====== 토익에 자주 출제되는 영어 회화 숙어 - P ====== ^ 알파벳 목차 |||||||||||| |[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:A|A]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:B|B]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:C|C]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:D|D]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:E|E]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:F|F]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:G|G]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:H|H]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:I|I]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:J|J]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:K|K]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:L|L]]| |[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:M|M]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:N|N]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:O|O]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:P|P]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:r|Q]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:R|R]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:S|S]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:T|T]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:U|U]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:V|V]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:W|W]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:YZ|YZ]]| ^ [[en>pass out]] | (=faint, lose consciousness) | 기절하다, 의식을 잃다 | | Today is so hot that I feel as if I may pass out at any moment. ||| ^ [[en>pave the way for]] | (=make possible or easier) | 길을 열다, 토대를 닦다 | | The negotiations will pave the way for restoring economic ties. ||| ^ [[en>pay off]] | (=bribe; produce good results; pay in full) | 매수하다; 좋은 결과를 낳다 , 보상받다; 다 갚다, 청산하다 | | The man wouldn't give evidence; I think someone paid him off. ||| | His hard work paid off when he got a big raise in salary. ||| | He finally paid off the 30-year mortgage on his house. ||| ^ [[en>pick up on]] | (=understand, catch on to) | 이해하다, 알아차리다 | | He failed to pick up on the humor in my remark. ||| ^ [[en>play along with]] | (=pretend to agree with) | ~에 동의하는 척하다 | | He pretended to be a celebrity and his friends played along with hime. ||| ^ [[en>play down]] | (=make little of) | 경시하다, 가볍게 여기다 | | At first the authorities played down the threat to public health. ||| ^ [[en>play it by ear]] | (=do as a situation develops) | 임기응변으로 대처하다 | | I can't give you any advice, so you'll have to play it by ear. ||| ^ [[en>play up to]] | (=flatter; seek favor with) | 아부[아첨]하다 | | He always plays up to his boss to get promoted ||| ^ [[en>poke fun at]] | (=make fun of, mock, tease) | 놀리다, 조롱하다 | | Most of his novels poke fun at the upper class. ||| ^ [[en>pop into one's head]] | (=suddenly think of) | 갑자기 생각나다[떠오르다 ] | | While I was taking a shower; a good idea popped into my head. ||| ^ [[en>prevail on]] | (=persuade) | 설득하다 | | He prevailed on me to believe in his innocence. ||| ^ [[en>pull[tear] down]] | (=demolish, destroy) | (건물 등을) 부수다, 헐다 | | They pulled[tore] down several old office buildings downtown. ||| ^ [[en>pull in]] | (=drive in and stop, arrive) | 차를 대다[멈추다], 도착하다 | | We'd better pull in at the next gas station to refill the gas tank. ||| ^ [[en>pull off]] | (=succeed in a difficult task) | (어려운 일을) 잘해내다 | | The task seemed impossible, but he managed to pull it off. ||| ^ [[en>pull one's leg]] | (=fool, play a trick on) | (남을) 놀리다, 속이다 | | He was pulling my leg when he said he had won the lottery. ||| ^ [[en>pull oneself together]] | (=become emotionally stable) | 마음을 가라앉히다 | | After crying for an hour, she began to pull herself together. ||| ^ [[en>pull over]] | (=drive to the side of the road to stop) | 차를 길가로 붙이다 | | We pulled over to ask a passerby for directions. ||| ^ [[en>pull through]] | (=survive a crisis or an illness) | (난관, 병) 이겨내다 | | If we just stick together, we can pull through this hardship. ||| ^ [[en>put in for]] | (=officially ask for) | ~을 공식적으로 요구하다 | | The labor union put in for a pay raise of 20%. ||| ^ [[en>put the cart before the horse]] | (=reverse the logical order of things) | 앞뒤가 뒤바뀌다, 본말을 전도하다 | | When the salesman wanted money for goods the hadn't delivered, I told him he was ||| | putting the cart before the horse. ||| ^ [[en>put through]] | (=connect by telephone; cause to suffer) | (전화를) 연결하다; (시련 등을) 격게 하다 | | If he's not in, can you put me through to his secretary? ||| | We put all new recruits through a very rigorous training. ||| ^ [[en>read A into B]] | (=believe A to be meant through not expressed by B) | B를 A의 뜻으로 (확대) 해석하다[추측하다, 짐작하다] | | Please don't read any criticism into what I'm about to say to you. |||