====== 토익에 자주 출제되는 영어 회화 숙어 - C ====== ^ 알파벳 목차 |||||||||||| |[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:A|A]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:B|B]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:C|C]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:D|D]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:E|E]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:F|F]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:G|G]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:H|H]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:I|I]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:J|J]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:K|K]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:L|L]]| |[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:M|M]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:N|N]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:O|O]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:P|P]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:r|Q]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:R|R]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:S|S]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:T|T]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:U|U]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:V|V]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:W|W]]|[[사전:영어:토익에_자주_출제되는_숙어:YZ|YZ]]| ^ [[en>call for]] | (=demand, require) | 요구하다 | | **It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration.** ||| ^ [[en>call off]] | (=cancel) | 취소하다 | | **The union threatened a strike but called it off at the last minute.** ||| ^ [[en>care for]] (=like) | <의문문, 부정문> 좋아하다; (=look after, nurse) | 돌보다 | | **I don't really care for coffeeWould you care for another drink?** ||| | **Who will care for the children if their mother dies?** ||| ^ [[en>carry on]] | (=manage) | 경영하다 | | **Despite the recession, he is carrying on his business on a large scale.** ||| ^ [[en>catch sight of]] | (=get a glimpse of) | ~을 얼핏 보다 (≠ lose sight of) | | **I caught sight of my former teacher while I was shopping today, but she turned a** ||| | **corner and I lost sight of her.** ||| ^ [[en>cheer up]] | (=become happier; make one happier) | 기운나다; 기운을 내게 하다 | | **Cheer up! The news isn't too badMy friends tried to cheer me up.** ||| ^ [[en>come across]] | (=find unexpectedly) | 우연히 발견하다 | | **In cleaning out the attic, I came across a few remembrances of my grandmother's.** ||| ^ [[en>come by]] | (=obtain) | 얻다, 획득하다 | | **A good job like that is very hard to come by these days.** ||| ^ [[en>come down with]] | (=become ill with) | 병에 걸리다 | | **At the age of four she came down with acute pneumonia.** ||| ^ [[en>come to]] | (=become conscious) | (의식을) 회복하다 | | **As the anesthetic wore off, the patient came to.** ||| ^ [[en>come true]] | (=really happen, become real) | 실현되다, 실제로 일어나다 | | **All of his warning came true when the stock market crashed.** ||| ^ [[en>come up with]] | (=think of) | ~을 생각해 내다 | | **He came up with a new idea for increasing sales.** ||| ^ [[en>be concerned about]] | (=be anxious about) | ~을 걱정해내다 | ^ [[en>be concerned with]] | (=have interest in) | ~에 관심이 있다 | | **I'm concerned about his healthI'm not concerned with it.** ||| ^ [[en>cope with]] | (=manage successfully) | 대처하다 | | **His counseling has helped me cope with my difficulties.** ||| ^ [[en>count for nothing[little]]] | (=be of no[little] importance) | (거의) 중요하지 않다 | | **Knowledge without common sense counts for nothing[little].** ||| ^ [[en>count in]] | (=include) | 끼워주다 | | **If you're all going to the party, count me in.** ||| ^ [[en>count on]] | (=rely on) | 믿다, 기대하다 | | **You can count on her to do a good job.** ||| ^ [[en>cut a fine figure]] | (=make a fine appearance) | 이채를 띠다, 두각을 나타내다 | | **With her beauty she cut a fine figure among them.** ||| ^ [[en>cut in]] | (=interrupt) | 방해하다, 끼어들다 | | I was talking to him when se __cut in__ on our conversation. |||