====== 토익에 자주 출제되는 영어 회화 숙어 - F ====== ^ 알파벳 목차 |||||||||||| |[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:A|A]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:B|B]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:C|C]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:D|D]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:E|E]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:F|F]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:G|G]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:H|H]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:I|I]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:J|J]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:K|K]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:L|L]]| |[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:M|M]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:N|N]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:O|O]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:P|P]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:r|Q]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:R|R]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:S|S]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:T|T]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:U|U]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:V|V]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:W|W]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:YZ|YZ]]| ^ [[en>fall back on]] | (=depend on in case of need) | ~에 의지하다 | | **When she lost her job, she fell back on piano playing for meney.** ||| ^ [[en>fall in with]] | (=become involved with) | ~와 어울리다 | | **In high school, he fell in with the wrong crowd and ended up in jail.** ||| ^ [[en>fall short of]] | (=fail to reach) | ~에 못 미치다, 미달하다 | | **His jump feel three inches short of the world record.** ||| ^ [[en>familiar with]]+사물 or 사람 | (=having a good knowledge of) | ~을 잘 하는 | ^ [[en>end in]] | (=result in) | 결과 ~이 되다, 결국 ~으로 끝나다 | | **The conversation ended in an argument.** ||| ^ [[en>engaged in]] | (=busy with) | ~하느라 바쁜, ~에 종사하고 있는 | | **These days I'm engaged in writing a new computer program.** ||| ^ [[en>exert oneself]] | (=make an effort) | 노력하다 | | **She exerted herself all year to earn good marks in mathematics.** ||| ^ [[en>familiar to]]+사람 | (=well known to) | ~ 에게 잘 알려져 있는 | | **We are familiar with this proverbI'm familiar with his mother.** ||| | **What the speaker told us tonight was all familiar to us.** ||| ^ [[en>far from]] | (=not at all; instead of) | 결코 ~이 아닌; ~하기는커녕 | | **I am far from blaming himFar from being angry, he's delighted.** ||| ^ [[en>feel for]] | (=have sympathy for; grope for) | ~을 동정하다; ~을 더듬어 찾다 | | **I really feel for his bereaved family.** ||| | **She felt in her bag for a lipstick .** ||| ^ [[en>feel like ~ing]] | (=be inclined to) | ~하고 싶다[싶은 기분이다] | | **somehow I feel like canceling the contract.** ||| ^ [[en>find fault with]] | (=criticize) | ~을 비난하다, 흠을 잡다, 트집 잡다 | | **I've never found fault with anything you've ever done.** ||| ^ [[en>fix up]] | (=repair) | 고치다 | | **The garage man fixed up the old car and sold it at a profit of $500.** ||| ^ [[en>fix A up with B]] | (=arrange for A to have B; introduce B to A) | A에게 B를 마련해[알선해] 주다; A에게 B를 소개시켜 주다 | | **I know someone who's able to fix you up with a good job.** ||| | **I have a nice girl I'd like to fix you up with.** ||| ^ [[en>flatter oneself that]] | (=be pleased with one's belief that) | 혼자 속으로 믿고 좋아하다 | | **He flatters himself that he'll be able to get her in the long run.** ||| ^ [[en>follow suit]] | (=do as someone else has done) | 남이 하는대로 하다, 선례를 따르다 | | **Once one bank raises its interest rate, all the others will follow suit.** ||| ^ [[en>fool around]] | (=waste time doing nothing) | 빈둥거리다 | | **Instead of studying, he spends all his spare time fooling around.** ||| ^ [[en>for a song]] | (=for very little money, cheaply) | 헐값으로, 염가로 | | **Because the shop's closing down, most of the stock is going for a song.** ||| ^ [[en>for all I know]] | (=perhaps) | 아마 | | **All his family may be living somewhere in North America for all I know.** ||| ^ [[en>for better or for worse]] | (=under good or bad circumstances) | 좋은 싫든간에 | | **Will you promise to stay with me for better or for worse?** ||| ^ [[en>for fear of]] | (=because of anxiety about) | ~을 두려워하여 | | **I dare not go there for fear of him seeing me.** ||| ^ [[en>for free]] | (=without charge, free of charge) | 무료로 | | You can't expect the doctor to treat you for free. ||| ^ [[en>for good]] | (=for ever) | 영원히, 아주 | | **We thought she'd come for a visit, but it seems she's staying for good.** ||| ^ [[en>for good measure]] | (=as something extra, in addition) | 덤으로, 추가로 | | **After I'd weighed the pears, I put in another one for good measure.** ||| ^ [[en>for nothing]] | (=without payment; in vain; without reason) | 공짜로; 헛되이; 이유없이 | | **When we bought the house we got all the furniture as well for nothing.** ||| | **All my efforts were for nothingThey quarrelled for nothing.** ||| ^ [[en>for once]] | (=this once) | 한 번만[이번만] | | **Can't you be nice to each other (just) for once?** ||| ^ [[en>for one thing]] | (=in the first place) | 우선, 첫째는 | | **For one thing I am busy; for another I don't have any money.** ||| ^ [[en>for one's[dear] life]] | (=desperately) | 필사적으로 | | **He hung on to the ledge for his life.** | ^ [[en>for short]] | (=for brevity's sake) | 줄여서, 생략하여 | | **The World Trade Organization is called WTO for short.** ||| ^ [[en>for the most part]] | (=mostly, on the whole) | 대부분, 대개 | | **Korean TV sets are, for the most part, of excellent quality.** ||| ^ [[en>for the sake of]] | (=for the benefit of) | ~을 위하여 | | **We have to stop fighting for the sake of family unity.** ||| ^ [[en>for lack of]] | (=for want of) | ~이 부족하여 | | **The project failed for lack of financial backing.** ||| ^ [[en>for the time being]] | (=for the moment, for the present) | 당분간 | | **For the time being I'm tied up, but I'll get to it first thing next month.** ||| ^ [[en>forget it]] | (=overlook it) | (칭찬․사죄 등에 대해) 괜찮아요, 됐어요. | | **“Thanks so much for helping me.” “Forget it, is was nothing.”** ||| ^ [[en>free from[of]]] | (=without) | ~이 없는 | | **Keep all parts of the machine free from dust and dirt.** ||| ^ [[en>from time to time]] | (=occasionally, once in a while) | 가끔 | | **From time to time this old house gives me the creeps.** |||