
문서의 이전 판입니다!




a | abandon | abbreviate | abet | abhor | abiding | abject | abnegation | abnormal | abolish | aboriginal | abortion | about | abrasion | abrupt | abruptly | absence | absolute | absorb | abstract | abundance | abundant | abuse | academic | accelerate | accentuate | accept | acceptance | access | accessibility | accessible | accessory | acclaim | accommodate | accommodation | accompaniment | accompany | accomplish | accord | account | accountant | accrue | accumulate | accuracy | accurate | accurately | accusation | accuse | achieve | achievement | acid | acknowledge | acquire | acquisition | acquit | across | across | act | act | active | activity | actor | actually | acute | adage | adamant | adapt | adaptability | addict | addiction | addictive | additional | additive | address | address | adept | adequate | adhere | adjacent | adjourn | adjust | administer | admirable | admission | admit | admonish | adolescence | adolescent | adopt | adrift | adroit | adult | advance | advancement | advantage | advent | adverse | adversity | advertisement | advertising | advisable | advise | advisedly | advisor | advisory | advocate | affair | affect | affection | affective | affiliate | afflict | affluence | affluent | afraid | after | afternoon | again | age | aged | agency | agenda | aggravate | aggressive | agile | ago | agree | agreement | agricultural | agriculture | ahead | aid | ailing | ailment | aim | air | airborne | airplane | airport | aisle | alarm | album | alias | alien | alienate | alienation | alight | align | alike | alimony | alive | alkalinity | all | allegation | alleged | allegedly | allegory | alleviate | alley | allocate | allocation | allot | allotment | allow | allowance | alloy | allure | alluvial | ally | almost | along | alter | alteration | alternate | alternative | altitude | altogether | altruism | aluminum | always | amateur | amaze | amazing | ambidextrous | ambiguity | ambiguous | ambivalent | amend | amendment | amenity | amiable | amicable | ammeter | amnesia | amnesty | among | amorous | amphibians | amplify | amply | amuse | amusement | anachronism | analogous | analysis | analyst | analyze | anatomy | ancestor | anchor | anchorage | ancient | and | andantino | anecdote | anemia | anesthesia | anesthetic | angle | angry | animal | animosity | annihilation | annotation | announcement | annoy | annoyance | annual | anomaly | anonymous | answer | antagonist | antagonize | antecedent | anthology | anthropology | antibiotic | anticipate | anticipation | antidote | antique | antiseptic | anxiety | anxious | any | apart | apartment | apathy | apocalypse | apologize | apology | apparatus | apparent | apparently | appeal | appear | appearance | apple | appliance | applicable | applicant | application | apply | appointed | appraisal | appraise | appreciable | appreciably | appreciation | apprehend | apprehensive | apprentice | approach | appropriate | appropriation | approval | approve | approximate | approximately | aptitude | arbitrarily | arbitrary | arbitrate | arbitration | arbor | arc | archaeology | archaic | archipelago | architect | archive | Arctic | ardent | arduous | area | arena | arguable | argue | arid | arise | arithmetic | arm | armistice | arose | around | arouse | arrange | arrangement | array | arrest | arrive | arrive | arson | artery | arthritis | arthropod | article | artifact | artificial | artisan | as | ascertain | ask | ask | aspect | aspiration | assault | assemble | assembly | assert | assess | assessment | asset | assiduous | assigned | assignment | assimilate | assimilation | assist | assistant | associate | association | assume | assumption | assure | assuredly | asteroid | astray | astrology | astronomy | astute | asymmetric | at | atheism | atmosphere | atrocity | attach | attain | attempt | attend | attendance | attendant | attention | attentive | attire | attitude | attorney | attract | attraction | attractive | attribute | auction | audience | audit | auditorium | auditory | aunt | autarchy | authenticity | author | authorities | authority | autograph | automatic | autonomy | autumn | available | avalanche | avenge | averse | avert | avid | avocation | avoid | await | awaken | award | aware | awareness | away | awesome | awful | awkwardly |


baby | bachelor | back | bad | bag | baggage | bail | balance | balanced | bale | ball | balloon | ballot | ban | banana | band | bang | bank | bankrupt | banquet | barbarism | bare | barely | bargain | barge | bark | barren | barrier | barring | barrister | barter | base | basis | basket | bath | batter | battlefield | be | beach | beak | bear | bearing | beatific | beautiful | because | beckoning | become | bed | before | beforehand | begin | begrudge | behavior | behemoth | behind | belatedly | bell | belonging | below | bench | benediction | benefaction | beneficial | benefit | benign | berth | beside | besides | bestow | between | beverage | beware | beyond | bias | bibliography | bicameral | bid | bidding | big | bike | bilateral | bill | binary | biochemistry | biography | bird | birthday | bitterly | bizarre | black | blackmail | blank | blank | blast | blaze | bleak | blemish | blend | bless | bliss | blizzard | block | bloom | blossom | blow | blue | blueprint | board | board | boat | body | boil | boldly | book | book | booklet | boost | border | boredom | borrow | bosom | bother | bottle | bough | bounce | boundary | bounds | bountiful | bouquet | bowl | box | boy | brace | branch | brand-new | bravery | breach | bread | break | break | breakdown | breakfast | breakthrough | breast | breed | bribe | bride | bridge | bridge | bridle | brief | bright | bright | brilliant | brine | bring | bring | brink | brisk | brittle | broad | broadcast | broaden | brochure | broil | bronchi | brother | brown | brush | brushwork | brutal | budding | budget | bugging | build | build | built-in | bulk | bulletin | bump | bumpy | bunch | buoyancy | burden | bureau | bureaucracy | burglar | burglary | burn | burst | bus | bust | bustle | bustling | busy | but | butter | button | buy | by | bye | bypass | bystander |


cabinet | cacophony | cadmium | cake | calamity | calculate | calculation | calendar | call | calm | camera | camouflage | camp | can | cancel | cancellation | candid | candidate | candle | candy | canvass | canyon | cap | capability | capacity | capillarity | capital | capitalize | caprice | capsize | captain | captain | caption | captivity | capture | car | carbohydrate | carbon | card | cardiac | cardinal | care | career | cargo | caricature | carnage | carnivorous | carpenter | carrion | carry | carry | cartoon | carve | case | cassette | casualty | cat | catalyst | catalyze | cataract | catastrophe | catastrophic | catch | catch | categorize | category | cater | caution | cautious | cavity | cease | cede | ceiling | ceiling | celebrate | celebrity | celestial | cellulose | censorship | census | center | cerebral | ceremony | certain | certainly | certificate | certification | certified | cession | chair | chalk | challenge | challenging | chamber | chance | chance | change | chant | chaotic | characterize | charge | charity | charm | charter | chat | cheap | cheap | check | cheer | cheese | cherish | cherished | chew | chiaroscuro | chicken | chief | child | chilly | chisel | choice | choose | chop | chopstick | chord | chore | choreography | chromatic | chromosome | chronic | church | circle | circle | circulate | circulation | circumference | circumstance | cite | citizen | city | claim | clarify | clash | class | classic | classify | classmate | clause | claw | clay | clean | clear | clearance | cliche | client | cliff | climacteric | climb | climb | clip | clock | close | closeness | clothes | clothes | cloud | clout | club | clumsy | cluster | coagulation | coalition | coat | coated | coax | cobble | code | codified | coeducation | coercive | coffee | cognitive | coherent | cohesion | cohesive | coin | coincide | cold | collaborate | collaborator | collateral | colleague | collect | collection | collectively | colliery | collision | colonize | colony | color | colossal | coma | combat | combine | come | comet | comfort | comfortable | comfy | comity | command | commemorate | commencement | comment | commentator | commerce | commercial | commiserate | commit | commitment | commodity | common | commoner | communicate | communication | communism | commute | compact | companion | comparable | comparably | compare | compartment | compassion | compel | compendium | compensate | compete | competent | competition | competitive | compile | complain | complement | complete | completely | completion | complex | complexion | compliance | complicated | compliment | complimentary | component | compose | composite | composition | composure | compound | comprehend | comprehension | comprehensive | comprise | compromise | compulsive | compulsory | computation | compute | computer | concave | conceal | concede | conceive | concept | conception | concern | concerned | conclude | conclusion | conclusive | conclusively | concomitant | concord | concourse | concrete | concur | condensation | condense | condition | condone | conduct | conduction | conductor | cone | conference | confess | confession | confidence | confident | confidential | configuration | confine | confirm | confirmation | confiscate | confiscation | conflict | conform | confront | confrontation | confuse | confused | confusing | confusion | congeal | congenial | congestion | conglomerate | congratulation | congregation | conifer | connection | connoisseur | conquer | conscience | conscious | consciously | consciousness | consecrate | consecutive | consensus | consent | consequence | consequently | conservation | conservative | conserve | consider | considerable | considerate | consign | consist | consistent | console | consolidate | consolidation | conspiracy | conspirator | conspire | constant | constellation | constituent | constitute | constitution | constrained | construct | construction | construe | consul | consulate | consult | consultant | consultation | consume | consumer | consumption | contact | contagion | contagious | contain | container | contaminate | contamination | contemplation | contemporary | contend | content | contention | contest | continence | contingency | continue | continuous | contraceptive | contract | contradict | contrariety | contrary | contrast | contribute | control | controlled | controversial | controversy | convenience | convenient | convention | converge | convergent | conversation | conversely | convert | convex | convey | conveyance | convict | conviction | convince | convoy | cook | cook | cool | cooperate | copy | copy | copyright | cordial | core | corner | corporal | corporation | correspond | correspondence | correspondent | corridor | corrode | corrosion | corrosive | corruption | cost | costume | couch | council | count | count | counterfeit | counterpart | countless | country | course | course | cousin | covenan | cover | covet | covetous | cow | cozy | crack | craft | cranium | crash | craven | crayon | craze | cream | create | creative | creature | creep | crest | crevice | crib | crime | criminal | cripple | crisp | criterion | critic | critical | criticism | criticize | crooked | crop | cross | cross | crosscut | crosswalk | crucial | crude | cruise | crush | crux | cry | cry | cryptic | cube | cuddle | culminate | culprit | cultivation | cultivator | culture | cumulate | cumulative | cup | curious | currency | current | curriculum | curtail | curtain | curve | custodian | custody | custom | customer | customs | cut | cutback | cute | cycle |


dad | daily | damage | damp | dance | danger | dare | daring | dark | darken | date | daughter | dawn | day | dazzle | dead | deadlock | deadly | deal | dealer | dean | debate | debris | debunk | decadence | decay | decency | decent | decentralize | deception | deceptive | decision | decisive | deck | declaration | declare | decline | decorate | decrease | decree | dedicated | dedication | deduct | deduction | deed | deem | deep | deer | default | defeat | defect | defection | defective | defendant | deficiency | deficient | deficit | define | definite | definitely | deflate | deflation | deformity | degrade | degree | deification | delay | delegate | deletion | deliberate | deliberately | delicious | delight | delightful | delineate | delinquency | delinquent | delivery | delta | deluge | deluxe | demagogue | demand | demands | demise | demolition | demonstrate | demonstrate | demonstration | demoralize | denial | denomination | denote | denouement | denounce | dense | density | denture | deny | depart | department | departure | depend | dependable | dependent | depict | depleted | deploy | deposit | deposited | depreciate | depreciation | depress | depressed | depression | deprive | deputy | derailment | derive | dermatology | desalinate | descend | descendant | describe | description | desert | deserve | designate | designed | desire | desk | desolation | despair | desperate | despite | despondency | destination | destiny | destroy | destruction | detach | detail | detailed | detain | detect | detection | deter | deteriorate | determination | determine | determined | deterrence | deterrent | detest | detract | detriment | detrimental | devaluation | devastate | develop | device | devious | devise | devote | devotion | devour | dexterous | diabetes | diagnose | diagonal | dial | dialect | dialectic | dialogue | diameter | diary | dichotomy | dictate | dictator | dictionary | die | dietary | diffuse | diffusion | dig | digest | diggings | dilate | diligence | diligent | dilute | dilution | dim | diminish | diminution | diminutive | dimly | dinner | dinosaur | dip | diploma | direct | directly | director | dirty | disabled | disagreement | disappear | disappointed | disappointment | disapproval | disapprove | disassemble | disaster | disastrous | disbursement | discard | discern | discernible | discharge | disciple | discipline | disclose | discomfort | disconnect | disconsolate | discover | discrepancy | discrete | discriminate | discrimination | disease | disembark | disgust | dish | disharmony | disinfect | disinterest | dislocate | dismantle | dismay | dismiss | dismissal | disorder | dispatch | disperse | display | dispose | dispute | disrupt | disruption | dissatisfaction | dissatisfied | disseminate | dissimilar | dissipation | dissolve | distant | distinct | distinctive | distinguish | distort | distress | distressing | distribute | distribution | district | disturb | disturbance | diverge | diversity | divert | divest | dividend | division | divorce | dizzy | do | dock | doctor | doctrine | document | documented | dog | doll | dollar | dolphin | domain | domestic | dominant | dominate | donate | donation | doom | door | dormant | dose | double | doubtful | down | downfall | downpour | downright | downsize | downturn | draft | drag | drain | dramatically | drastic | draw | draw | drawback | drawing | dreadful | dream | dreary | dress | dribble | drift | drink | drive | drive | drizzle | drop | drop | drought | drum | dry | dubiety | duck | due | dump | duplicate | durability | durable | duration | duty | dwell | dweller | dwindle | dye | dynamic | dyspepsia |


eager | eagerness | ear | early | earn | earnest | earth | earthly | earthquake | ease | east | Easter | easy | eat | eccentricity | echo | echo | eclipse | ecological | ecology | economic | economize | ecosystem | edge | edify | edit | edition | editions | editorial | educated | eerie | effect | effective | efficiency | efficient | effort | effortless | egg | ego | egocentrism | elaborate | elastic | elasticity | elect | election | electrode | electronics | elegant | element | elevation | elicit | eliminate | eloquent | elucidate | elude | elusive | emanate | emancipation | embargo | embark | embarrass | embarrassed | embarrassing | embed | embezzle | emblem | embody | emboss | embryo | emerge | emergency | eminence | eminent | emission | emit | emotion | emotional | empathy | emphasis | emphasize | empiricism | employ | employee | employer | employment | empty | empty | emulate | enable | enact | encapsulate | enchant | encircle | enclose | encompass | encounter | encourage | encroach | encroachment | encyclopedia | end | end | endanger | endangered | endeavor | endless | endorse | endorsement | endow | endure | enemy | energetic | enforce | engagement | engine | engineering | engrossed | enhance | enhancement | enigmatic | enjoy | enlarge | enlargement | enlighten | enlightening | enlightenment | ennui | enormous | enough | enroll | enrollment | ensue | ensure | entail | enter | enterprise | entertain | entertainment | enthrall | enthusiastic | entice | entire | entirely | entomology | entrance | entrepreneur | entry | envelope | envious | environment | envy | enzyme | ephemeral | epic | epicenter | epidemic | epidermis | episode | epistemology | epistolary | epitome | equality | equally | equanimity | equate | equation | equilibrium | equip | equipment | equitable | equity | equivalent | equivocal | era | eradicate | erase | eraser | erect | erosion | errand | erratic | error | erudite | erupt | eruption | escalate | escape | eschatology | especially | essay | essence | essential | essentiality | essentially | establish | established | establishment | estimate | estimation | estrange | etching | eternally | ethic | ethical | ethnic | euthanasia | evacuate | evade | evaluate | evaluation | evaporation | evening | evenly | eventually | every | evict | evidence | evident | evoke | evolution | evolve | exacerbate | exaggerate | examination | examine | example | exasperate | excavate | excavation | exceed | exceedingly | excellent | except | excerpt | excess | exchange | excite | exclaim | exclude | excluding | exclusion | exclusive | exclusively | excrement | excursion | excuse | execute | execution | executive | exemplary | exempt | exercise | exercise | exert | exertion | exhale | exhausted | exhibit | exhibition | exhilarate | exile | exist | exit | exorbitant | exotic | expand | expansion | expect | expectation | expel | expend | expenditure | expense | expensive | experiment | expert | expertise | expiration | expire | explanation | explicit | exploit | exploitation | explore | explosion | expose | exposure | express | expression | expressive | expressway | extend | extension | extensively | extent | external | extinct | extol | extort | extra | extract | extraneous | extraordinary | extravagance | extravagant | extreme | extremely | extremist | extrovert | eye |


fable | fabulous | facade | face | facilitate | facilities | facility | fact | faction | factor | factorize | factory | factual | faculty | fail | faint | fair | fairly | fairy | faith | fake | fall | fallible | fallout | false | familiar | familiarize | family | famine | famished | famous | fancy | far | fare | farm | fascinate | fascinating | fascination | fast | fasten | fastidious | fat | fatal | father | fatigue | faulty | favor | favorite | fear | fearful | feasible | feast | feat | feature | fee | feeble | feedback | feel | feign | felicitate | felicity | felony | fence | ferment | fermentation | fertile | fertilize | fervent | fervid | feud | few | fiance | fiasco | fidgety | field | fierce | fight | figure | fill | film | filter | financial | find | fine | fine | finger | finish | finish | finite | fire | firewood | firm | firmly | fiscal | fish | fission | fit | fitness | fix | fixed | fixed | fixture | flag | flair | flake | flash | flat | flatter | flattery | flaw | flawless | fledgling | flexibility | flexible | flight | flip | float | flood | floor | flourish | flower | flowering | flowery | fluctuate | fluctuation | fluffy | flunk | flush | flutter | fly | foggy | folk | follow | follow | food | fool | foot | footprint | for | forage | forecast | foremost | foreseeable | foresight | forestall | foretell | forewarn | forfeit | forge | forget | fork | formation | former | formidable | forsake | fortify | fortitude | fortunate | fortunately | forum | fossil | foster | found | foundation | founder | fraction | fractious | fragile | fragment | fragmentary | fragrance | fragrant | franchise | frankly | fraud | fray | free | free | freely | freeway | freight | frenzy | frequent | fresco | fresh | fresh | freshness | friction | friend | frightened | frigid | fringe | frivolous | from | front | frontier | frown | frugal | fruit | frustrate | frustrated | frustration | fugitive | fulfill | full | fume | fun | function | functionalism | fund | fundamentally | fungus | furcated | furnace | furnish | further | furthermore | fusion | futile | futility |




I | ice | iceberg | icecap | idea | identical | identify | identity | if | ignite | ignorance | ignorant | ignore | ill | illegal | illicit | illiteracy | illuminate | illusion | illustrate | illustration | imagination | imaginative | imbibe | imitate | immature | immediate | immigrant | immigrate | immigration | immolation | immunity | immutable | impact | impair | impartial | impassive | impatient | impeach | impeccable | impede | impediment | imperative | impertinence | implausible | implement | implementation | implication | import | impose | imposing | impound | impoverish | impress | impression | impressive | imprint | imprison | imprisonment | improve | improvised | impulsive | in | inaccurate | inactive | inadequate | inappropriate | inaugurate | inauspicious | incandescent | incentive | inception | incessant | incident | incidental | incipient | incise | incisive | inclement | inclination | include | incoherent | incomparable | incompletely | inconsequential | inconsistency | inconsistent | inconspicuous | incorporation | incorrect | increase | incredible | increment | incriminate | incumbent | incur | indebted | indeed | indemnity | independent | indicate | indication | indict | indifferent | indigenous | indignation | indirect | indispensable | individual | indomitable | indoors | induce | inducement | induction | indulge | industrial | industrious | industry | inefficient | inept | ineptitude | inertia | inevitability | inevitable | inexpensive | infancy | infant | infectious | infer | inference | inferior | infinite | inflame | inflate | inflated | inflation | influence | influential | influenza | influx | inform | informed | infrastructure | infrequent | infringe | infringement | infusion | ingenious | ingenuity | ingenuous | ingredient | inhabit | inhabitant | inhabitation | inhalation | inherent | inherit | inheritance | inimical | iniquity | initial | initiate | initiative | injection | injure | injurious | ink | inland | inlet | innate | innocence | innocent | innocuous | innovate | innovation | innuendo | innumerable | inoculate | inquire | inquiry | inquisitive | inroad | insatiable | insectivores | insidious | insight | insignificant | insist | insistent | insolent | insoluble | insolvency | insolvent | insomnia | inspect | inspiration | inspire | inspired | install | installment | instant | instigate | instinct | instinctive | institute | institution | instruct | instruction | instrument | insufferable | insulate | insulation | insult | insurance | insure | insurmountable | intact | integral | integrate | integration | integrity | intelligence | intelligent | intend | intense | intensify | intensity | intensive | intent | interact | interchange | interest | interest | interesting | interior | intermission | internal | internist | interpret | interpretation | interpreter | interrelate | interrogation | interrupt | interruption | intersection | intervene | intestine | intimidate | intimidation | into | intolerant | intoxicate | intransigent | intricate | intrigue | introduce | introduce | introduction | introvert | intrusion | inundation | invalid | invalidity | invaluable | invariably | invasion | inveigle | invent | inventory | inverse | invertebrate | invest | investigate | investigation | investment | investor | invigorate | invincible | invisible | invoke | involve | irregular | irrelevant | irreparable | irresistible | irreversible | irritable | irritate | irritated | island | isolate | isolation | isotope | it | ivy |





ma`am | mad | madden | maddening | magnificent | magnify | magnitude | mail | maim | mainly | maintain | maintenance | major | majority | make | malediction | malleability | malnutrition | mammals | mammoth | man | manage | mandate | mandatory | manifest | manifold | manipulate | manned | manner | manual | manufacture | manufacturing | manure | many | map | march | margin | marine | marital | mark | market | market | marry | Mars | mash | mason | mass | massive | match | mate | material | maternity | matriarchy | matriculate | matter | mature | maturity | may | meager | mean | meander | meaning | means | measure | meat | mechanic | medal | mediate | medication | meet | meet | mellow | melon | melt | menace | mention | merchandise | merciful | Mercury | mere | merely | merge | merit | merry | metabolism | metamorphose | meteor | meteorology | meter | method | meticulous | metropolitan | middle | migrate | milk | million | mime | mind | mindful | mingle | minimal | minor | minority | minute | minute | mirror | miscarriage | mischance | mischief | misconception | misdemeanor | miserable | misgiving | misinterpret | misleading | misplaced | Miss | mission | mist | misty | misunderstand | misunderstanding | mixture | mobile | mode | model | moderate | modification | modify | moist | mollusk | molten | mom | monarch | monetary | money | monkey | monochrome | monogamy | monograph | monopoly | monotonous | monsoon | month | monument | mood | moon | mop | moral | morale | moratorium | morning | mortgage | mortify | mother | motion | motivate | motivation | motive | mound | mountain | mounting | mouse | mouth | move | move | movement | movie | moving | mow | Mr. | Mrs. | much | muggy | multilateral | multiple | multiplicity | multiply | mumble | mundane | murderer | muse | music | must | musty | mutation | mutual | myriad | mysterious |




pace pack package page pain painful painstaking paint painter painting pair pale paleontology Palestinian palliate palm pan panacea panel panic pant paper par parabola paradigm paradox parallel parallelism paralysis paralyze parasite parent parentage parity park parking parliament parlor parody part participant participate participation particular particularly partly partner partnership party pass passage passbook passenger passion passive past paste pastime pat patch patent path patience patient patriotism patron patronize pattern pause pave pay payment PC peace peak pecuniary pedagogy pedestrian pediatrics pedigree peek peel peer penal penalize penalty pending pendulum penetrate pension pentagon people pepper per perceive percentage perception perceptive perennial perfect perfection perfectly perforate perform performance perhaps perilous period periodical perish perishable permanent permission permit pernicious perpendicular persecute persecution persistence persistent person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade persuasion pertinent perturb pervasive pessimistic pet petition pharmacist phase phenomenal phenomenon philanthropic philanthropy philosophy phone phonetics photo photograph photographer photosynthesis phrase physical physically physician piano pick picnic picture pie piece pier pigment pigmentation pike pile pilgrim pilot pine pink pinpoint pioneer pipe piracy pirate piscatorial pitch place placement placid plague plain plaintiff plan plane planet planning plant plantation plastic plate platform play player plea plead please pleased pleasure pledge plenary plentiful plenty plethora plot pluck plumage plummet plunder plunge plurality plus Pluto PM pocket poem poet poetry point pole polestar police policy polish political politically politician politics poll pollute pollution polygamy ponder pool poor pop populace popular population porch pore port portable porter portfolio portion portrait portray pose position positive positivism possess possession possibility possible possibly post posterity postgraduate postmortem postpone postulate posture pot potato potent potential potentially pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice praise pray prayer preamble precarious precede precept precious precipitation precipitous precise precisely precision preclude precocious predecessor predicate predict predictable prediction predilection predominant predominantly predominate preeminent prefer preferable preference preferential pregnancy pregnant prehistory prejudice preliminary prelude premature premier premise preoccupied preordain preparation prepare prepared preparing prerequisite prescribe prescription presence present presentation presently preservation preserve preside president presidential press pressure prestige prestigious presumptive pretend pretty prevail prevalence prevalent prevent prevention previous previously prey price priceless pride priest primarily primary primates prime primeval primitive principal principally principle print prior priority prison prisoner pristine privacy private privilege probably probationary probe problem procedure proceed process proclaim proclamation procure produce producer product production productivity profess profession professional professor proficient profile profit profusion progenitor program programmed progress progressive prohibit project projection proliferate prolong prolonged prominent promise promising promote promotion prompt pronouncement proof proper properly property proponent proportion proposal propose proposed proposition proprietary proprietor propriety propulsion prose prosecute prosecution prosecutor prospect prospective prosper protagonist protect protection protective protein protest protestant protocol protoplasm protrude proud prove provide provider province provision provisional provoke proximity prudent pseudonym psychiatry psychological psychologist psychology psychopath public publication publicly publish publisher pull punctual punctuality puncture pungent punish punishment pupil purchase pure purification purify purpose pursue pursuit push put



race racial racialism rack radiation radical radio radius raft rail rain raise rake rampant ranch random range rank ransportation rapid rapidly rare rarely rate rather ratify rating ratio rational raw reach react reaction read reader readily reading ready reagent real realism reality realize really realm reap reason reasonable reassure rebate rebuke recall recast recede receive recent recently receptacle reception recess recession recessive recipe recipient reciprocal recite reckless reckon recline recognition recognize recommend recommendation reconcile reconciliation reconsider record recording recover recovery recreation recrudescence recruit recruiting rectangle rectitude rector recur recurring red redeeming redress reduce reduction refer reference referendum refine refit reflect reflection reform reformation refract refraction refrain refresh refugee refund refurbish refusal refuse regal regard regarding regardless regime regimen region regional register registration regret regrettable regular regularly regulate regulation reimburse reimbursement reinforce reject relate relation relationship relative relatively relax relaxed release relevance relevant reliable reliance reliant relics relief relieve religion religious relinquish relocate reluctant rely remain remaining remark remarkable remedial remember remind remindful reminisce remit remnant remodel remote removal remove remuneration render rendering rendition renew renounce renovate renowned rent repair repay repeal repeat repeatedly repeater repel repent repetition replace replacement replenish replica reply report reporter represent representation representative repress repression repressive reprimand reproduce reproduction reptiles Republican repugnant repulse repulsion repulsive reputation request require requirement rescue research researcher resemble resent reservation reserve reservoir reside resident residue resign resignation resilient resist resistance resistant resolution resolve resort resource respect respectable respectful respective respiration respire respond respondent response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restoration restore restrained restrict restriction result resume resumption resurrection retail retain retaliate retaliation retard retention reticent retire retirement retouch retreat retrieve retrospect retrospective return reveal revenge revenue reverence reverse review revise revision revitalize revive revolution revolutionary revolutionize revulsion reward rhythm rice rich rid riddle ride ridiculous rifle right rigid rigorous ring rinse riot rip ripen rise risk rite river road roar roast rob robber robe robust rock rod role roll romantic roof room root rope rose roster rot rotate rotation rough roughly round route routine row royalty rub rugged ruin ruins rule ruling ruminant rummage rumor run running runoff rural rush Russian rustle


sabotage sacred sad saddle sadness safe safeguard safety sake salad salary sale sales saloon salt salute salvage salvation same sample sampling sanction sanctity sand sanitary sanitation sarcastic satellite satire satisfaction satisfactory satisfied satisfy satisfying saturated saturation Saturn sauce savage save saving say scalding scale scan scandal scare scared scary scatter scenario scene scenery schedule scheme scholar scholarly scholarship school science scientific scientist scoop scope scorch scorching score scour scout scramble scrap scrape scratch scream screen script scrupulous scrutinize scrutiny sculpture sea seal search season seasoning seat secession secluded seclusion second secondhand secret secretary secrete secretion section sector secure securities security sedative sediment see seed seek seem seemingly seep segment segregate segregation seize seldom select selection self selfless sell semiconductor Senate senator send senescent senile senior sense sensibility sensible sensitive sensitivity sentence separate separately separation sequence serene seriatim series serious seriously seriousness servant serve service session set setting settle settlement seven sever several severe severely sex sexual shabby shade shadow shake shall shame shape share sharp sharply she sheet shelf shell shelter sheltered shield shift shine shiny ship shipment shirt shit shiver shock shoe shoot shooting shop shopper shopping shore short shortage shorten shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrink shrug shut sick side sidewalk sigh sight sign signal significance significant significantly silence silent silver similar similarly simmer simple simply simultaneously sin since sincerely sing singe singer single singularly sink sip sir sister sit site sites situate situation six sizable size skeptic skeptical ski skid skill skin skip sky slack slam slave slavery slay sleek sleep sleet slender slice slide slight slightly slip slow slowly sluggish slump small smart smell smile smoke smooth smuggle snap snatch snow so soak soar so-called soccer social society sociology soft software soil solar soldier sole solemn solicit solid solidification solidify solitary solitude solution solve somber some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon soothe sophism sophisticated sordid sore sorrow sorrowful sorry sort soul sound soundproof soup sour source south southern sovereignty Soviet space spacious span Spanish spank spare sparkling sparse spatial speak speaker special specialist specialize specialty species specific specifically specify specimen speck spectacular spectator spectrum speculate speculation speech speed speedily spell spend spending spent spew sphere spill spin spine spinster spirit spiritual split spoil spokesman sponge spontaneous sporadic sport spot spouse spread spring sprout spur sputum squander square squeeze squint ssplit stability stabilize stable stack staff stage stagflation stagger stagnation stain stair staircase stake stale stamina stand standard standing standstill staple star starch stare start starting startle state stated statement static station stationary statistics statue status staunch stay steady steal steam steel steep steer stenography step stereotype sterile stick stiff stifle stifling still stimulate stimulating stimulation stimulus sting stingy stink stipulate stipulation stir stock stomach stone stop stopgap storage store storm story stout straight straightforward strain strand strange stranger strategic strategy stratify stratigraphy stratum stream street strength strengthen stress stressful stretch strictly stride strike striking string stringent strip strive stroke strong strongly structuralism structure struggle stubborn student studio study stuff stuffy stumble stun stupid sturdy style stylish subcontract subdue subject subjective sublimation submerged submission submit subordinate subscribe subscriber subsequent subsequently subsidiary subsidize subsidy subsist subsistence substance substantial substantiate substitute subterranean subtle subtract subtropical suburb succeed success successful successfully succession successive such suck suction sudden suddenly sue suffer suffering sufficient suffrage sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit suitable sum summer summit summon sun super superb superficial superfluous superintendent superior superiority supervise supervision supervisor supplement supply support supporter suppose supposed suppress Supreme sure surely surface surge surgeon surgery surmise surplus surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surrender surreptitious surround surrounding surveil surveillance survey survival survive survivor susceptible suspect suspend suspicion suspicious sustain swallow swamp swear sweep sweeping sweet swell swift swim swing switch syllabus syllogism symbol symbolic symmetrical sympathetic sympathize symptom synchronize syncope synopsis synthetic system systematic


table tablespoon tactic tail tailor take tale talent talk talkative tall tame tangible tangle tank tap tape target tariff tart task taste tasty tax taxation taxpayer tea teach teacher teaching team tear tease teaspoon technical technique technology tedious teem teen teenager telephone telescope television tell temper temperament temperate temperature tempest temporary tempt temptation ten tenacious tenant tend tendency tender tenet tennis tense tension tent tentative tenure term terminate terms terrestrial terrible terribly terrified territorial territory terror terrorism terrorist test testament testify testimonial testimony testing text than thank thanks that thaw the theater their them theme themselves then theology theory therapy there thereafter therefore these thesis they thick thin thing think thinking third thirty this thorough thoroughfare thoroughly those though thought thousand thrall threat threaten three thrift thrifty thrilling thrive throat throb throng through throughout throw thrust thump thunderstorm thus ticket tie tight tilted timber time timeless timely timid tin tiny tip tire tired tiresome tissue title to tobacco today toe together token tolerate toleration tomato tomorrow tone tongue tonight too tool tooth toothed top topic torrent torrid toss total totalitarianism totally touch tough tour tourist tournament tow toward towards tower town toxic toy trace track tractable trade tradition traditional traffic tragedy trail train training tranquil transact transaction transcribe transcript transfer transform transformation transfusion transgress transition transitory translate transmit transparent transplant transport transportation travel traverse treasurer treat treatment treaty tree tremendous tremor trench trend trial tribe trick trickle trigger trim trip triumph trivial troop tropical trouble truck true truly trust trustee trustworthy truth truthful try tube tumble tumultuous tune tunnel turbulence turbulent turmoil turn turnout turnover TV twelve twenty twice twin two twofold tycoon type typical typically