery, perfidy. perfidus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, faithless, treacherous. periculum, -i, n., 2, danger, peril. peritus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, skilled; with gen., skilled in. permitto, -ere, -misi, -missus, 3, with dat., intrust, permit. permoveo, -ere, -movi, -motus, 2, influence, disturb, alarm. perpetuus, -a, -um, m/f,/n., 1, 2, unbroken, lasting, perpetual; in perpetuum, forever, persuadeo, -ere, -suasi, -suasurus, 2, with dat., persuade. perterreo, -ere, -ui, -itus, 2, frighten thoroughly, terrify, alarm. pertineo, -ere, -ui, -, 2, extend to, relate to, pertain to. perturbo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, disturb, perturb. pervenio, -ire, -veni, -venturus, 4, arrive at, reach. pes, pedis, m., 3, foot. pessimus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, superl. of malus, worst. pestis, -is, f., 3 (-ium), pest, plague. peto, -ere, -ivi (ii), -itus, 3, with acc. of the thing, and a or ab with abl. of the person, seek, beg, ask. phalanx, -angis, f., 3, array of soldiers in close order, phalanx. philosophicus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, philosophical. pictura, -ae, f., 1, picture. pilleus, -i, m., 2, cap. pilum, -i, n., 2, javelin, spear. pirata, -ae, m., 1, pirate. placeo, -ere, -ui, -iturus, 2, with dat., please; si placet, if you please. planeta, -ae, f., 1, planet. plebeius, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, plebeian; of the people. plebs, plebis, f., 3, common people, the plebeians. pluralis, -e, mf/n., 3, plural. plurimus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, superl. of multus, most, very many. plus, pluris, comp. of multus, sing. as noun, n., more; pl. as adj., plures, plura, mf/n., 3, several. plus, adv., comp. of multum, more. poena, -ae, f., 1, punishment, penalty;poenas dare, pay the penalty. poeta, -ae, m., 1, poet. pompa, -ae, f., 1, procession, parade. pomum, -i, n., 2, apple, fruit. pono, -ere, posui, positus, 3, place, put; castra ponere, pitch camp. pons, pontis, m., 3 (-ium), bridge. populus, -i, m., 2, people, nation. porta, -ae, f., 1, gate. portentum, -i, n., 2, marvel, portent. porto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, carry. possum, posse, potui, -, irreg., can, be able. post, prep. + ace., after, behind; adv., after, later. postea, adv., afterward, later. posterus, -a, -um, ml f/n., 1, 2, following, next; superl.,postremus. postquam, conj., after. postridie, adv., on the following day, next day. postulo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, with ace. of the thing and a or ab with abl. of the person, demand. potens, -entis, mfn., 3, powerful, mighty, able. potestas, -tatis, f., 3, power, control. praeda, -ae, f., 1, booty. praeficio, -ere, -feci, -fectus, 3 (-io), with acc. and dat., place in charge of, place in command of. praemitto, -ere, -misi, -missus, 3, send ahead. praemium, -i, n., 2, reward, prize, premium. praeparo, -are, -avi, -atus, 3, prepare. praesidium, -i, n., 2, protection, guard, garrison. praesum, -esse, -fui, -, irreg., with dat., be in command of, be in charge of. praeter, prep. + ace., besides, except. praeterea, adv., besides. praetor, -oris, m., 3, praetor. premo, -ere, pressi, pressus, 3, press, press hard, crush. prex, precis, f., 3, prayer, entreaty. primo, adv., at first, at the beginning. primum, adv., for the first time, first;quam primum, as soon as possible. primus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, first, chief; prima luce, at daybreak. princeps, -cipis, m., 3, chief, leader, first, leading man. principatus, -us, m., 4, leadership, first place. prior, prius, mf/n., 3, former, first; superl., primus. privatus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, personal, private. pro, prep. + abl., for, for the sake of, instead of, in behalf of, in defence of. probo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, prove, approve. procedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessurus, 3, go forward, advance, proceed. proclamo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, proclaim. proconsul, -sulis, m., 3, proconsul. produco, -ere, -duxi, -ductus, 3, lead out, lead forth, produce. proelium, -i, n., 2, battle;proelium committere, begin battle. proficiscor, -ficisci, -fectus sum, 3, dep., set out, set forth, start out. progredior, -gredi, -gressus sum, 3 (-io), dep., advance, proceed, go forward. prohibeo, -ere, -ui, -itus, 2, keep off, keep out, keep away, hinder, restrain, prohibit. projicio, -ere, jeci, -jectus, 3 (-io), throw forth, throw away, cast, betray. promissum, -i, n., 2, promise. promitto, -ere, -misi, -missus, 3, promise. prope, adv., near, nearly, almost; prep. + acc., near. propero, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, hasten, hurry. propinquus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, near; with dat., near to. propter, prep. + acc., on account of. propterea, adv., on that account;propterea quod, because. proscribo, -ere, -scripsi, -scriptus, 3, outlaw, list publicly for death, proscribe. protector, -oris, m., 3, protector. provincia, -ae, f., 1, province. provocatio, -onis, f., 3, challenge. proximus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, superl. of prope, nearest, next, last. prudens, -entis, mfn., 3, prudent, wise. prudenter, adv., prudently. publicus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, of the people, public. puella, -ae, f., 1, girl. puer, -pueri, m., 2, boy. puerilis, -e, mf/n., 3, youthful, boyish, puerile. pngna, -ae, f., 1, fight, battle, pugno, -are, -avi, -aturus, 1, fight. pulcher, -chra, -chrum, m/f/n., 1, 2, beautiful, pretty, handsome. pulchritudo, -inis, f., 3, beauty, pulchritude. punio, -ire, -ivi, -itus, 4, punish. puto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, think, suppose, believe. =====Q===== quadrigae, -arum, f. pl., 1, four-horse chariot, chariot. quaero, -ere, -sivi, -situs, 3, with acc. of the thing and ab,de or ex with abl. of the person, inquire, seek, ask. quaestor, -oris, m., 3, quaestor (a Roman official). qualis, -e, mf/n., 3, of what kind (sort) ? quam, adv., after comparatives, than; with superl., as . . . as possible; interrog. adv., how? quam ob rem, why? quam diu, how long? quam diu, as long as. quando, interrog. adv., when? quantus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, how great? how large? quartus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, fourth. quattuor, num. adj., indecl., four. -que, conj., enclitic, and. qui, quae, quod,m/f/n., rel. pron., who, which, that; interrog. adj., what? which? quidam, quaedam, quoddam(quiddam), m/f/ n., indef. adj./prop., certain, a certain one (thing.) quinque, num. adj., indecl., five. quintus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, fifth. quique, quaeque, quodque, m/f/n., indef. adj., each. quis, quid, interrog. pron., who? what? quisque, quidque, mf/n., indef. pron., each one, every one. quo, interrog. adv., whither? where? quod, conj., because. quomodo, interrog. adv., how? quoque, adv., postpositive, also. quot, interrog. adj., indecl., how many? =====R===== rapio, -ere, -ui, raptus, 3 (-io), snatch, seize, carry off. rapto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, seize and carry away. recipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptus, 3 (-io), take back; receive; se recipere, withdraw, retreat. recito, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, say aloud, recite. reddo, -ere, -didi, -ditus, 3, give back, pay back. redeo, -ire, -ii (-ivi), -iturus, irreg., go back, return. reditus, -us, m., 4, return. reduco, -ere, -duxi, -ductus, 3, lead back, bring back. regina, -ae, f., 1, queen. regio, -onis, f., 3, region. regno, -are, -avi, -aturus, 1, reign, rule. regnum, -i, n., 2, royal power, kingdom, throne. rego, -ere, rexi, rectus, 3, guide, rule, direct, control, manage. relinquo, -ere, -liqui, -lictus, 3, leave behind, abandon. reliquus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, remaining, the rest of. remaneo, -ere, -mansi, -mansurus, 2, remain, stay behind. removeo, -ere, -movi, -motus, 2, move away, remove. repello, -ere, reppuli, repulsus, 3, drive back, repel, repulse. res, rei, f., 5, thing, matter, fact, affair; res publica, the state, commonwealth; res militaris, art of war; res novae, revolution. resisto, -ere, -stiti, -, 3, with dat., withstand, resist. respondeo, -ere, -spondi, -sponsus, 2, answer, reply, respond. resurrexit, he rose again. retineo, -ere, -ui, -tentus, 2, hold back, detain, retain. revenio, -ire, -veni, -venturus, 4, come back, return. reverentia, -ae, f., 1, reverence. revoco, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, call back, recall, revoke. rex, regis, m., 3, king. rhetoricus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, rhetorical. ripa, -ae, f., 1, bank. rogo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, with two accusatives, one of the person, one of the thing, ask, ask for. rosa, -ae, f., 1, rose. rostrum, -i, n., 2, beak of a bird or of a ship; pl., the rostra, speaker's platform. rota, -ae, f., 1, wheel. ruina, -ae, f., 1, downfall, collapse; pl., ruins. rursus, adv., again, back again, anew. rusticus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, rustic, rural. =====S===== saccus, -i, m., 2, sack, bag. sacer, -cra, -crum, m/f/n., 1, 2, sacred, sacrificium, -i, n., 2, sacrifice. saeculum, -i, n., 2, age, century. saepe, adv., often. salus, -utis, f., 3, safety. saluto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, greet, salute. salve, salvete, imperative, 2, Hail! Good morning! Good day! sanctitas, -tatis, f., 3, sanctity. sanctus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, holy. sapientia, -ae, f., 1, wisdom. scelus, -eris, n., 3, crime, wicked deed. sceptrum, -i, n., 2, scepter. schola, -ae, f., 1, school. scientia, -ae, f., 1, knowledge, science. scio, -ire, -ivi, -itus, 4, know, know how. scribo, -ere, scripsi, scriptus, 3, write. scriptor, -oris, m., 3, a writer. scriptura, -ae, f., 1, writing, scripture. scutum, -i, n., 2, shield. secedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessurus, 3, withdraw, secede. secretus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, set apart, hidden, secret. secundus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, second, following, favorable. sed, conj., but. sedeo, -ere, sedi, sessurus, 2, sit. seditiosus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, quarrelsome, seditious. sella, -ae, f., 1, seat, chair, stool. semper, adv., always. senator, -oris, m., 3, senator. senatus, -us, m., 4, senate. sentio, -ire, sensi, sensus, 4, feel, perceive, think. separo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, put apart, set apart, separate. septem, num. adj., indecl., seven. septimus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, seventh. sepulchrum, -i, n., 2, sepulcher. sequor, sequi, secutus sum, 3, dep., follow. serenus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, clear, serene. serpens, -entis, f., 3 (-ium), serpent. serva, -ae, f., 1, slave (female), handmaid, maidservant. servitus, -utis, f., 3, slavery, servitude. servo, -are, -avi, -atus, .1, keep safe, save, guard. servus, -i, m., 2, slave (male). sex, num. adj., indecl., six. sextus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, sixth. si, conj., if. sic, adv., so (manner), in this way. signum, -i, n., 2, signal, military standard. silentium, -i, n., 2, silence. silva, -ae, f., 1, forest, woods. similis, -e, mf/n., 3, like, similar; like to. similiter, adv., in like manner, similarly. simulacrum, -i, n., 2, likeness, image. simulo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, to make like, pretend. sine,prep. + abl., without. singularis, -e, mf/n., 3, one by one, single, singular. sinister, -tra, -trum, m/f/n., 1, 2, left; sinistra, -ae, f., left hand. socialis, -e, mf/n., 3, sociable. societas, -tatis, f., 3, alliance, society. socius, -i, m., 2, ally, comrade. sol, solis, m., 3, sun. solidus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, firm, solid, dense. solus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, gen., -ius, dat., -i, only, sole, alone. somnus, -i, m., 2, sleep. sordidus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, dirty, sordid. soror, -oris, f., 3, sister. spatium, -i, n., 2, space. spectaculum, -i, n., 2, spectacle. spectator, -oris, m., 3, spectator. specto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, look at, watch. spero, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, hope; with acc., hope for. spes, spei, f., 5, hope. spina, -ae, f., 1, thorn, backbone. spiritus, -us, m., 4, spirit. splendidus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, brilliant, shining, splendid. stadium, -i, n., 2, racecourse, stadium. statim, adv., immediately, at once. statua, -ae, f., 1, statue. statuo, -ere, -ui, -utus, 3, place, establish, determine. stella, -ae, f., 1, star. stimulo, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, stimulate, stir up. sto, stare, steti, staturus, 1, irreg., stand. studeo, -ere, -ui, -, 2, with dat., be eager for, desire; novis rebus studere, desire a change of government. studium, -i, n., 2, eagerness, zeal, study. sub, prep. + ace., after verbs of motion to, under, close up to; with expressions of time, toward, about; prep. + abl., place at which, at the foot of, under, close to. subito, adv., suddenly. sui, genitive, reflex. pron., of himself, herself, itself, themselves. sum, esse, fui, futurus, irreg., be, am, exist. summus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, superl. of superus, greatest, highest, top of. sumo, -ere, sumpsi, sumptus, 3, take, put on, assume. super, prep. + acc., over, above. superbe, adv., proudly. superbia, -ae, f., 1, pride. superbus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, proud. superi, -orum, m. pl., 2, the inhabitants of the upper world, the gods above. supero, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, conquer, overcome, win, defeat, surpass. superus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, high, above; superl., supremus/summus. supra, adv., above. suscipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptus, 3 (-io), undertake, assume. suspendo, -ere, -pendi, -pensus, 3, hang up, suspend. suspicio, -ere, -spexi, -spectus, 3 (-io), suspect. sustineo, -ere, -ui, -tentus, 2, hold out, withstand, sustain. suus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, poss. adj./ pron., his, her, hers, their, theirs, its; m. pl., his (their) own friends (followers). =====T===== tabella, -ae, f., 1, tablet. taberna, -ae, f., 1, shop. tabula, -ae, f., 1, record, list, tablet. talis, -e, mf/n., 3, of such a kind, such. tam, adv., with adj./adv., so, to such a degree. tamen, conj., however, nevertheless. tandem, adv., finally, at last, at length. tantus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, so great. taurus, -i, m., 2, bull. telum, -i, n., 2, weapon, missile, dart. temperantia, -ae, f., 1, temperance. tempestas, -tatis, f., 3, storm, tempest. templum, -i, n., 2, temple. tempto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, try, test, attempt. tempus, -oris, n., 3, time. teneo, -ere, -ui, tentus, 2, hold, keep, occupy; memoria tenere, remember. terminus, -i, m., 2, limit, end, terminus. terra, -ae, f., 1, earth, land, country. terreo, -ere, -ui, -itus, 2, frighten, terrify. terror, -oris, m., 3, terror. tertius, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, third. thronum, -i, n., 2, throne. timeo, -ere, -ui, -, 2, fear, be afraid of. timidus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, timid. timor, -oris, m., 3, fear, terror. toga, -ae, f., 1, toga. torrens, -entis, m., 3, torrent. totus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, gen., -ius, dat.,-i, whole, entire, all. trado, -ere, -didi, -ditus, 3, hand over, give up, surrender. traduco, -ere, -duxi, -ductus, 3, lead across, lead over, transport. traho, -ere, traxi, tractus, 3, draw, drag. tranquillitas, -tatis, f., 3, tranquillity. trans, prep. + acc., across, over. transeo, -ire, -ii (-ivi), -itus, irreg., cross over, go across, cross, pass through. transmarinus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, transmarine, from across the sea, foreign. transporto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, carry over, transport. tres, tria, mf/n., three. tribunal, -alis, n., 3 (-ium), tribunal. tribunus, -i, m., 2, tribune. tribus, -us, f., tribe. tridens, -entis, m., 3 (-ium), threepronged spear, trident. triste, adv., sadly. tristis, -e, mf/n., 3, sad. triumphalis, -e, mf/n., 3, triumphal. triumphus, -i, m., 2, triumphal procession, triumph. triumviri, -orum, m. pl., 2, a board or commission of three men. tu, tui, mf., pers. pron., you. tuba, -ae, f., 1, trumpet. tum, adv., then, at that time. tunica, -ae, f., 1, tunic (a sleeveless garment worn by Romans). turba, -ae, f., 1, crowd, uproar. tutor, -oris, m., 3, guardian, tutor. tutus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, safe. tuus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, poss. adj./ pron., your, yours (of one person). =====U===== ubi, interrog. adv., where?; rel. adv., where, when. ubique, adv., everywhere. ullus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, gen., -ius, dat., -i, used in negative expressions, any at all. ulterior, -ius, mf/n., 3, comp. adj., ulterior, farther. ultimus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, last, farthest, remotest. umquam, adv., ever. una, adv., along with. unda, -ae, f., 1, wave. unde, adv., whence; interrog. adv., whence? undique, adv., from all sides, on all sides, everywhere. unus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, gen., -ius, dat., -i, one; pl., alone, only. urbunus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, pertaining to a city, urban. urbs, urbis, f., 3 (-ium), city. ut, conj., with subjunctive clause of purpose, that, in order that; with subjunctive clause of result, so that; with indicative, as, just as. uter, utra, utrum, m/f/n., 1, 2, gin., -ius, dat., -i, interrog. prop./adj., which (of two)? whichever? uterque, utraque, utrumque, m/f/n., 1, 2, gen., -ius, dat., -i, each (of two); pl., both. utilis, -e, mf/n., 3, useful, usable. uxor, -oris, f., 3, wife. =====V===== vacuus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, empty, vacant. vale, valete, imperative, 2, Farewell! validus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, powerful, strong. valles, -is, f., 3(-ium), valley. vallum, -i, n., 2, rampart, wall. varius, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, various. vasto, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, lay waste, ravage, devastate. vates, -is, mf., 3 (-ium), soothsayer, prophet, seer, poet. venia, -ae, f., 1, favor, pardon. venio, -ire, veni, venturus, 4, come. ventus, -i, m., 2, wind. verbum, -i,n., 2, word. vere, adv., truly, really. vereor, -eri, veritus sum, 2, dep., fear, revere. vero, adv., in truth, indeed, really, but. vertex, -icis, m., 3, summit, vertex. verto, -ere, verti, versus, 3, turn. verum, -i, n., 2, truth; adv., truly, but. verus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, true. vesper, -eri, m., 2, evening. vester, -tra, -trum, m/f/n., 1, 2, poss. adj./ pron., your, yours (of more than one person). veteranus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, old, veteran. veto, -are, vetui, vetitus, 1, irreg., forbid, veto. via, -ae, f., 1, road, street, way. victima, -ae, f., 1, victim. victor, -oris, m., 3, victor, conqueror. victoria, -ae, f., 1, victory. vicus, -i, m., 2, village. video, -ere, vidi, visus, 2, see. videor, -eri, visus sum, 2, passive of video, seem, appear. vigilia, -ae, f., 1, watch, night watch (one fourth of the night). vigilo, -are, -avi, -aturus, 1, be awake, watch. viginti, num. adj., indecl., twenty. villa, -ae, f., 1, farmhouse, country house, farm, villa. vinco, -ere, vici, victus, 3, conquer, defeat, win. violentia, -ae, f., 1, violence. vir, viri, m., 2, man. virgo, -inis, f., 3, maiden, virgin. virilis, -e, mf/n., 3, manly, virile. virtus, -utis, f., 3, courage, manliness, virtue. vis, vis, f., irreg., force, power, violence; pl., vires, virium, strength, might;vim facere, use force. visito, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, visit. vita, -ae, f., 1, life. vito, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, avoid, shun. vivo, -ere, vixi, victus, 3, live, be alive. vivus, -a, -um, m/f/n., 1, 2, alive, living.vix, adv., barely, scarcely, hardly. voco, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, call, summon.volo, are, -avi, -aturus, 1, fly. volo, velle, volui, -, irreg., wish, be willing, desire. voluntas, -tatis, f., 3, wish, good will. vos, vestrum, mf., pets. pron., pl. of tu, you. vox, vocis, f., 3, voice; pl., words;magna voce, in a loud voice. vulnero, -are, -avi, -atus, 1, wound. vulnus, -eris, n., 3, wound. vultur, -uris, m., 3, vulture.