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알파벳 색인

알파벳 색인


a | abandon | abbreviate | abet | abhor | abiding | abject | abnegation | abnormal | abolish | aboriginal | abortion | about | abrasion | abrupt | abruptly | absence | absolute | absorb | abstract | abundance | abundant | abuse | academic | accelerate | accentuate | accept | acceptance | access | accessibility | accessible | accessory | acclaim | accommodate | accommodation | accompaniment | accompany | accomplish | accord | account | accountant | accrue | accumulate | accuracy | accurate | accurately | accusation | accuse | achieve | achievement | acid | acknowledge | acquire | acquisition | acquit | across | across | act | act | active | activity | actor | actually | acute | adage | adamant | adapt | adaptability | addict | addiction | addictive | additional | additive | address | address | adept | adequate | adhere | adjacent | adjourn | adjust | administer | admirable | admission | admit | admonish | adolescence | adolescent | adopt | adrift | adroit | adult | advance | advancement | advantage | advent | adverse | adversity | advertisement | advertising | advisable | advise | advisedly | advisor | advisory | advocate | affair | affect | affection | affective | affiliate | afflict | affluence | affluent | afraid | after | afternoon | again | age | aged | agency | agenda | aggravate | aggressive | agile | ago | agree | agreement | agricultural | agriculture | ahead | aid | ailing | ailment | aim | air | airborne | airplane | airport | aisle | alarm | album | alias | alien | alienate | alienation | alight | align | alike | alimony | alive | alkalinity | all | allegation | alleged | allegedly | allegory | alleviate | alley | allocate | allocation | allot | allotment | allow | allowance | alloy | allure | alluvial | ally | almost | along | alter | alteration | alternate | alternative | altitude | altogether | altruism | aluminum | always | amateur | amaze | amazing | ambidextrous | ambiguity | ambiguous | ambivalent | amend | amendment | amenity | amiable | amicable | ammeter | amnesia | amnesty | among | amorous | amphibians | amplify | amply | amuse | amusement | anachronism | analogous | analysis | analyst | analyze | anatomy | ancestor | anchor | anchorage | ancient | and | andantino | anecdote | anemia | anesthesia | anesthetic | angle | angry | animal | animosity | annihilation | annotation | announcement | annoy | annoyance | annual | anomaly | anonymous | answer | antagonist | antagonize | antecedent | anthology | anthropology | antibiotic | anticipate | anticipation | antidote | antique | antiseptic | anxiety | anxious | any | apart | apartment | apathy | apocalypse | apologize | apology | apparatus | apparent | apparently | appeal | appear | appearance | apple | appliance | applicable | applicant | application | apply | appointed | appraisal | appraise | appreciable | appreciably | appreciation | apprehend | apprehensive | apprentice | approach | appropriate | appropriation | approval | approve | approximate | approximately | aptitude | arbitrarily | arbitrary | arbitrate | arbitration | arbor | arc | archaeology | archaic | archipelago | architect | archive | Arctic | ardent | arduous | area | arena | arguable | argue | arid | arise | arithmetic | arm | armistice | arose | around | arouse | arrange | arrangement | array | arrest | arrive | arrive | arson | artery | arthritis | arthropod | article | artifact | artificial | artisan | as | ascertain | ask | ask | aspect | aspiration | assault | assemble | assembly | assert | assess | assessment | asset | assiduous | assigned | assignment | assimilate | assimilation | assist | assistant | associate | association | assume | assumption | assure | assuredly | asteroid | astray | astrology | astronomy | astute | asymmetric | at | atheism | atmosphere | atrocity | attach | attain | attempt | attend | attendance | attendant | attention | attentive | attire | attitude | attorney | attract | attraction | attractive | attribute | auction | audience | audit | auditorium | auditory | aunt | autarchy | authenticity | author | authorities | authority | autograph | automatic | autonomy | autumn | available | avalanche | avenge | averse | avert | avid | avocation | avoid | await | awaken | award | aware | awareness | away | awesome | awful | awkwardly |


baby | bachelor | back | bad | bag | baggage | bail | balance | balanced | bale | ball | balloon | ballot | ban | banana | band | bang | bank | bankrupt | banquet | barbarism | bare | barely | bargain | barge | bark | barren | barrier | barring | barrister | barter | base | basis | basket | bath | batter | battlefield | be | beach | beak | bear | bearing | beatific | beautiful | because | beckoning | become | bed | before | beforehand | begin | begrudge | behavior | behemoth | behind | belatedly | bell | belonging | below | bench | benediction | benefaction | beneficial | benefit | benign | berth | beside | besides | bestow | between | beverage | beware | beyond | bias | bibliography | bicameral | bid | bidding | big | bike | bilateral | bill | binary | biochemistry | biography | bird | birthday | bitterly | bizarre | black | blackmail | blank | blank | blast | blaze | bleak | blemish | blend | bless | bliss | blizzard | block | bloom | blossom | blow | blue | blueprint | board | board | boat | body | boil | boldly | book | book | booklet | boost | border | boredom | borrow | bosom | bother | bottle | bough | bounce | boundary | bounds | bountiful | bouquet | bowl | box | boy | brace | branch | brand-new | bravery | breach | bread | break | break | breakdown | breakfast | breakthrough | breast | breed | bribe | bride | bridge | bridge | bridle | brief | bright | bright | brilliant | brine | bring | bring | brink | brisk | brittle | broad | broadcast | broaden | brochure | broil | bronchi | brother | brown | brush | brushwork | brutal | budding | budget | bugging | build | build | built-in | bulk | bulletin | bump | bumpy | bunch | buoyancy | burden | bureau | bureaucracy | burglar | burglary | burn | burst | bus | bust | bustle | bustling | busy | but | butter | button | buy | by | bye | bypass | bystander |


cabinet | cacophony | cadmium | cake | calamity | calculate | calculation | calendar | call | calm | camera | camouflage | camp | can | cancel | cancellation | candid | candidate | candle | candy | canvass | canyon | cap | capability | capacity | capillarity | capital | capitalize | caprice | capsize | captain | captain | caption | captivity | capture | car | carbohydrate | carbon | card | cardiac | cardinal | care | career | cargo | caricature | carnage | carnivorous | carpenter | carrion | carry | carry | cartoon | carve | case | cassette | casualty | cat | catalyst | catalyze | cataract | catastrophe | catastrophic | catch | catch | categorize | category | cater | caution | cautious | cavity | cease | cede | ceiling | ceiling | celebrate | celebrity | celestial | cellulose | censorship | census | center | cerebral | ceremony | certain | certainly | certificate | certification | certified | cession | chair | chalk | challenge | challenging | chamber | chance | chance | change | chant | chaotic | characterize | charge | charity | charm | charter | chat | cheap | cheap | check | cheer | cheese | cherish | cherished | chew | chiaroscuro | chicken | chief | child | chilly | chisel | choice | choose | chop | chopstick | chord | chore | choreography | chromatic | chromosome | chronic | church | circle | circle | circulate | circulation | circumference | circumstance | cite | citizen | city | claim | clarify | clash | class | classic | classify | classmate | clause | claw | clay | clean | clear | clearance | cliche | client | cliff | climacteric | climb | climb | clip | clock | close | closeness | clothes | clothes | cloud | clout | club | clumsy | cluster | coagulation | coalition | coat | coated | coax | cobble | code | codified | coeducation | coercive | coffee | cognitive | coherent | cohesion | cohesive | coin | coincide | cold | collaborate | collaborator | collateral | colleague | collect | collection | collectively | colliery | collision | colonize | colony | color | colossal | coma | combat | combine | come | comet | comfort | comfortable | comfy | comity | command | commemorate | commencement | comment | commentator | commerce | commercial | commiserate | commit | commitment | commodity | common | commoner | communicate | communication | communism | commute | compact | companion | comparable | comparably | compare | compartment | compassion | compel | compendium | compensate | compete | competent | competition | competitive | compile | complain | complement | complete | completely | completion | complex | complexion | compliance | complicated | compliment | complimentary | component | compose | composite | composition | composure | compound | comprehend | comprehension | comprehensive | comprise | compromise | compulsive | compulsory | computation | compute | computer | concave | conceal | concede | conceive | concept | conception | concern | concerned | conclude | conclusion | conclusive | conclusively | concomitant | concord | concourse | concrete | concur | condensation | condense | condition | condone | conduct | conduction | conductor | cone | conference | confess | confession | confidence | confident | confidential | configuration | confine | confirm | confirmation | confiscate | confiscation | conflict | conform | confront | confrontation | confuse | confused | confusing | confusion | congeal | congenial | congestion | conglomerate | congratulation | congregation | conifer | connection | connoisseur | conquer | conscience | conscious | consciously | consciousness | consecrate | consecutive | consensus | consent | consequence | consequently | conservation | conservative | conserve | consider | considerable | considerate | consign | consist | consistent | console | consolidate | consolidation | conspiracy | conspirator | conspire | constant | constellation | constituent | constitute | constitution | constrained | construct | construction | construe | consul | consulate | consult | consultant | consultation | consume | consumer | consumption | contact | contagion | contagious | contain | container | contaminate | contamination | contemplation | contemporary | contend | content | contention | contest | continence | contingency | continue | continuous | contraceptive | contract | contradict | contrariety | contrary | contrast | contribute | control | controlled | controversial | controversy | convenience | convenient | convention | converge | convergent | conversation | conversely | convert | convex | convey | conveyance | convict | conviction | convince | convoy | cook | cook | cool | cooperate | copy | copy | copyright | cordial | core | corner | corporal | corporation | correspond | correspondence | correspondent | corridor | corrode | corrosion | corrosive | corruption | cost | costume | couch | council | count | count | counterfeit | counterpart | countless | country | course | course | cousin | covenan | cover | covet | covetous | cow | cozy | crack | craft | cranium | crash | craven | crayon | craze | cream | create | creative | creature | creep | crest | crevice | crib | crime | criminal | cripple | crisp | criterion | critic | critical | criticism | criticize | crooked | crop | cross | cross | crosscut | crosswalk | crucial | crude | cruise | crush | crux | cry | cry | cryptic | cube | cuddle | culminate | culprit | cultivation | cultivator | culture | cumulate | cumulative | cup | curious | currency | current | curriculum | curtail | curtain | curve | custodian | custody | custom | customer | customs | cut | cutback | cute | cycle |


dad | daily | damage | damp | dance | danger | dare | daring | dark | darken | date | daughter | dawn | day | dazzle | dead | deadlock | deadly | deal | dealer | dean | debate | debris | debunk | decadence | decay | decency | decent | decentralize | deception | deceptive | decision | decisive | deck | declaration | declare | decline | decorate | decrease | decree | dedicated | dedication | deduct | deduction | deed | deem | deep | deer | default | defeat | defect | defection | defective | defendant | deficiency | deficient | deficit | define | definite | definitely | deflate | deflation | deformity | degrade | degree | deification | delay | delegate | deletion | deliberate | deliberately | delicious | delight | delightful | delineate | delinquency | delinquent | delivery | delta | deluge | deluxe | demagogue | demand | demands | demise | demolition | demonstrate | demonstrate | demonstration | demoralize | denial | denomination | denote | denouement | denounce | dense | density | denture | deny | depart | department | departure | depend | dependable | dependent | depict | depleted | deploy | deposit | deposited | depreciate | depreciation | depress | depressed | depression | deprive | deputy | derailment | derive | dermatology | desalinate | descend | descendant | describe | description | desert | deserve | designate | designed | desire | desk | desolation | despair | desperate | despite | despondency | destination | destiny | destroy | destruction | detach | detail | detailed | detain | detect | detection | deter | deteriorate | determination | determine | determined | deterrence | deterrent | detest | detract | detriment | detrimental | devaluation | devastate | develop | device | devious | devise | devote | devotion | devour | dexterous | diabetes | diagnose | diagonal | dial | dialect | dialectic | dialogue | diameter | diary | dichotomy | dictate | dictator | dictionary | die | dietary | diffuse | diffusion | dig | digest | diggings | dilate | diligence | diligent | dilute | dilution | dim | diminish | diminution | diminutive | dimly | dinner | dinosaur | dip | diploma | direct | directly | director | dirty | disabled | disagreement | disappear | disappointed | disappointment | disapproval | disapprove | disassemble | disaster | disastrous | disbursement | discard | discern | discernible | discharge | disciple | discipline | disclose | discomfort | disconnect | disconsolate | discover | discrepancy | discrete | discriminate | discrimination | disease | disembark | disgust | dish | disharmony | disinfect | disinterest | dislocate | dismantle | dismay | dismiss | dismissal | disorder | dispatch | disperse | display | dispose | dispute | disrupt | disruption | dissatisfaction | dissatisfied | disseminate | dissimilar | dissipation | dissolve | distant | distinct | distinctive | distinguish | distort | distress | distressing | distribute | distribution | district | disturb | disturbance | diverge | diversity | divert | divest | dividend | division | divorce | dizzy | do | dock | doctor | doctrine | document | documented | dog | doll | dollar | dolphin | domain | domestic | dominant | dominate | donate | donation | doom | door | dormant | dose | double | doubtful | down | downfall | downpour | downright | downsize | downturn | draft | drag | drain | dramatically | drastic | draw | draw | drawback | drawing | dreadful | dream | dreary | dress | dribble | drift | drink | drive | drive | drizzle | drop | drop | drought | drum | dry | dubiety | duck | due | dump | duplicate | durability | durable | duration | duty | dwell | dweller | dwindle | dye | dynamic | dyspepsia |


eager | eagerness | ear | early | earn | earnest | earth | earthly | earthquake | ease | east | Easter | easy | eat | eccentricity | echo | echo | eclipse | ecological | ecology | economic | economize | ecosystem | edge | edify | edit | edition | editions | editorial | educated | eerie | effect | effective | efficiency | efficient | effort | effortless | egg | ego | egocentrism | elaborate | elastic | elasticity | elect | election | electrode | electronics | elegant | element | elevation | elicit | eliminate | eloquent | elucidate | elude | elusive | emanate | emancipation | embargo | embark | embarrass | embarrassed | embarrassing | embed | embezzle | emblem | embody | emboss | embryo | emerge | emergency | eminence | eminent | emission | emit | emotion | emotional | empathy | emphasis | emphasize | empiricism | employ | employee | employer | employment | empty | empty | emulate | enable | enact | encapsulate | enchant | encircle | enclose | encompass | encounter | encourage | encroach | encroachment | encyclopedia | end | end | endanger | endangered | endeavor | endless | endorse | endorsement | endow | endure | enemy | energetic | enforce | engagement | engine | engineering | engrossed | enhance | enhancement | enigmatic | enjoy | enlarge | enlargement | enlighten | enlightening | enlightenment | ennui | enormous | enough | enroll | enrollment | ensue | ensure | entail | enter | enterprise | entertain | entertainment | enthrall | enthusiastic | entice | entire | entirely | entomology | entrance | entrepreneur | entry | envelope | envious | environment | envy | enzyme | ephemeral | epic | epicenter | epidemic | epidermis | episode | epistemology | epistolary | epitome | equality | equally | equanimity | equate | equation | equilibrium | equip | equipment | equitable | equity | equivalent | equivocal | era | eradicate | erase | eraser | erect | erosion | errand | erratic | error | erudite | erupt | eruption | escalate | escape | eschatology | especially | essay | essence | essential | essentiality | essentially | establish | established | establishment | estimate | estimation | estrange | etching | eternally | ethic | ethical | ethnic | euthanasia | evacuate | evade | evaluate | evaluation | evaporation | evening | evenly | eventually | every | evict | evidence | evident | evoke | evolution | evolve | exacerbate | exaggerate | examination | examine | example | exasperate | excavate | excavation | exceed | exceedingly | excellent | except | excerpt | excess | exchange | excite | exclaim | exclude | excluding | exclusion | exclusive | exclusively | excrement | excursion | excuse | execute | execution | executive | exemplary | exempt | exercise | exercise | exert | exertion | exhale | exhausted | exhibit | exhibition | exhilarate | exile | exist | exit | exorbitant | exotic | expand | expansion | expect | expectation | expel | expend | expenditure | expense | expensive | experiment | expert | expertise | expiration | expire | explanation | explicit | exploit | exploitation | explore | explosion | expose | exposure | express | expression | expressive | expressway | extend | extension | extensively | extent | external | extinct | extol | extort | extra | extract | extraneous | extraordinary | extravagance | extravagant | extreme | extremely | extremist | extrovert | eye |


fable | fabulous | facade | face | facilitate | facilities | facility | fact | faction | factor | factorize | factory | factual | faculty | fail | faint | fair | fairly | fairy | faith | fake | fall | fallible | fallout | false | familiar | familiarize | family | famine | famished | famous | fancy | far | fare | farm | fascinate | fascinating | fascination | fast | fasten | fastidious | fat | fatal | father | fatigue | faulty | favor | favorite | fear | fearful | feasible | feast | feat | feature | fee | feeble | feedback | feel | feign | felicitate | felicity | felony | fence | ferment | fermentation | fertile | fertilize | fervent | fervid | feud | few | fiance | fiasco | fidgety | field | fierce | fight | figure | fill | film | filter | financial | find | fine | fine | finger | finish | finish | finite | fire | firewood | firm | firmly | fiscal | fish | fission | fit | fitness | fix | fixed | fixed | fixture | flag | flair | flake | flash | flat | flatter | flattery | flaw | flawless | fledgling | flexibility | flexible | flight | flip | float | flood | floor | flourish | flower | flowering | flowery | fluctuate | fluctuation | fluffy | flunk | flush | flutter | fly | foggy | folk | follow | follow | food | fool | foot | footprint | for | forage | forecast | foremost | foreseeable | foresight | forestall | foretell | forewarn | forfeit | forge | forget | fork | formation | former | formidable | forsake | fortify | fortitude | fortunate | fortunately | forum | fossil | foster | found | foundation | founder | fraction | fractious | fragile | fragment | fragmentary | fragrance | fragrant | franchise | frankly | fraud | fray | free | free | freely | freeway | freight | frenzy | frequent | fresco | fresh | fresh | freshness | friction | friend | frightened | frigid | fringe | frivolous | from | front | frontier | frown | frugal | fruit | frustrate | frustrated | frustration | fugitive | fulfill | full | fume | fun | function | functionalism | fund | fundamentally | fungus | furcated | furnace | furnish | further | furthermore | fusion | futile | futility |




I | ice | iceberg | icecap | idea | identical | identify | identity | if | ignite | ignorance | ignorant | ignore | ill | illegal | illicit | illiteracy | illuminate | illusion | illustrate | illustration | imagination | imaginative | imbibe | imitate | immature | immediate | immigrant | immigrate | immigration | immolation | immunity | immutable | impact | impair | impartial | impassive | impatient | impeach | impeccable | impede | impediment | imperative | impertinence | implausible | implement | implementation | implication | import | impose | imposing | impound | impoverish | impress | impression | impressive | imprint | imprison | imprisonment | improve | improvised | impulsive | in | inaccurate | inactive | inadequate | inappropriate | inaugurate | inauspicious | incandescent | incentive | inception | incessant | incident | incidental | incipient | incise | incisive | inclement | inclination | include | incoherent | incomparable | incompletely | inconsequential | inconsistency | inconsistent | inconspicuous | incorporation | incorrect | increase | incredible | increment | incriminate | incumbent | incur | indebted | indeed | indemnity | independent | indicate | indication | indict | indifferent | indigenous | indignation | indirect | indispensable | individual | indomitable | indoors | induce | inducement | induction | indulge | industrial | industrious | industry | inefficient | inept | ineptitude | inertia | inevitability | inevitable | inexpensive | infancy | infant | infectious | infer | inference | inferior | infinite | inflame | inflate | inflated | inflation | influence | influential | influenza | influx | inform | informed | infrastructure | infrequent | infringe | infringement | infusion | ingenious | ingenuity | ingenuous | ingredient | inhabit | inhabitant | inhabitation | inhalation | inherent | inherit | inheritance | inimical | iniquity | initial | initiate | initiative | injection | injure | injurious | ink | inland | inlet | innate | innocence | innocent | innocuous | innovate | innovation | innuendo | innumerable | inoculate | inquire | inquiry | inquisitive | inroad | insatiable | insectivores | insidious | insight | insignificant | insist | insistent | insolent | insoluble | insolvency | insolvent | insomnia | inspect | inspiration | inspire | inspired | install | installment | instant | instigate | instinct | instinctive | institute | institution | instruct | instruction | instrument | insufferable | insulate | insulation | insult | insurance | insure | insurmountable | intact | integral | integrate | integration | integrity | intelligence | intelligent | intend | intense | intensify | intensity | intensive | intent | interact | interchange | interest | interest | interesting | interior | intermission | internal | internist | interpret | interpretation | interpreter | interrelate | interrogation | interrupt | interruption | intersection | intervene | intestine | intimidate | intimidation | into | intolerant | intoxicate | intransigent | intricate | intrigue | introduce | introduce | introduction | introvert | intrusion | inundation | invalid | invalidity | invaluable | invariably | invasion | inveigle | invent | inventory | inverse | invertebrate | invest | investigate | investigation | investment | investor | invigorate | invincible | invisible | invoke | involve | irregular | irrelevant | irreparable | irresistible | irreversible | irritable | irritate | irritated | island | isolate | isolation | isotope | it | ivy |





ma`am | mad | madden | maddening | magnificent | magnify | magnitude | mail | maim | mainly | maintain | maintenance | major | majority | make | malediction | malleability | malnutrition | mammals | mammoth | man | manage | mandate | mandatory | manifest | manifold | manipulate | manned | manner | manual | manufacture | manufacturing | manure | many | map | march | margin | marine | marital | mark | market | market | marry | Mars | mash | mason | mass | massive | match | mate | material | maternity | matriarchy | matriculate | matter | mature | maturity | may | meager | mean | meander | meaning | means | measure | meat | mechanic | medal | mediate | medication | meet | meet | mellow | melon | melt | menace | mention | merchandise | merciful | Mercury | mere | merely | merge | merit | merry | metabolism | metamorphose | meteor | meteorology | meter | method | meticulous | metropolitan | middle | migrate | milk | million | mime | mind | mindful | mingle | minimal | minor | minority | minute | minute | mirror | miscarriage | mischance | mischief | misconception | misdemeanor | miserable | misgiving | misinterpret | misleading | misplaced | Miss | mission | mist | misty | misunderstand | misunderstanding | mixture | mobile | mode | model | moderate | modification | modify | moist | mollusk | molten | mom | monarch | monetary | money | monkey | monochrome | monogamy | monograph | monopoly | monotonous | monsoon | month | monument | mood | moon | mop | moral | morale | moratorium | morning | mortgage | mortify | mother | motion | motivate | motivation | motive | mound | mountain | mounting | mouse | mouth | move | move | movement | movie | moving | mow | Mr. | Mrs. | much | muggy | multilateral | multiple | multiplicity | multiply | mumble | mundane | murderer | muse | music | must | musty | mutation | mutual | myriad | mysterious |




pace | package | page | pain | painstaking | paint | pair | pale | paleontology | palliate | panacea | panic | pants | paper | par | parabola | paradigm | paradox | parallel | parallelism | paralysis | paralyze | parasite | pardon | parent | parentage | parity | park | parliament | parlor | parody | part | participate | particular | party | pass | passbook | passenger | passion | passive | paste | pastime | pat | patent | patience | patriotism | patron | patronize | pause | pave | pay | pay | payment | peace | peace | pear | pecuniary | pedagogy | pedestrian | pediatrics | pedigree | peek | peel | peer | pen | penal | penalty | pencil | pendulum | penetrate | pension | pentagon | people | perceive | perception | perceptive | perennial | perfect | perfection | perforate | perform | performance | perhaps | perilous | period | periodical | perish | perishable | permanent | permission | permit | perpendicular | persecute | persecution | persistence | persistent | personal | personnel | perspective | persuade | pertinent | pervasive | pessimistic | petition | pharmacist | phase | phenomenal | philanthropic | philanthropy | phone | phonetics | photosynthesis | physical | piano | pick | pick | picnic | picnic | picture | piece | pier | pig | pigment | pigmentation | pike | pilgrim | pilot | pin | pine | pine | pink | pinpoint | pioneer | pipe | piracy | pirate | piscatorial | pitch | place | placement | placid | plague | plain | plaintiff | plan | plane | plane | planet | plant | plantation | plastic | plate | play | play | plea | plead | please | pleased | pledge | plenary | plentiful | plenty | plethora | plot | pluck | plumage | plummet | plunder | plunge | plurality | Pluto | pocket | point | point | polestar | police | policy | polish | poll | pollute | pollution | polygamy | ponder | pool | poor | poor | populace | popular | population | pore | portable | porter | portfolio | portion | portrait | portray | pose | position | positive | positivism | possess | possession | possibility | possibly | post | poster | posterity | postgraduate | postmortem | postpone | postulate | posture | potato | potent | potential | pound | pour | practical | practice | practice | pray | preamble | precarious | precede | precept | precious | precipitation | precipitous | precise | precisely | precision | preclude | precocious | predecessor | predicate | predict | predictable | prediction | predilection | predominant | predominantly | predominate | preeminent | prefer | preferable | preference | preferential | pregnancy | prehistory | prejudice | preliminary | prelude | premier | premise | preoccupied | preordain | preparation | preparing | prerequisite | prescribe | prescription | present | present | presentation | preserve | preside | press | pressure | prestige | prestigious | pretty | prevail | prevalence | prevalent | prevent | prevention | previous | previously | prey | priceless | primarily | primates | primeval | primitive | principal | principally | principle | print | pristine | private | privilege | probably | probationary | probe | problem | proclaim | proclamation | procure | produce | product | productivity | profess | profession | proficient | profit | progenitor | programmed | progress | progressive | prohibit | project | projection | proliferate | prolong | prolonged | promise | promising | promote | promotion | prompt | pronouncement | proof | proper | property | proponent | proposal | propose | proposition | proprietary | proprietor | propriety | propulsion | prose | prosecute | prosecution | prospect | prospective | prosper | protagonist | protect | protection | protective | protein | protestant | protocol | protoplasm | protrude | prove | provide | provision | provisional | proximity | prudent | pseudonym | psychiatry | psychopath | public | publication | publish | pull | punctual | punctuality | puncture | pungent | punish | pupil | purchase | pure | purification | purify | purpose | push | push | put |



race | racialism | rack | radiation | radical | radio | radius | raft | rain | rainbow | raise | rampant | ranch | random | range | rank | ransportation | rapid | rare | rather | ratify | rational | raw | reach | react | reaction | read | ready | reagent | real | real | realism | realize | realm | reap | reason | reasonable | reassure | rebate | rebuke | recall | recast | recede | receive | recent | recently | reception | recess | recession | recessive | reciprocal | recite | reckless | reckon | recline | recognition | recognize | recommend | recommendation | reconcile | reconciliation | reconsider | record | record | recreation | recrudescence | recruit | recruiting | rectangle | rectitude | rector | recur | recurring | red | redeeming | redress | reduce | reduction | refer | reference | referendum | refine | reflection | reform | reformation | refract | refraction | refrain | refurbish | refuse | regal | regardless | regime | regimen | region | register | registration | regret | regular | regulate | regulation | reimburse | reimbursement | reinforce | reject | relate | relationship | relative | relatively | relax | relaxed | release | relevance | relevant | reliable | reliance | reliant | relics | relief | relieve | religious | relinquish | reluctant | rely | remain | remark | remarkable | remember | remind | remindful | reminisce | remit | remodel | remote | removal | remove | remuneration | render | rendering | rendition | renew | renounce | renowned | rent | repair | repay | repeal | repeat | repeat | repeatedly | repeater | repel | repent | replace | replacement | replenish | replica | reply | report | represent | representative | repress | repression | repressive | reprimand | reproduce | reproduction | reptiles | repugnant | repulsion | repulsive | reputation | require | requirement | rescue | research | researcher | resemble | resent | reservation | reserve | reservoir | reside | resident | residue | resign | resignation | resilient | resist | resistance | resistant | resolution | resolve | resort | resource | respect | respectable | respectful | respective | respiration | respire | respond | response | rest | rest | restaurant | restoration | restrict | result | resume | resumption | resurrection | retail | retain | retaliate | retaliation | retard | retention | retire | retirement | retouch | retreat | retrieve | retrospect | return | return | reveal | revenge | revenue | reverence | reverse | revise | revision | revitalize | revolution | revolutionary | revolutionize | revulsion | reward | ribbon | rice | rich | rich | rid | riddle | ride | ridiculous | right | rigid | rigorous | ring | rinse | riot | rip | ripen | risk | rite | river | road | roar | roast | rob | robber | robe | robot | robust | rock | rocket | rod | role | roll | roll | roof | room | root | rose | roster | rot | rotate | rotation | rough | roughly | round | route | royalty | rub | rugged | ruin | ruins | rule | ruler | ruling | ruminant | rummage | rumor | run | runoff | rural | rush | rustle |


sabotage | sacred | sad | saddle | sadness | safe | safeguard | sake | salad | salary | saloon | salt | salvage | salvation | same | sample | sampling | sanction | sanctity | sand | sanitary | sanitation | sarcastic | satellite | satire | satisfaction | satisfactory | satisfied | satisfying | saturation | Saturn | savage | save | saving | say | scalding | scale | scan | scandal | scare | scary | scatter | scenery | schedule | scheme | scholarly | scholarship | school | scissors | scoop | scorch | scorching | score | scour | scout | scramble | scrap | scrape | scratch | scream | scrupulous | scrutinize | scrutiny | sculpture | sea | search | season | seasoning | seat | secession | seclusion | secret | secrete | secretion | section | sector | secure | securities | security | sedative | sediment | see | seek | seem | seemingly | seep | segregate | segregation | seize | seldom | select | selfless | sell | sell | semiconductor | send | send | senescent | senile | senior | sense | sensibility | sensible | sensitive | sensitivity | sentence | separate | separation | sequence | serene | seriatim | serious | seriousness | servant | service | session | set | settle | sever | severe | shabby | shake | shall | shame | shape | shape | share | sharp | sharply | she | sheep | sheet | shelter | sheltered | shield | shift | shiny | ship | shipment | shirt | shiver | shock | shoe | shoot | shop | shopper | short | shortage | shorten | shoulder | shout | shout | show | show | shower | shrink | shut | sick | sick | side | sidewalk | sight | sign | sign | signal | significance | significant | silver | similar | similarly | simmer | simply | simultaneously | sincerely | sing | singe | single | singularly | sink | sip | sir | sister | sit | sites | situate | situation | sizable | size | skate | skeptic | skeptical | skid | skill | skip | skirt | sky | slack | slam | slave | slavery | slay | sleek | sleep | sleet | slender | slice | slide | slide | slight | slip | slow | sluggish | slump | small | smell | smile | smoke | smooth | smuggle | snatch | snow | so | soak | soap | soar | soccer | social | sociology | sock | soft | sole | solemn | solicit | solidification | solidify | solitary | solitude | solution | solve | somber | some | somewhat | son | song | soon | soothe | sophism | sophisticated | sordid | sore | sorrow | sorrowful | sorry | sort | sound | soup | sour | south | sovereignty | space | span | spank | spare | sparkling | sparse | spatial | speak | specialize | specialty | species | specific | speck | spectacular | spectator | spectrum | speculate | speculation | speed | spell | spell | spend | spend | spew | sphere | spill | spine | spinster | spirit | split | spoil | sponge | spontaneous | spoon | sporadic | sport | spot | spouse | spread | spring | spring | sprout | spur | sputum | squander | square | square | squeeze | squint | ssplit | stability | stabilize | stable | stagflation | stagger | stagnation | staircase | stairs | stale | stamina | stamp | stand | stand | standard | standstill | staple | star | starch | stare | start | starting | startle | state | stated | static | station | statue | staunch | stay | stay | steam | steam | steep | steer | stenography | step | stereotype | sterile | stick | stick | stiff | stifle | stifling | still | stimulate | stimulating | stimulation | stimulus | sting | stingy | stink | stipulate | stipulation | stir | stock | stomach | stone | stop | stopgap | storage | store | store | storm | story | stout | stove | straight | straight | straightforward | strain | strand | strange | strategy | stratify | stratigraphy | stratum | strawberry | street | strength | stressful | stretch | stride | strike | strike | striking | string | stringent | strip | strive | stroke | strong | strong | structuralism | struggle | stubborn | student | study | study | stuff | stuff | stuffy | stumble | stun | stupid | sturdy | stylish | subcontract | subdue | subject | subjective | sublimation | submerged | submission | submit | subordinate | subscribe | subscriber | subsequent | subsequently | subsidiary | subsidize | subsidy | subsist | subsistence | substance | substantial | substitute | subterranean | subtle | subtract | subtropical | suburb | subway | succeed | success | successful | succession | successive | suck | suction | sudden | suddenly | sue | suffer | suffering | sufficient | suffrage | sugar | suggest | suggestion | suit | suitable | sum | summer | summit | summon | sun | superb | superficial | superfluous | superintendent | superior | superiority | supermarket | supervise | supervision | supervisor | supper | supplement | supply | support | suppose | suppress | supreme | sure | surface | surge | surgeon | surgery | surmise | surplus | surprise | surprise | surrender | surreptitious | surround | surveil | surveillance | survey | survive | susceptible | suspect | suspend | suspicion | suspicious | sustain | swallow | swamp | sweater | sweeping | sweet | swell | swift | swim | swing | swing | switch | syllabus | syllogism | symbolic | symmetrical | sympathetic | sympathize | symptom | synchronize | syncope | synopsis | synthetic | systematic |


table | tailor | take | talk | talkative | tall | tame | tangible | tape | target | tariff | tart | taste | tasty | tax | taxation | taxi | tea | teach | team | tear | tease | tedious | teem | telephone | television | tell | tell | temper | temperament | temperate | temperature | tempest | temple | temporary | tempt | temptation | tenant | tendency | tender | tenet | tennis | tense | tension | tentative | tenure | term | terminate | terrestrial | terrible | terribly | terrified | territorial | territory | test | testament | testify | testimonial | testimony | than | thank | that | thaw | the | then | theology | therapy | there | thereafter | therefore | thesis | they | thick | thin | thing | think | think | thirsty | this | thorough | thoroughfare | thoroughly | thousand | thrall | threat | threaten | thrift | thrifty | thrilling | thrive | throb | throng | through | throughout | throw | throw | thrust | thump | thunder | thunderstorm | thus | ticket | tie | tiger | tight | till | tilted | timber | time | timid | tin | tiny | tired | tiresome | to | today | together | token | tolerate | tomato | tomorrow | tonight | too | tooth | toothed | top | torrent | torrid | toss | totalitarianism | totally | touch | tow | town | toxic | toy | track | tractable | trade | tragedy | trail | train | tranquil | transact | transaction | transcript | transfer | transform | transformation | transfusion | transgress | transition | transitory | translate | transmit | transparent | transplant | transport | transportation | travel | travel | traverse | treasurer | treat | treatment | treaty | tree | tremendous | tremor | trench | trend | trial | trick | trickle | trigger | trim | trip | trip | triumph | trivial | tropical | trouble | truck | true | trustee | trustworthy | truth | truthful | try | tulip | tumble | tumultuous | tune | turbulence | turbulent | turmoil | turn | turnover | twice | twofold | tycoon | typical |





yacht | yawn | yeah | year | yell | yellow | yes | yesterday | yet | yield | you | young |


zeal | zealous | zero | zest | zinc | zoo |